Lin Xiajin entered the store alone, only her advanced genes were scanned by the robot. Lin Xiajin didn't know about it. In a high-tech developed area, it is not easy to protect privacy.

Lin Xiajin was somewhat curious about the source of nature sold in this shop. After entering the shop, there was only a row of transparent screens inside, and each screen displayed an item, and there were instructions below.

Lin Xiajin walked towards the first one curiously. Each screen was about the size of a tablet computer. The picture on it was a red fruit, which looked a bit like an avocado, but it was not green, but red.

Thorn fruit comes from Helka star, which is a very valuable nutritious fruit with a nutritional content of up to 8%, which is a great tonic for the weak.

Lin Xiajin looked at them one by one, and most of them were all kinds of food. This store sells pure natural food with high nutritional value. As we all know, nutrients are all extracts. Although they are nutritious, long-term consumption is still harmful to the body. influential.

Just like some poor people, they can only eat nutrient solution without money, which does not affect their daily life, but their physical fitness, including life expectancy, will be greatly reduced.

Lin Xiajin understands that these nutrients are like food with various preservatives added to them, and the products sold in these natural sources are all natural things.

Sure enough, all natural things are good, Lin Xiajin continued to look down at the prices, and the most common one was priced at 599 interstellar coins.

The most expensive one is 3999 interstellar currency, which looks like the size of a watermelon. This thing is really expensive, and the highest nutritional value is only about 50%.

Lin Xiajin hadn't tested the nutritional value of her space fruit, but thinking of the impatient look of the girl who bought it from her, Lin Xiajin looked at the price again, and Lin Xiajin instantly felt that she had sold it too low.

Lin Xiajin saw that there was a light curtain detection machine in the middle, so he walked over, took out the apple from the space and put it on.

Ordinary food detection is very fast, and the detection is completed in a few seconds, but Lin Xiajin's apple waited for almost a minute before it was detected.

Then Lin Xiajin looked at the machine, which showed that the place of origin was unknown, high-grade food, the nutritional value was as high as 90% and it contained 10% energy.

so tall? Lin Xiajin took the apple back and ate it casually. She saw that the highest nutritional value of 50% was already worth 3999 interstellar coins. Her apple is also a fruit with energy and nutrition as high as 90%. It is estimated that it can be sold for several thousand interstellar coins, right?

No wonder that girl couldn't wait to buy it from her today, her 100 interstellar coins are really sold less.

Lin Xiajin gnawed on the apple and continued shopping. She still didn't know that she had alarmed the store manager by uploading data so casually.

Lin Xiajin continued to browse other items. In front was the high-end VIP area. Lin Xiajin's genetic level was high, so he could also enter.

The VIP area can only be entered by people with a power level above level 5, and Lin Xiajin's space power level is exactly level 5.

Entering the VIP area is different. The price of everything here is more than 100,000 interstellar coins, and the shops next to the hospital are expensive.

Because the hospital is full of sick people, the products sold in this shop are all good for the body, which is naturally expensive.

Lin Xiajin saw a fruit worth 300,000 interstellar coins, which can improve the human body's genetic physique, and the effect of long-term supplementation is better.

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