Before going to work the next day, the two of them killed a level 5 superhuman first!

Xiao Nuo unexpectedly used time imprisonment, Lin Xiajin teleported and killed him! But looking at Xiao Nuo's pale face, he knew that he had used all his strength.

After all, an ability user who has just been promoted to level 4 is taking a big risk against a level 5 ability.

Lin Xiajin quickly asked Xiao Nuo to absorb a diamond-shaped supernatural crystal to replenish energy.

The two of them used the genes of the supernatural beings who had just died to activate the teleportation, and directly entered the second floor. Because it was the time of the shift change, this was the time when the central island had the least number of people.

But the people here are also very leisurely, thinking that there is no danger...

What threat can a group of slaves pose to them?

But it was this kind of relaxation that gave Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo a chance.

"This place is too big, I don't know that Haifeng will be locked there." Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

The center island is a large base island.

"Go there and have a look!" Xiao Nuo pointed to a place not far away that said Teleportation Room.


There is no password on this floor, just swipe the gene card of the supernatural person they just named.

The teleportation chamber is a light curtain instrument….

"How does this work..." Lin Xiajin frowned, looking at the light curtain instrument, they were similar to technology novices.

Lin Xiajin was watching the wind at the door, Xiao Nuo was tinkering with the instrument, and after a while Lin Xiajin heard movement outside.

"Someone is coming!" Lin Xiajin said.

Originally, I wanted to hide in the space, but I also wanted to know how to use this instrument, so I hid.

A swipe card came in, it was a woman in blue, also a level 5 ability user.

The people in this central base island are generally level 5 abilities.

The people at the bottom are all level 4 abilities, and the gap between level 5 and level 4 is not a little bit. Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo are able to solve a level 5 ability user because of mutual cooperation and unexpected skills.

After all, no one can escape time imprisonment and teleportation raids...

The woman came in and didn't pay attention to anything else, but she immediately turned on the light curtain instrument.

"Xiao Bu, turn on the teleportation, the teleportation location is Planet 153 Base."

"The transmission has started, the countdown is 10 seconds." A cold electronic voice sounded.

The woman walked straight into the light curtain, and then she realized something was wrong, because she saw Lin Xiajin hiding behind from her current position.

"Yes..." Before she could finish speaking, she was teleported away.

"It was discovered." Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

"Xiao Bu." Xiao Nuo tried to call out.

"Hello." The electronic voice sounded.

"..." Is it that simple?

This is the most basic teleportation facility, so there are no obstacles.

"Xiao Bu, teleport to Blue Star." Lin Xiajin said tentatively.

"The teleportation has started, the countdown is 30 seconds!" The light curtain lights up...

Lin Xiajin was excited, they would be able to leave here and return to their planet, even if their planet is full of zombies, that's okay!

At least his hometown, but...?

Hayate it's still here!

"No! Let's go to Haifeng first!" Lin Xiajin said seriously.

"Okay!" Xiao Nuo nodded, and when the countdown ended and no one entered the conveyor belt, it was closed again.

Now it is good news, the teleportation room here can allow them to return to Blue Star.

The two came out of the teleportation room, silently remembered this place, and continued to search for...

They searched the whole floor, but they didn't find the shadow of Gale. Could it be that Gale is dead?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin felt a little sad...


When Lin Xiajin saw these three words, she felt uneasy.

The two looked at each other and entered the specimen room. There were all kinds of animals, most of them were dinosaurs.

Turned around and didn't find Hayate....

"Xia Jin...Suddenly Xiao Nuo stopped, with a hint of impatience in his voice.

Lin Xiajin turned her head and looked, it was Gale being soaked in a large water tank...

"Gust!" Lin Xiajin exclaimed.

He quickly broke the water tank, but at the same time the water tank also triggered an alarm, and Lin Xiajin couldn't care less about the pungent smell.

Directly bring Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo into the space...


"Gaofeng is dead..." Xiao Nuo said seriously, although he didn't want to admit this fact....

"No!!" Lin Xiajin was a little sad...

"Ao Hu~" Suddenly a weak voice came from Gale.

"He's not dead!" Lin Xiajin was overjoyed, seeing that Gai Feng still had a weak consciousness.

"Sister, quickly soak the blast in the spring water, maybe it can save its life!" Little Yunduo floated over and said.


The well spring water has been divided into two small wells by Xiao Yunduo, and Lin Xiajin directly put Gale into a small well to soak.

"Its physique is very weak. Fortunately, it has a gold-type ability and has absorbed a lot of gold-type energy."

The gold system is the strongest energy, otherwise others would have turned into specimens in it.

"What's wrong with the little wolf... Does it hurt?" Little Baozi looked at the little wolf distressedly and said.

"It was bullied by bad guys!" Lin Xiajin said fiercely. What she said about the physical examination at the beginning made her little wolf hurt like this.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin can't wait to rush out and kill him now! But her strong reason prevented her from doing so!

That person is at least a level 5 supernatural user, and if he wants to kill him, he needs to cooperate with Xiao Nuo.

Today I just solved a level 5 supernatural power user, and Xiao Nuo's supernatural power has not been fully recovered.

For the next few days, they stayed in the space, playing with Xiao Baozi, and telling stories to Xiao Baozi by the way.

There is no shortage of food in the space, and even if you can produce your own food, it will be enough to live here for a lifetime.

But human beings live in groups, and it is impossible for them to live in a family of three. Xiao Baozi needs to grow up and needs peers...

They want to return to society as much as possible.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo went out of the space, and found that the things here have been tidied up and the door has been reinforced.

Lin Xiajin first put Xiao Nuo into the space, and then teleported out of the gate, so as not to trigger the alarm.

But it was still discovered, and there was a sound of an alarm.

"Let's go!" Lin Xiajin said.

It would be over if they were found to stop them together, and the two of them ran directly towards the teleportation room.

"Xiao Bu, teleport the blue star." Xiao Nuo said quickly.

"The teleportation has been started, the 30-second countdown."

The door opened and it was a man in blue uniform. Lin Xiajin recognized this man at a glance. He was the one who came to pick them up that day.

"Damn it! You slaves! You still want to escape!" the man cursed.

Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiajin never talk nonsense! One was imprisoned in time, the other teleported to the man's back with a dagger, and stabbed the man's throat with a knife!

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