Several people sat together to discuss countermeasures. If the storm keeps falling like this, not only the landslides, they may be submerged by the rain.

"Should we fly the plane and leave before the rain comes up?" Zhang Yuan said whimsically.

"The reason for flying the plane in the storm is that the plane crashes and people die?" Xin Li said speechlessly.

Aircraft cannot take off during thunderstorms, low clouds, low visibility, low-altitude wind shear, atmospheric turbulence, air jets, and icing!

Boom boom boom... Following a loud sound and the sound of clattering outside, several people hurriedly opened the door and looked out.

Part of the mountain visible to the naked eye landslides, and the residential buildings on the west side were buried.

"Zhang Yuan, you really are a crow's mouth." Lin Xiajin couldn't help complaining.

"Do we need to transfer too?" Zhu Jingjing couldn't help asking.

"Xiao Nuo, how sure are you of flying a plane in a storm?" Lin Xiaran turned to look at Xiao Nuo and said.

Xiao Nuo frowned and leaned against the door frame without saying a word, then looked at the rainstorm outside the window, was silent for a moment and said solemnly: "50%."

With a half chance, everyone is a little hesitant.

"Let's go! If we stay here and the flash flood erupts, we may all be wiped out." Lin Xiajin said heavily.

Natural disasters are more terrifying than zombies. Only in the face of natural disasters do human beings realize how insignificant they are in nature...

Those who show no mercy will be devoured by natural disasters...

"Xia Jin is right! It doesn't know how long it will take for the rainstorm to stop, and half of the mountain on the opposite side has collapsed just now." Xin Li said.

As soon as Xin Li finished speaking, with a loud bang, several residential houses that were built with earthworks collapsed.

"Let's go!" Lin Xiajin got up and decided.

Decided to leave without delaying for a moment, the girls packed up their belongings... Lin Xiajin's stomach was too big to hug Xiaoguai, so Lin Xiaran walked behind holding Xiaoguai.

It was raining too much outside, and his face was soaked and his eyes could hardly be opened.

The plane stopped in the square, and the door of the plane was opened. Fortunately, Lin Xiajin broke it back abruptly.

Everyone got on the plane quickly, Xiao Nuo, Wang Han, and Zhang Yuan hurriedly checked the plane's equipment...

"There is something wrong with the landing gear." Wang Han said.


The rocks in front of us can be seen rolling down with the naked eye...

Right now, we are racing against time to fight against natural disasters...

Xiao Nuo hurriedly started the plane, and the plane trembled...

Xiao Nuo frowned, Wang Han and Zhang Yuan were even more nervous, especially since Zhang Yuan's satellite positioning system was damaged, they could not see anything now.

This is a very test of Xiao Nuo's skills. This is a life-and-death skill. Otherwise, it will be buried by the flood, or the machine will be destroyed and people will die? ?

Humming buzzing... The plane started, but it still needs to taxi for a certain distance. The strong airflow driven by the wings and the storm caused the buildings beside the square to collapse instantly...


The plane finally took off, and the rocks rolled down the mountain with a rumble.

"There are still people down there." Zhu Jingjing looked at the people hiding on the roof outside the plane window and said.

"The plane can't stop now, and once it stops, it won't take off." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

They can't help those people. If they are submerged once the plane stops, they will be buried with them.

boom boom boom...

A loud noise was getting closer and closer, and the mountain spring burst out together with the rain. Lin Xiajin saw a huge water column spraying out from the mountain not far away, driving the rolling stones to rush down.

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