The next day, Lin Xiajin's star network received a series of messages. It was the girl I met yesterday who wanted to buy her apples and asked how many she had.

Lin Xiajin didn't reply immediately, she came here to find Zhu Jingjing, let's talk about this kind of business later.

But this also let Lin Xiajin know that it seems that the quality of the fruit in her space is good, and it can still be sold at a high price. Now they are short of funds, and selling some fruits is also good.

Now that her space has been upgraded, it is comparable to a first-tier city, and there is a lot more space for planting. Not only that, but she also needs to fix some cars.

Little Yunduo can't be like her in the space. A thought can go anywhere in the space, and she can feel it in the whole space.

Now in space, Green Star and the others all need to drive a small Bengbeng car.

The space is so big, and there are only a few of them, and it looks very sparse.

When Lin Xiajin returned to Chenlanxing to hunt down a wave of zombies to find colorful crystal beads, so that more spirits could gather in her space.

Several people in the space were going crazy, only Xiaotuanzi nestled in one place motionless, Lin Xiajin looked over with spiritual consciousness, Xiaotuanzi's body had changed, and his body shape became even more shapely.

It seems that Xiaotuanzi is going to be promoted to Silver Eater. He got a lot of purple gold and black gold from Heitie, and this guy has swallowed most of it.

The wood elves are also expanding with the expansion of Lin Xiajin's space, but there are no earth-type crystal beads, and they are not planted in many places.

After going back, I will get more earth crystal beads, thinking that Lin Xiajin still needs a lot of things!

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo simply tidied up and left the room. They have already made an appointment for this morning, so they still need to go out early.

The two saw Wang Han as soon as they left the house. This guy hadn't slept all night. He had been looking for news about Zhu Jingjing, but he couldn't find it after almost a whole night.

A recovery specialist like Zhu Jingjing who was bought would not go to Yuesha Hospital's information.

"Let's go." Lin Xiajin said

Although Wang Han didn't sleep all night, he was very energetic, probably because Zhu Jingjing was supporting him.

Wang Han has some similarities with Xiao Nuo, that is, he is not good at talking, but he can do things. The relationship between him and Zhu Jingjing is more like that of a wolf and a little white rabbit.

The three of them headed straight for the hospital in the 'Baby Bus'.

There are many types of hospitals here, and they go to ordinary departments.

The bus sent them directly to the entrance of the hospital. When they went in, they would be scanned, but Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiajin blocked the outside, because only Wang Han was registered, so he was the only one who could enter. Of course, he could choose a person to accompany him.

Then Xiao Nuo could only accompany him, and Lin Xiajin could only wait outside, but both Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiajin had contact information, so they couldn't get lost.

Lin Xiajin transferred the rest of the money to Xiao Nuo, while she kept 10,000 interstellar coins.

Lin Xiajin watched the two people enter the hospital, while she waited at the door, but waiting was boring, so it was better to walk around.

So, there was a row of shops next to the hospital, all of which were selling natural sources. Seeing this Lin Xiajin was a little curious, so she went directly into the shop.

As long as you enter here, Lin Xiajin's identity information will be scanned directly. The shops here are all sold by intelligent robots, and there are almost no people in sight.

This is also a high-tech society. Machines replace human beings. The more developed the planet, the smaller the population. As people's genes improve, it will be more difficult for one person to have children.

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