But Lin Xiajin is not polite to this place, she and Xiao Nuo are not from this planet in the first place.

Moreover, this mutated animal is so crazy, it may not be able to be controlled in the future, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were planning to leave Shayao City...

They will not live here permanently, her friends and relatives are not here! And she will find them!

There are also mutated animals scurrying back and forth on the street that seem to be looking for something, and most of the residents are hiding at home.

Because an announcement has been issued on TV, requiring residents to stay at home as much as possible for safety, let alone travel alone!

They will send special police to eliminate mutant animals in the near future, but due to the large number of special police and insufficient special police, it will take a certain amount of time.

Now there are at least tens of millions of mutated animals, and now only some of them have broken into the urban area, causing serious consequences.

Just serious consequences? Lin Xiajin didn't believe it, after all, she had seen several gnawed corpses along the way.

"Ah!" Someone yelled downstairs.

It turned out that another mutated cow rushed into the supermarket, Lin Xiajin looked up, and this mutated cow was actually the one she had dealt with Xiao Nuo before.

There was a black hole grunting on the bull's head.

"It's not dead..." Lin Xiajin was surprised! Lin Xiajin clearly remembered that he had made a hole in the head of the mutated bull, and even stirred it a few times in order to find the crystal beads!

If it was an ordinary mutated beast, it would have undoubtedly died a long time ago. Why is this mutated cow so ferocious?

Mutant cows are rampaging on the first floor...

Bang bang...the counters and shelves were smashed to pieces!

"Ah!" Seeing such a horrifying scene, especially the bloody bull's head, a woman couldn't help screaming.

Instantly attracted the attention of the mutant cow.



Seeing this situation, some people fled around the mutated cow, but the shelves that the mutated cow hit were scattered all over the floor, just blocking the entrance of the supermarket.

Two people ran out from the cash register, and turned back in a hurry as soon as they ran out.

It turned out that there were 7.8 mutated cows popping up outside the shopping mall, and they were attacking wildly outside...

Attack whatever you see, attack without distinction...

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were hiding in the area selling daily chemicals, and two people had already run towards their area.

"The user you dialed is busy..." The woman kept calling with her mobile phone in her hand.

"I can't even make a call to the police! Doesn't it mean that the police force has been increased to eliminate these mutant beasts!" The woman spoke anxiously, with a very nervous expression on her face.

"Fuck! The group of special police probably went to the central area to protect the people there, who cares about the life and death of the outer city?" the man said sarcastically.

This is why people from the outer districts cannot squeeze into the central district!

The woman didn't say anything but was very disappointed, she might as well hide at home! It's just that the food at home is gone, so she ventured out with her boyfriend today.

The two people were facing each other, just bumped into Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo.

"The mutated animal is here, don't go any further!" the woman kindly reminded.

Lin Xiajin found that the women here seem to be kind? ? She has been reminded twice today.

"Thank you!" Lin Xiajin said calmly.

"Go! Go!" The man next to her urged her quickly!

There is actually no place to run inside. If you want to go out, you can only go out from the supermarket exit. There is no direct elevator to the second floor.

However, the supermarket on the first floor has a back door, which is an internal staff passage specially reserved for the convenience of entering and leaving goods.

Seeing that Lin Xiajin's things were almost collected, she was about to run to the employee aisle.

But the mutant cow in front was still raging, even a woman was overwhelmed by the shelves, and another man blinded the mutant cow's eyes with a knife.

There is also an ability user who should be from the fire department, and the fireball released is only the size of a ping pong ball.

Usually, it is more convenient for him to use it to light cigarettes for himself, and the small fireball has no lethality against the mutant cow at all!

"Leave me alone! Run!" said the woman who was pressed to the ground by the shelves.

The man didn't speak, and the small fireball ignited the plastic on the shelf next to it, and it started to sizzling.

The man threw fireballs at other flammable objects until his face turned pale, the power was overused, and the energy consumption made his face pale, and his forehead was a little cold sweat.


Fires broke out in various places in the supermarket, and white smoke began to come out, and the smoke immediately triggered the alarm.

Dididi... the alarm kept ringing, and the sprinkler head above started spraying water.

Caught off guard, both Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were drenched in water!

The mutant cow was also made even more frenzied by the sudden spray of water, attacking blindly everywhere...

The man took the opportunity to push the shelf away, but he couldn't! The two shelves were stacked together, and the woman was stuck in the middle.

"Leave me alone! Go away!" The woman was already desperate.

Finally, the man pushed the shelf through a gap by relying on his willpower!

"Quick! Climb out!" the man said with difficulty, and his face turned red with too much force.

The woman crawled out through the gap, and the man breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to put down the shelf, the mutated bull rushed over again...


When the huge shelf fell down, it actually fell on the man, but men are not as lucky as women!

The woman was not injured just being stuck between two shelves, and she was able to climb out when the man moved the shelves!

But the man's lower body was suppressed by the shelf...

The man grunted in pain and passed out on the spot...

"Ah Yo! Wake up!" The woman shook the man, but the man's lower body was pressed, and blood oozes out.

"Bang bang..."

Seeing the mutated animals colliding with each other and smelling the smell of blood rushing towards her, the woman didn't even look at the man, and ran away in fright.

Turning the corner, I saw Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo looking for the staff passage.

"Help! Help! Help my boyfriend." The woman seemed to have grasped at straws!

"..." Lin Xiajin looked at the woman in front of her whose clothes had been scratched, and the makeup on her face was already worn out for crying.

Lin Xiajin frowned slightly and didn't have a chance on the woman in front of her, but continued walking with Xiao Nuo.

Seeing Lin Xiajin ignoring her, the woman went straight to Xiao Nuo, thinking that Xiao Nuo would not be able to reject her as a man!

Who knew that before she caught the man, Xiao Nuo had already predicted her prediction! He dodges directly, leaving the woman empty-handed, and falls right in front of Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo.

"As long as you help me save my boyfriend, I can take you into the central city for protection!" The woman immediately offered her conditions.

Lin Xiajin frowned. She was going out of the city to what central area?

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