Lin Xiajin told everyone about what happened last night, and of course skipped what happened between her and Xiao Nuo.

"Mutated gecko? Amazing resilience?" Zhang Yuan said with a frown.

"King Kong Gecko!" Xin Li thought of something and said, this idea was similar to Lin Xiajin's.

It is very similar to the recovery ability of a foreign movie Wolverine.

"But its tail is its weak point." Lin Xiajin said.

"I hope we don't run into each other! The herd of mutated sika deer yesterday is enough for us to torment," Xin Li said.

Now the group of mutated sika deer are gone, but the closer they are to Lujiao Park, the more they will attract the group of mutated sika deer when they drive there.

Now it is not far from the airport, and it will take half a day to get there after eating and drinking.

"If that doesn't work, let's just walk? When we see a sika deer, let's crawl and walk." Zhang Yuan said.

The weakness of mutant sika deer is that they cannot see low and motionless objects.

"Otherwise, let's drive first to see if we can get rid of the mutated sika deer. If we can't get rid of it, let's go down." Lin Xiajin said.

After all, there is still an hour or two to drive, and the car is still faster. Lin Xiajin always feels that City B is too dangerous...

Mutated rats, mutated sika deer, and mutated geckos, I don't know what strange mutated animals will appear in city b.

These mutated animals are much more difficult to deal with than zombies.

Everyone nodded and didn't have any opinions. A few people walked out of the shop, and Lin Xiajin took out the tires from the space.

Zhang Yuan, Wang Han and Xiao Nuo all changed the tires.

Lin Xiajin looked around, wondering how the mutated sika deer emerged.

"Okay!" Wang Han said.

The three of them changed the tires very quickly.

"Brother Xiao, come on!" Wang Han said.

Xiao Nuo nodded and did not refuse, this police car is either automatic or purely manual, Wang Han's driving skills are good, but Xiao Nuo's drift once stunned him.

Xiao Nuo was driving the car, Wang Han was sitting next to him, Lin Xiajin and Zhu Jingjing were in the two rows behind.

"Hurry up, I see a mutated sika deer behind!" Lin Xiajin looked at the back, and came out from the alley next to the deer head, as if staring in their direction, but has not yet run towards them.

Hearing this, Xiao Nuo immediately ignited and started the car...

It's just... Xiao Nuo came up and directly turned the police car into a racing car...

Lin Xiajin saw the head of the deer moving behind and ran towards them, but Xiao Nuo's speed did not slow down.

Fortunately, this is a suburban road, although it is dilapidated, there are not many old cars, so Xiao Nuo can avoid it.

Lin Xiajin, Zhu Jingjing, and Xin Li all held onto the seat handles tightly, feeling that they were not riding in a car, but in a bazooka.

There was only a small gap in the car glass, but the wind coming out of it was so strong that I couldn't open my eyes. Zhang Yuan finally closed the car glass...

That's why it doesn't feel blown away.

"It's a mutated sika deer!" Lin Xiajin said, pointing outside.

There were still a few wandering zombies on the suburban road, and several sika deer rushed to bite the zombies.

It seems that there is a reason why there are so few zombies in this suburb. It is the good work of these mutated sika deer.

"He's coming towards us." Wang Han said.

Xiao Nuo frowned slightly, his eyes were unusually firm, and said: "Sit down."

Xin Li complained silently, already grasping the handle, how can I do it better?

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