They are now ranked in the top 100, as long as they ensure the current nouns, they don't need to be higher.

Although Lin Xiajin remembers that there are special rewards for the top three, and even the lifespan of teammates will be increased individually.

What they can do now is to maintain the status quo.

After this entry information comes out, the entire participating teams will definitely be even crazier, especially when encountering the top 100 teams, as long as they completely eliminate one team, their points will be enough to enter.

Everyone seemed to be able to predict the madness of the next time, and this was probably the scariest period in their history!

"We all have to return to Chenlan Planet alive and rebuild our planet." Lin Xiajin said to encourage everyone.

"Well! Go back! The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse. Although this analogy is not good, Chenlanxing will always be our home!" Zhou Yingying also said.

"When we go back, we will beat those zombies to the ground!" Xin Li also said.

Their current strength is not what it used to be. Now I am afraid that one person can defeat most of the zombies when they go back, let alone they have high-tech weapons.

"Chen Lanxing might be the only ones of us in the future." Zhang Yuan suddenly thought of Chen Lanxing's tragic situation. After eliminating the zombies, will they be the only ones left?

"That's not necessarily true, maybe there will be other survivors?" Xin Li said.

"I don't know what happened to Ding Yunxuan, and I don't know where he was arrested." Zhou Yingying thought of this senior brother.

Back then Ding Yunxuan and his girlfriend Zhao Rui were also taken away, but they were exiled to Black Iron Star.

Although Ding Yunxuan, Zhou Yingying and Lin Xiaran were all brothers together, Lin Xiajin had a good impression of Ding Yunxuan at first, but after his ex-girlfriend Zhao Rui appeared, Lin Xiajin hated him.

"I hope he can do well too." Zhou Yingying said silently, after all, Ding Yunxuan is also her senior brother.

A few people are not talking, ready to go, they can't stay here anymore, the first is the lock of the monster, and then the pressure of shrinking the circle.

I don't know where the circle will shrink. At this time, it's all about luck, but it's not wrong to go more to the center!

"There is still an hour." Lin Xiajin looked at the time.

Lin Xiajin looked behind but did not find other people, and did not know how the monster locked them.

Everyone was on their way nervously, and they also met another team, but there was no fight, the two sides just tried it out, and then quickly evacuated.

Everyone is paying close attention to reducing the scope of the circle, because this is the last time to reduce the scope, and the two sides will only lose if they fight.

Lin Xiajin and the others don't want to fight, but the reality is skinny.

A big bag suddenly bulged on the path in front of them, and half of them crawled out from the ground.

"She's here." Mu Xiaoguai saw the monster nervously hiding behind Xin Li.

This time the monster crawled out from the ground, and when the whole body came out, it became obviously stronger, with muscles visible to the naked eye.

Such an obvious difference was not only discovered by Lin Xiajin, but also by others.

"Did this monster become stronger!!!" Zhou Yingying asked with a look of horror in her eyes.

It has become stronger!

"Xin Li, Zhou Yingying, take good care of the two children," Lin Xiajin said hastily.

"Okay." Although Xin Li was flustered, he had to calm down.

Lin Xiajin is even more dangerous, the more dangerous he is, the more he must learn to be calm and composed!

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