The heavy rain fell on her body, and she stretched out her tongue to lick her chapped lips.

The rain soaked her clothes and soaked her hot skin. She didn't know how long she lay in the rain until the rain gradually stopped...

"Peach, peach..."

Wang Taozi slowly woke up and found that he was already in the room.

"Brother Er Zhuzi." Wang Taozi opened his eyes and found that it was Da Zhuzi and Er Zhuzi. They had dark skin, unshaven beards, and greasy and long hair.

"You finally woke up. We saw that it was raining outside and the temperature was cooling down. We went out to fetch water and found you." Er Zhuzi said

"If it wasn't for this rain, you would have been dried to a mummified corpse outside." Da Zhuzi said.

Wang Tao saw that there were still a few people alive in the room, but they were not in a good state of mind.

"Miss Taozi, drink water." A little boy came over and said with a bowl of water.

Wang Tao still feels very uncomfortable when she thinks of what her mother said, but she can't watch her mother starve to death in the cellar.

"Where's my mother? Did you come out of the cellar?" Wang Tao stood up slowly, intending to go to the cellar to see the Queen Mother.

Da Zhuzi and Er Zhuzi looked at each other, and finally Er Zhuzi said: "Your mother ran out of the cellar, yelling that your brother is not dead."

"..." Wang Tao frowned. Her brother is obviously dead. If her brother was thinner, he might be able to survive, but the high temperature is not friendly to fat people.

"The green plants around this village are all withered. If you want to dig the bark, you won't be able to eat it." Da Zhuzi said.

As soon as the temperature dropped, they went out to find food. The land outside was dry and cracked, and there were even signs of desertification, so there was nothing to eat.

After the temperature dropped, they could only search for things from house to house, and some of the missing food had expired a long time ago, and some of them were even moldy.

After Wang Han repaired the air conditioner, the room was not so stuffy when the air conditioner was turned on. She is most afraid of heat in the third trimester of pregnancy.

In the evening, Xiao Nuo, Zhang Yuan, Ding Yunxuan and Lin Xiaran went to look around the village.

The door of their plane was dismantled, and only the superpowers of the power department had the strength to pry open the plane, and everything in the plane had been looted long ago.

There were not many supplies in the plane, most of them were leftover seasonings and some bagged food, and Lin Xiajin was too lazy to put them in the space.

The mountain springs in Huangshi Ancient Village are almost drying up, and the originally wide pool is now as shallow as a finger's depth.

There are even traces of a cut-off. This mountain spring has a history of hundreds of years. I didn't expect that after more than a month of high temperatures of more than 50 degrees, it would almost dry out.

I thought the rain was a good start, but it rained for a week and started to rain heavily.

The torrential rain was accompanied by strong wind and lightning. A large part of the house in front was knocked off by lightning. A dry old tree in the village was uprooted by the strong wind and swept into the air.

The water on the first floor had begun to flood into the house, and the men had to move to the second floor.

There are a total of four rooms on the second floor, which were originally shared by the four girls, but now they can only live together.

"We live in the village. There are mountains around here, so there must be no landslides."

"Zhang Yuan, can you stop the crow's mouth?" Xin Li said with a frown.

Lin Xiajin looked at the storm outside and it didn't seem to stop at all. Instead, it was getting bigger and bigger. Where can they move now?

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