The fight ahead was fierce, and Lin Xiajin and his team hid behind.

"Some of them were injured, and a lot of blood was lost." Mu Xiaoguai saw through the power and saw everything present.

"How many were injured?" Lin Xiajin asked quickly.

"There are two!" Mu Xiaoguai said.

Lin Xiajin asked Mu Xiaoguai to point out the approximate location, and while they were fighting and someone was injured, she just went up to make up the knife at this time.

This point is tantamount to picking it up for nothing!

Lin Xiajin teleported over and killed the injured person first, and then Xiao Nuo and the others cooperated to deal with it.

Zhou Yingying has already set up the sniper rifle. To be honest, she is a little nervous. Although she has practiced a few times, it is the first time to shoot.

Everyone's participating equipment can clearly see the location, and when Lin Xiajin teleports and disappears in place.

Others are also ready.

Lin Xiajin teleported over and suddenly appeared in front of the injured person.

"You..." The man's pupils widened in surprise, without saying a word, he was shot through the chest by Lin Xiajin's laser sword.

If you can choose to participate in the competition, you will encounter this day, either you will be killed, or you will be killed!

Whoever has a soft heart will die. There are no such words as pity, soft heart, and human life here.

In some cases, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.

Just as Lin Xiajin stabbed the injured person to death, their points for Chen Lan increased by 1, and at the same time, the teammates of the dead person also found Lin Xiajin.

It's just that Lin Xiajin didn't stay much at all, and immediately teleported away after killing someone.

On the other side, Xiao Nuo, Wang Han, and Zhang Yuan attacked directly towards them.

Lin Xiajin solved another injured person.

Zhou Yingying turned on the sniper rifle. Although she didn't kill anyone in the first sniper, she also shot the person and seriously injured him!

There were 5 people on the opposite side, two of them were injured, and 2 of them were killed by several of them.

The remaining one was so powerful that he escaped.

But that person was also injured, Xiao Nuo and the others didn't chase after him, that person thought he could run away, and when he was complacent, a woman suddenly appeared in front of him.

This woman is Lin Xiajin!

"Teleport!" The man was killed by Lin Xiajin under surprised eyes.

The people in the two teams were all killed by them, and at the same time they got 5 points.

Now their Blue Star team has 11 points, and each point represents a life.

This also shows how cruel this ultimate level is! Don't know how many points to get to win?

After dealing with several people, Zhang Yuan and Wang Han were alert, Xin Li took Mu Xiaoguai, Zhou Yingying and Lin Xiaran followed.

Lin Xiajin took the lucky star from Lin Xiaran, and when she teleported to kill someone, she would give the lucky star to her brother or Xiao Nuo.

The participating watches showed that there was no one around, but they did not dare to be careless.

There are sniper rifles with a shooting range of more than 5,000 meters, just like Zhou Yingying got this sniper laser gun with a shooting range of 2,000 meters.

Their participating detection equipment only has a distance of 1,000 meters around.

They can sneak attack others, and of course others can sneak attack them too, so be careful!

Lin Xiajin stripped off the equipment from several people, basically the defensive suits were useless if they were dead!

These few people were really poor, they didn't have any useful equipment, and everyone didn't have any ink marks. They had nothing to use, so they hurried on their way as soon as possible.

"While we are rushing like this, we will still encounter troubles when we encounter them. After five days, we will not be able to enter the safety circle at all." Xin Li sighed.

Now they can only hope that they can encounter reliable cars on the road, otherwise they will end up killing bloodthirsty monsters and crawling into the circle in embarrassment.

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