But it's all on the screen, I can't see the real thing, I don't know how this thing is, but Lin Xiajin's heart is very moved because of her genetic quality, but the price is also very expensive.

Lin Xiajin continued to look down and found the heart of grass and trees. It was introduced on it. It came from a distant galaxy and was produced exclusively by the green plant star. It has strong vitality and can improve genetic physique and restore wounds. A heart worth 100 interstellar coins .

The number is displayed on the screen, and there are only two.

Lin Xiajin's eyes lit up when he saw this, a one million interstellar coin? There are many hearts of plants in her space, not only that, but also the hearts of plants bred by the plant elves.

Lin Xiajin is shaken by the millions of interstellar coins. She is too short of money now. Isn't she already rich? It's just that I don't know if it can be sold here?

When Lin Xiajin was thinking, a woman came down from the shop quickly. The wave curls were specially made by Yueshaxing.

The woman was very kind when she saw Lin Xiajin, and quickly asked what kind of food Lin Xiajin had just detected on the testing instrument.

"You mean this?" Lin Xiajin took out an apple and said

"Yes, yes, it is this one. The nutritional value of this test is very high, and it also contains energy. May I ask which planet did you get this from?" The woman asked a little excitedly.

Lin Xiajin looked at the woman's excited eyes, but she didn't speak, and the woman immediately said: "You tell us, we will give you a certain reward."

"Sorry, I'm sure I won't tell you about that planet." Lin Xiajin refused without even thinking about it. This thing was produced from her space.

The woman just checked Lin Xiajin's information and found out that Lin Xiajin came from Chen Lanxing, a novice protection period. Maybe this is Chen Lanxing's specialty?

The woman has already reported the news, and they will go to Chenlan Star to check after Chenlanxing is opened.

"That's it, can I leave you a contact information?" the woman asked

Lin Xiajin nodded, this is no problem, she can still sell this thing when she has no money in the future, and she still has a lot of things in her space.

"Do you accept this thing?" Lin Xiajin took out a small heart of grass and trees from the space.

When the woman saw this thing, she was stunned, and her pupils fell on Lin Xiajin's hand without blinking.

"This, this is the heart of grass and trees?" the woman asked in surprise.

"You, you just hold it in your hand like this." The woman's complexion changed drastically, and she looked terrified and wasted.

Lin Xiajin saw that the woman in front of her was so exaggerated, how could she hold it if she didn't hold it in her hand?

I can't blame the woman in front of me for being exaggerated, but it's very difficult to get their hearts of plants and trees, and these hearts of plants and trees need natural crystals to bloom, otherwise the energy of the hearts of plants and trees will overflow as time goes by, which is also a protection The energy of the Heart of Plants is, after all, one million interstellar coins. Not everyone can afford it.

And this kind of stock is not high, all their stores add up to only two, if you want to buy, you also need to make a reservation, so to speak, all the items in VIP need to be reserved, and all There are numbers.

"Do you accept this here? I want to sell this." Lin Xiajin said

"Take it back!" The woman was so excited that she couldn't speak, she just stared at the heart of grass and trees in Lin Xiajin's hand.

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