This is a mudslide. Once it is buried, I am afraid that it will only die. It is impossible to struggle out. The more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

The plane wobbled and finally took off. Lin Xiajin felt that they were safe, but those who stayed there might not be so lucky...

The torrential rain was getting heavier and heavier, Wang Tao and the others could only climb up to the top floor, but they lived in an important location in the north, and the water soon reached the top of the first floor.

They knew that it would take only a few minutes to get to the second floor, so they all climbed directly to the top of the building, and the rain was pouring on them crazily...

"What to do! The rain has no intention of stopping!" Da Zhuzi panicked.

There are not only them but also 2 middle-aged people, 3 elderly people and 2 children on the roof.

"Da Zhu, Er Zhu, you two don't mind me, you two think of a way to escape quickly, the mudslides on the mountain roll down and we can't escape!" An old man said.

"Mom, the two of us will definitely be able to take you away! Stop talking nonsense!" Da Zhuzi said.

The second pillar was a little hesitant. Seeing that the water was about to flood the first floor, the water would be as deep as his shoulders, and he might be able to escape if he hurried away.

The big pillar and the second pillar are both tall, so it would be scary for those children, let alone the old people who can't stand being soaked in the water for a long time.

"Brother, let's go quickly! If we don't go, we will be drowned here, let's go to the turret!" Er Zhuzi pointed to the turret not far away, which is the tallest building in Huangshi Ancient Village. You might be able to escape if you hide there Doomed!

"Okay, we are two tall, let's carry him over first!" Da Zhuzi said.

The two began to be carried one by one, the child was carried first, and Wang Tao was carried, and the rest of the elderly were carried last.

But as the water flow got bigger and bigger, when Da Zhuzi carried Second Aunt Zhang on his back, Second Aunt Zhang was washed away by the flood.

"Second Aunt!" Da Zhuzi wanted to go to rescue him, but the current was too fast, and Second Aunt was submerged in an instant.

Da Zhuzi could only watch Second Aunt Zhang die in front of his eyes.

The big pillar could only try his best to get to the turret at this moment, the water over there had almost submerged the first floor, and now he was thinking that the water flow was too fast, even if he wasn't paying attention, he would be washed away.


"Da Zhuzi, come and save me!"

There are three people left over there who are howling at the moment.

"Should I try again?" Da Zhuzi hesitated.

"Brother, let me go, you have already gone twice." Er Zhuzi said with a frown.

Several children were carried by the big pillars.

"No, neither of you can go!" said the old man on the side.

"Mom, then we can't just watch aunt and the others die!" Da Zhuzi said.

"No! The current is so fast now, what should I do if it is washed away? Now the water has not flooded to the second floor and there is still some distance to the roof!"

"Brother Dazhuzi, please save my grandma! I only have my grandma left." The voice of a child beside him was crying, and the rain and tears had long been mixed together.

Wang Tao will be leaning against the fence. At this moment, she has no strength in her body, but the rain keeps brushing against her body...

She is cold all over, I am afraid she is going to die here...

"Xiao Pi, you have also seen how fast the water is. If you go, you will probably be washed away. Don't you want your brother Da Zhu to die?" said the old man.

Whoever's relatives are distressed.

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