Now everyone just hopes that they will not encounter other things on the road, and it is best to find a car that can enter the safety circle smoothly.

Unfortunately, things always backfire.

Lin Xiajin and the others didn't find any car, they could only walk with their legs, their adults were alright, but Lucky Star was always hugged.

Mu Xiaoguai is still young, and after walking for so long, his legs are sore. Occasionally, Lin Xiaran and Zhang Yuan will take turns carrying Mu Xiaoguai on their backs.

This stamina potion is like a stimulant, which can make them full of energy, but their bodies are still tired, especially their feet.

"My feet hurt when I walk." Zhou Yingying couldn't help complaining, not only her, but even Zhang Yuan and his men also had a little pain in their feet.

Lin Xiajin took out apples from the space, and everyone ate an apple.

The crispness and sweetness of the apples also has a warm current, which makes them feel more comfortable.

"My energy has almost recovered." Lin Xiaran said.

Everyone was happy when they heard Lin Xiaran's words.

They can only rest for a while when Lin Xiaran comes out of the car!

Lin Xiaran got out of the car, and everyone sat in the car, and then they felt comfortable.

Everyone is leaning on the car, the means of transportation is really very important! Fortunately, my brother is concrete, so they can have a car ride, but there is a time limit just like riding a rocking car.

The rocking car needs to be recharged with coins, and the car they are riding in needs to wait for Lin Xiaran to recharge its energy.

When she gets in the car, Zhou Yingying will accelerate the car so that the speed will be faster.

Everyone's mood will be better only when they are sitting in the car.

Suddenly Lin Xiajin frowned, and Lucky Star suddenly started crying. The little guy is usually very well-behaved, but this time he suddenly started crying.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xiajin quickly hugged Lucky Star.

"Sister Xia Jin, there seems to be someone over there." Suddenly Mu Xiaoguai's words made everyone nervous.

"Not good! Turn around quickly!" Lin Xiajin turned her head and saw the red dot on Zhou Yingying's body, which was the aiming point of the laser gun.

Lin Xiaran turned quickly, but a laser shot over, directly piercing Zhou Yingying's shoulder.

Fortunately, Zhou Yingying had a protective suit, but she couldn't avoid being injured.

The wound of the laser gun was not like other muzzles, it was hot, and a burning pain hit Zhou Yingying.

"It hurts!" After a while, Zhou Yingying's brows were already covered with fine sweat.

"Yingying!" Seeing that Zhou Yingying was hit, Zhang Yuan immediately put Zhou Yingying in front of him.

Lin Xiaran's reaction was quick, and several stone walls immediately formed around her, blocking the other party's sight.

They were the ones who attacked others last time, and this time it was their turn to be attacked.

Everyone didn't dare to be careless, Lin Xiajin quickly took it out of the space to restore the liquid, and said, "Zhou Yingying, drink it quickly."

Zhang Yuan took the recovery liquid from Lin Xiajin, and quickly gave it to Zhou Yingying to drink. The recovery liquid was really curative. Just after drinking it, Zhou Yingying could no longer feel the pain.

Everyone hid aside under the cover of the stone wall made by Lin Xiaran.

Xiao Nuo turned on the competition watch and checked the surrounding instruments.

"No." Xiao Nuo frowned.

"It may be because the distance is too far, or the level of equipment is higher than ours." Lin Xiajin said

Lin Xiajin could still see the laser red dot on Shi Qiang.

Zhou Yingying has recovered more than half of her recovery after drinking the recovery liquid.

"The defensive suit is damaged by 50 percent." Zhou Yingying said distressedly.

She was also wearing defensive clothing, otherwise the shot would have killed her directly.

"There is still space, and I will change to another set when it is safe." Lin Xiajin said

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