"Mom, what is that..." Xiao Baozi asked curiously.

Lin Xiajin hugged the little bun and looked up vigilantly...

A strong wind blew, the leaves fell, and from the light above came down a man in uniform.

"When you reach level four, you will be detected by us, and you can enter our Atlanta to work." The man said to Xiao Nuo who had successfully broken through the bottleneck of level three.

Lin Xiajin frowned slightly, why didn't anyone notify her when she was promoted?

Different treatment?

"Atlan?" Xiao Nuo frowned slightly, feeling that it was not a good job.

"I want to take them with me." Xiao Nuo said, pointing at Lin Xiajin, Little Baozi and Haifeng.

The man checked Xia Lin Xiajin with his helmet on, and said, "Your physical fitness is really good!"


They can detect it because the fourth-level absorption will cause the surrounding supernatural turmoil, but Lin Xiajin is in his own body, so there is no way to detect it.

"Yes!" The men did not refuse, for them they were all slaves, even if they became workers, it was the lowest level for them.

Lin Xiajin boarded the spaceship with Baozi and Blast Xiaonuo in her arms, and then they were imprinted with the genetic system and changed into low-level workers.

"What you are responsible for, you will know when you get to the central island base." The man didn't explain anything to the two of them.

Lin Xiajin knew that they would have no way to resist if they didn't go, at least not now! The space is being upgraded, and the little buns are still outside! She had to keep Xiao Baozi safe.

It seems that it takes less than a second to enter the spaceship and enter the center island base.

The two of them disembarked from the spaceship, and were changed into blue uniforms, but they were the lowest uniforms.

"If you work, the child needs to enter the dormancy cabin! This is the rule!" the man said.

Hibernation pod? what is that? Keep your body functioning into a deep sleep and reduce unnecessary communication.

Even though Lin Xiajin was reluctant, she could only do it, even her Gaifeng.

"As for this pet, we need to take it away for a full-body examination!" The man said indifferently, looking at Gai Feng.

"What else do you need to check?" Lin Xiajin frowned.

"You have to remember that you have become a worker in Atlanta, and everything must be based on the interests of Atlanta!" The man left after finishing speaking.

Gale was directly stunned!

"Blast!" Lin Xiajin clenched her fists tightly, she must bring back the blast!

Everything has to wait until three days later! The space upgrade was successful!

Their room has a total of more than 20 square meters, and everything is available! There is also a large sleep cabin in the middle, and they need to put the little buns into the sleep cabin when they go out to work.

They didn't even have time to rest at night, so they were called out to work. Their job numbers were N1399 and N1400 respectively.

"You are responsible for picking up the hatched dinosaur eggs. These dinosaur eggs cannot be screened by machines, they can only be screened manually." A man in blue uniform said to the two of them.

"Pick up the terror..." Lin Xiajin frowned slightly, and then suddenly had a bold idea...

Dinosaur meat has had such a great effect on her, so I don't know what will happen to the dinosaur eggs?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin's saliva couldn't help but stay! But psychological reason still prevailed!

Now that I’m here, I’m not familiar with everything, so I can’t act rashly!

They came to a huge primeval forest. It turns out that there are many dinosaur eggs cultivated under the center island base.

Moreover, these dinosaur eggs were not hatched by dinosaurs, but artificially cultivated.

A dinosaur egg is as big as three ostrich eggs. When they entered, they saw men in blue uniforms holding a huge dinosaur egg for transportation.

Here she also saw an acquaintance!

"Lin Hao!"

They are Chinese from the same planet as them!

"It's you!" Lin Hao was obviously very excited when he saw the acquaintance!

"I didn't expect that we could meet here again!" Lin Hao said with some emotion.

After a brief chat, Lin Xiajin also knew about this place, and he hadn't been here for a month or two.

Every day, I am responsible for the dinosaur eggs here, which need manual handling and artificial breeding...

"Come here, apart from carrying this, every day is very boring, and 24 hours a day, 20 hours of work, there is no time to practice!"

They are the lowest class of workers! Might as well be outside!

"Unless you can be promoted to a higher level after working for three years, you can be free."

"Otherwise, your ability level has increased!"

But there are only 4 hours of free time every day, and most of them choose games, because you can also play games to relax yourself in the dormant cabin here, which is almost the same as the real experience.

Therefore, most of their workers don't stop training, lie down on their own, and play games except for work.

In the end, Lin Hao advised them not to think about running away, because some people had escaped before and couldn't even get out the door!

The game time is relaxing every day, and I also specially told which game is fun, and they can be online together...

Lin Xiajin doesn't want to play games here! Thinking of her son spending 20 hours a day in the dormant cabin, she became anxious!

Fortunately, three days passed quickly, and her space was successfully upgraded.

"I'm sorry, baby! I kept you in the dormant cabin for the past few days..." Lin Xiajin looked at the little bun with some guilt.

Lin Xiajin hurriedly put the little buns into the space, and the space was upgraded again, this time the land area was increased...

"This space upgrade feels more like a small world."

It's like the dimensional world that the dryad said...

"Within the scope of space coverage, you can also move in reality!"

This is the space upgrade this time! It's like she has teleportation!

But it can only teleport within the area covered by its own space! But that's pretty good already!

Next, today Lin Xiajin not only transports dinosaur eggs, but also buckles one or two from time to time, seeking wealth and wealth...

I don't know when she will be discovered, but it doesn't affect her stealing dinosaur eggs.

When returning to the lounge at night, Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice, "I found a flying saucer transporting dinosaur eggs."

"Flying saucer? Do you want to leave with a flying saucer?" Lin Xiajin guessed Xiao Nuo's thoughts immediately.

"En!" Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

Although we can't open it, we can hide inside! Or hide it in a dinosaur belt and transport it out.

It's better than a lifetime of hard labor here...

"There's no need to hide the dinosaur eggs. I'll put you into the space. I'm teleporting, but I need to find Gale before I leave!" Lin Xiajin said.

Haifeng has followed her for a long time! Don't give up easily.


They are at the bottom level, and they need to go up to the next level if they want to check it, so they have a plan!

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