Lin Xiajin is fine, she swallowed a few energy eggs and found that it can indeed improve her body's cell quality, but there is an upper limit every day, and she can't swallow too much at a time.

Lin Xiajin felt that it was almost done after swallowing 5, so she didn't continue to swallow. Now she is full of energy.

If the big monster continues to follow, Lin Xiajin is very confident in fighting it! This is the self-confidence brought to her by the abundance of energy. Before that, they were still very worried about the monster's lock.

"Look at the information sent by the participating equipment! My God! This is too much!" Zhou Yingying couldn't help cursing when she saw the entry information!

This entry information device is too stupid! This rule! It feels like I'm playing them with my life.

Everyone heard Zhou Yingying's voice and looked at the participating equipment quickly. Just now, everyone was immersed in the feeling of improving their strength, and did not check the information of the participating equipment immediately.

"The last time the safety circle narrowed, it was all due to luck." Xin Li said with a frown.

The final narrowing circle must be so weak that it must be very large, and it is too late for them to hurry.

The last is point overlap, which means that if you kill a whole group, you can plunder all the points of the other group.

That is to say, if someone else's team kills them all, then their 960 points will all belong to the other party, but if there is only one person left in the team, then it cannot.

In this case, team dispersion is the most correct choice.

"Do we have to separate?" Xin Li frowned slightly. Although the danger of separation would be greater, it was indeed the best choice.

For a while, no one was talking, and there was a little silence in the air, as if they were waiting for someone to speak.

If it is such a rule, everyone knows that separation is the best choice, to preserve strength, so that the team will not be wiped out by the entire army.

"We can't separate." After a long time, Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

"That's right, we won't be separated, we will win together, we will die together." Zhou Yingying said with a serious face.

Although the words are a bit dignified, to Zhou Yingying they are a team.

"No separation." Wang Han also said silently.

Even if they are separated and cannot be grouped, everyone is their inseparable friend.

They are not like other teams, they are friends of Chen Lanxing who have come all the way, they have relatives and friends.

During this process, they ran into each other and separated again. No one can tell their experience, from being suspicious at the beginning to being sincere to each other later.

Lin Xiajin has always believed in the feelings of running into each other, and they never left each other behind every time they experienced life and death.

In the face of interests in life and death, there is something more important, and that is feelings.

Perhaps at the beginning, Chen Lanxing's zombies were in danger, and people's interests and selfishness were magnified wirelessly. Those who obeyed their family ties became the first group of people to die.

On the contrary, those people with moral collapse, interests, and selfishness survived, but they did not live like this for long.

The human body is a social animal, and it will not last long for a single person to survive. Even if you are strong enough to survive in the last days, you still have to endure loneliness!

But people usually can't stand loneliness.

Everyone's decision is not to separate, how could they separate after finally getting together here? Moreover, now that their strength is getting stronger and stronger, grouping together may be able to win.

"Now we don't need to snatch other people's points, we just need to guarantee what we have now." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

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