Although the school has changed its student council president, those things are not something to be surprised by the average student.

In particular, those things are actually far away from ordinary students, and they don’t need to be cared about.

If Haruki Yamauchi didn’t have the idea of climbing up and wanted to stop at Class D, it is estimated that Haruki Yamauchi’s performance at this time would be no different from those students around him.

Anyway, it’s all something that has nothing to do with them, it doesn’t matter what, they probably have similar thoughts.

That’s not to say that it really doesn’t matter to them.

The change of the student president represents a new student union and a new school rule, which is closely related to everyone.

It’s just that ordinary students just need to follow behind the class leader.

Other times, they tend to go with the flow.

Anyway, the decision-making of the class is enough to be handed over to someone who can really make the decision.

The average person doesn’t need to think much at all, that’s what they think.

Haruki Yamauchi was such a person, so he ended up being the first student in Class D to drop out. ”

Haruki Yamauchi remembered the plot he originally knew, and sighed slightly.

If you want to pretend to be an ostrich, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but when the danger really comes, it will depend on luck.

If you always hand over your life 600 to others, you will have a day when you can’t help yourself.

A few days before the midterm exams, Takeru Sudo’s suspension of classes ended, and he finally returned to Class D.

It’s just that, compared to the arrogant appearance on him before, the current Sudo Ken is completely silent.

It is estimated that he was locked up in the dormitory for a while to reflect, and Sudo Ken also understood a lot of things, and also had some insights that would only come to mind because he couldn’t go to class and couldn’t see other people.

As far as Haruki Yamauchi knows, Ken Sudo is in Class D and has become a scapegoat for the sports festival.

Almost everyone in Class D blamed Ken Sudo for Class D’s defeat at the sports festival.

Of course, on the surface, there is nothing wrong with thinking so.

The sports festival of Class D was messed up by Ken Sudo, and if he hadn’t been directly absent from the next game because of the conflict, what kind of results Class D would have achieved was really not certain.

Compared to the previous chaos caused by Sudo Ken, this time the reaction in the class was extraordinarily large.

One is that Sudo Ken is not as tough as he appears, at least he lost to Haruki Yamauchi.

The second is that at this stage, the people in the class have become more and more aware of the importance of class points, and they also have the idea of wanting to compete for more class points.

Only Ken Sudo is still unrepentant at this time, bringing all kinds of trouble to Class D, and of course everyone will be even more disgusted with him.

Although Goenji Rokusuke rarely participates in the affairs of the class, at least he will not take the initiative to cause trouble to the class, and he has some scruples.

Ken Sudo is different, as long as he gets angry, he will have no scruples, he doesn’t care about any consequences, he wants to vent his anger.

It is said that during the suspension of Sudo Ken, even his friends basically did not contact him.

This is actually quite normal, and the ones that Sudo Ken bullies the most are his friends.

In normal times, no one may pay much attention to it, after all, they are all friends.

But when you think of Ken Sudo’s actions at the sports festival, it becomes normal for everyone to stay away from him, at least in Haruki Yamauchi’s opinion.

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The so-called friendship, sometimes, will make people sacrifice each other, but sometimes, it will also become worthless.

In Ken Sudo’s absence, the people of Class D were already in the classroom, and he was judged again and again.

Now, even if Ken Sudo returns, not many people will come into contact with him anymore.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ken Sudo is now in Class D, and he is about to reach the point of hating ghosts.

If at this point in time, an internal vote is held to drop out of school, Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t have to think about it, it must be Ken Sudo who gets the first place in the elimination vote, and then he is expelled from school.

(DABD) No one is going to speak for Ken Sudo anymore.

Although Sudo showed great athleticism, instead of using this ability to contribute to the class, he caused trouble for the class again and again.

In this case, as long as you are a normal person, it is impossible to feel that the existence of Ken Sudo is necessary for this class.

In the past, Sudo Ken liked Horikita Suzune, but by this time, he was already too busy to take care of himself, and it was impossible to catch him again.

It can be said that today’s Sudo Ken has come to the lowest point in this school, almost to the point where he can’t turn over.

Occasionally looking back and seeing Ken Sudo’s lonely appearance, Haruki Yamauchi did have some thoughts in his mind.

The bell rang quickly, it was already time for the end of school, Haruki Yamauchi deliberately packed his things a little slower than usual before leaving, and after seeing Ken Sudo walking in front, he immediately followed.

When he got downstairs, some distance to the dormitory building, Haruki Yamauchi appeared behind Ken Sudo and spoke up.

“Would you like to find a place to talk?”

Ken Sudo glanced at Haruki Yamauchi and reacted quickly, he went straight to the stadium on the side, and Haruki Yamauchi hurriedly followed.

Almost some distance from the barbed wire fence in the stadium, Sudo stopped, threw his bag on a nearby bench, and leaned his back against a tree.

“You’re looking for me… Is there something going on?”

I always felt that Sudo Ken was much calmer than before, and Haruki Yamauchi confirmed this again, and then smiled.

“How do you know that there must be something wrong with me looking for you? Wouldn’t I have come here to mock you on purpose for the sake of the past?”

Ken Sudo shook his head dryly, his eyes full of certainty. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“You don’t do that, you’re not someone who does that kind of boring thing. ”

Haruki Yamauchi was speechless, his current image in the eyes of others is still very serious and decent.

There are pros and cons to this, but for now, there are more benefits.

After all, there will be no one who doesn’t like honest people, but likes people who have no bottom line.

For the most part, people who are clearly upright are more trustworthy, with some special exceptions.

Haruki Yamauchi nodded, agreeing with Sudo Ken’s explanation, and then looked into Sudo Ken’s eyes, indicating his solemnity.

“My purpose here is simple, to help you become a useful person. ”

“Useful people?”


Ken Sudo looked at Haruki Yamauchi with disbelief, as if he suspected that something was wrong with his ears.

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