If it was a straight-line speed just now, it would be very bumpy and rough, and the car would jingle everywhere...

Turning a corner from time to time, Lin Xiajin, Zhu Jingjing, and Xin Li's heartbeats accelerated.

Zhu Jingjing closed her eyes in shock, Lin Xiajin never thought that Xiao Nuo's driving would be so fierce.

There's a churning feeling in my stomach....

"The front is too bad, there are too many mutated sika deer!" Wang Han said.

Lin Xiajin slowed down, and looked aside to see a group of mutated sika deer running towards them.

Xiao Nuo directly drifted to a stop, and parked next to several dilapidated cars.

"Climb down and don't move." Wang Han said

Lin Xiajin hurriedly lowered her body, Zhu Jingjing only felt that she had been on a roller coaster just now, and now her mood has not calmed down.

Xin Li was not much better, her whole head was dizzy.

Seeing where Xin Li was still in a daze, Lin Xiajin lowered Xin Li's body.

A group of mutated sika deer ran over, suddenly lost their target, and circled around a few times, but there was no sign of leaving.

"What should we do now?" Zhang Yuan said, and then peeled off the car window to look outside. It was a group of mutated sika deer, and one of them was covered with pustules almost all over his body, which made Zhang Yuan feel numb all over.

"Wait for a while." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

After waiting for nearly 20 minutes, the mutated sika deer outside gradually dispersed, but there were still mutated sika deer wandering around.

"Let's crawl out, isn't it that they can't see it?" Lin Xiajin said.

Climb out from here, and then walk to the airport in less than two or three hours.

"Okay, I'll go down and try first." Wang Han said.

After speaking, Wang Han opened the car door lightly, and slowly got out from under the car door. The moment he opened the car door, one or two mutated sika deer were watching.

You need to be more cautious when opening the door. A door opened in the back row, and Xiao Nuo climbed out from the co-pilot in front...

Zhu Jingjing and Xin Li put on the backpacks they had pulled here before, and then slowly climbed out of the car...

A group of 6 people crawled slowly on the road full of cracks...

There is still a lot of dust, stones, various cracks on the road, and a lot of broken stones from zombies, and there is a rotten smell.

"There are crystal beads!" Lin Xiajin said with bright eyes.

It is estimated that some mutated sika deer fell out when they tore the zombie's head.

"There are also here!" Xin Li touched a crystal bead and said.

Several people lined up, climbing all the way to pick up crystal beads.

"It's so cool, it's for nothing." Zhang Yuan said excitedly, feeling similar to picking up money on the road before the end of the world.

They climbed for about an hour.

"I can't do it anymore, let's take a break." Zhu Jingjing said out of breath.

Lin Xiajin turned her head and saw that the mutated sika deer was far away, and several people stopped in place to rest.

Everyone drank water and ate chocolate to replenish their strength...

Lin Xiajin looked at Xiao Nuo's pale face, and then realized that Xiao Nuo had injured his shoulder yesterday, and it would take him so long to crawl.

"Xiao Nuo, is the wound on your shoulder open?" Lin Xiajin guessed.

Although Lin Xiajin's spatial water has the effect of promoting healing, yesterday Xiao Nuo just wiped some spatial water on his wound, and then Xiao Nuo put on clothes, and Lin Xiajin didn't know how he recovered.

"Ah, Brother Xiao is injured?" Zhang Yuan asked.

After hearing Lin Xiajin's words, everyone knew that Xiao Nuo was injured.

"Jingjing, help Brother Xiao heal." Wang Han hurriedly said to Zhu Jingjing.

"I'm fine, it's just a skin injury, no need." Xiao Nuo refused in a deep voice.

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