The animal mutation in Sha Yao City suddenly broke out, and the police force was insufficient, and they even asked other cities for help.

But just like the Xingyao City back then, the gates of each city had long been closed for fear of affecting themselves.

Many people died in Xingyao City because of the virus infection, so naturally Shayao City would not be taken care of.

A car with such a big target was driving on the road, and soon attracted a mutant cow with a huge body. Lin Xiajin would know how the cars next to him were broken!

"Get out of the car." Xiao Nuo said decisively.

Lin Xiajin teleported out directly, teleported to the back of the mutant cow, grabbed its tail, and pulled it back suddenly!

The size of this mutated cow is estimated to be 500 kg, and Lin Xiajin dragged it back for a long distance, at this moment Xiao Nuo also got off the car.

A cloud of lightning net directly wrapped the mutated cow...

The Zizizi mutant cow let out a wail, and then fell to the ground in pain. Black smoke from the electric shock was still rising from the mutant cow.

Lin Xiajin conveniently put the car into the space first, and if she encounters a mutant cow again and smashes the car they bought, she will be very distressed!

Sure enough, it is more cherished to spend money to buy.

Although the mutated cow was stunned by Xiao Nuo, it has not been electrocuted to death, mainly because the hard skin on its body has helped it block most of the power supply!

Lin Xiajin took out the dagger that Xiao Nuo gave her before she took it out of the space, holding the dagger and directly inserted it into the mutated head.

It's a pity that the dagger is too small and the cow's head is too big, so nothing can be found at all, and nothing can be found after barreling around.

"No..." Lin Xiajin was a little disappointed. He wanted to see if the virus mutated and would not produce crystal beads.

Could it be that crystal beads can only be produced if a virus mutates into a zombie?

Lin Xiajin fiddled with the dagger in the cow's head again, but nothing happened. Instead, the cow's head oozes viscous liquid all over the place.

These liquids have turned green. It is said that the blood of normal cows is red, but unfortunately the liquid of this cow is green.

Lin Xiajin took out the mineral water and rinsed the dagger, then fastened the dagger to his waist.

"Let's go!" Lin Xiajin said.

There is no crystal bead in this mutated cow, so Lin Xiajin doesn't need to do it!

Thinking that Blast has not been out of the space for a long time, since he recovered, he has absorbed a lot of gold-type crystal beads. Now Blast is as big as a tiger, and Lin Xiajin can even sit on Blast.

But right now, Haifeng is playing with Xiao Baozi on his back in the space, and it won't be too late to release Xiao Baozi after playing with Haifeng enough.

Not long after the two of them left, the cow that Lin Xiajin had already scooped up stood up unsteadily again.

The hole in the head pierced by the dagger still leaked green liquid, dripping down the eyes of the bull, not to mention how seeped it is.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo had no choice but to walk, and encountered two mutant cows on the road, but they were all released by Xiao Nuo's power grid.

"Let's go into the mall!" Lin Xiajin pointed to the nearby mall. If it's really such a mess, go to the mall to stock up on supplies!

She is very experienced in this! She is very excited to be able to stock up for free!

Although there are a lot of things in the space, who thinks there are few supplies? Of course, the more the better!

The gate of the shopping mall was open, the transparent glass windows were all broken, and there was a trampled dead body on the ground.

As soon as they entered the mall, they saw that the glass of the counter next to them had been shattered, and Lin Xiajin walked towards the supermarket.

There were still people with weapons in their hands in the supermarket. When Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo walked in, only a few people became vigilant for an instant, but they relaxed after seeing that it was a person.

"Quick, hurry up and get some food! Let's hurry home!"


Several people had big plastic bags in their hands, and there were no supermarket employees at the checkout counter.

The alarm devices on the big screens in the supermarket have been destroyed, and most of the items on the shelves have been taken away.

Lin Xiajin was not short of food, but instead went to the living area, Xiao Nuo watched the wind and released an electromagnetic field to destroy the surveillance.

What if they get back to normal in the future and they are caught by the police again? But this is really too much to worry about, the special police can't take care of themselves.

There were not many special police officers in Shayao City, and when the crisis became uncontrollable, they first chose to protect themselves and their families.

Now the outer area of ​​Shayao City has been completely abandoned, only the central area has not been infected, and the super-powerful light curtain has been opened.

In the urban area, the electricity will dry up soon, because all the electricity is used to protect the main city center.

These animal farms are established in the peripheral area, so the peripheral area where Lin Xiajin is located has become a disaster.

Most of the central city are those mutated pets. Although dangerous, most of the special police are also concentrated in the central city.

The animals in the outer city could not be controlled, so the main city directly turned on the electromagnetic light curtain, which caused many people living in the outer area to curse!

But no matter how hard the curse is, the main urban area still has no tendency to let go, and these mutated animals will continue to mutate over time...

There were also many outlying residents who clamored to open the city wall, so that they could not enter the main urban area to be protected, and they could also escape from Shacheng District.

Although there are beasts in and out of the city, it's better than a group of mutated animals in the outer city.

Despite the strong request, the tunnels in the outer city were still not opened. It was said that the special police in the main city had flown in high-end weapons to hunt and kill this group of crazy mutant animals.

If the city wall is opened and the mutated animal virus spreads out, and the wild beasts outside are infected with this virus, it will be an even greater disaster.

Some wild animals have attributes and abilities. Once infected, it may be a huge disaster.

Moreover, ordinary people in the outer districts also have supernatural powers, so the government of Shayao City encourages everyone to unite together, not to go out alone, and to fight against mutant animals together, and they will all be cleared up!

Lin Xiajin is also quite speechless about these, but most of the residents here have supernatural powers, but even though they stimulate supernatural powers, none of them have systematically studied them.

Only the special police and the police can learn it, and ordinary people can also practice it. Of course, only a small part, most of them regard supernatural powers as a convenience in life.

Moreover, the ability crystal is needed to improve the ability, and ordinary people will not spend so much money to buy the ability crystal.

But this time the outer area has become a disaster area, the food in the supermarket has basically been looted, and some bold people have also robbed some star coins.

However, the valuables in the mall have not been robbed, and even most of the power crystals are completely placed on the counter.

Maybe they just experienced a disaster, and the special police will come to eliminate these mutated animals soon.

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