It takes 5 days to fly the spaceship. Lin Xiajin thinks it is very far away, but in fact it is not too far. The closest distance to drive the spaceship is at least three days.

Lin Xiajin's spaceship is still a medium-sized spaceship. If it is an ordinary spaceship, it may take 10 days to travel.

The spacecraft is directly on autopilot when it is turned on. These five days are considered easy, but a little dull.

Wang Han's whole mood was on Zhu Jingjing. Since that day, Zhu Jingjing has never responded to the news, which made Wang Han very worried.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo are studying the star network. After watching it for the past few days, they feel that the star network is too powerful. To be precise, it is the entire galaxy.

It's more chaotic outside the galaxy, and I'm glad they entered the galaxy. There are star police, like outside the galaxy. If a planet is found, other planets will seize resources. Simply put, it can be summed up in four words.

The weak eat the strong!

Although there is no such thing as plundering planets when entering the galaxy, there is no doubt that it is easier for those with good resources to obtain them.

"If our planet wants to develop, we must contact the outside world, but now our planet is full of zombies." Lin Xiajin sighed.

"Zombies are also a kind of wealth." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

Lin Xiajin's eyes lit up when he heard Xiao Nuo's words, it's true that those people changed their planet into zombies, isn't it just for Jingzhu?

Now that their planet has entered the galaxy, after the overall upgrade, the zombie energy crystal beads will also be upgraded.

"That's right, when we go back, we will harvest a wave and try to find a way to collect interstellar coins. We don't have any money now." Lin Xiajin said.

They are all poor now.

Lin Xiajin chatted with Xiao Nuo, thinking about how to earn some interstellar coins.

Suddenly, the entire spacecraft shook and slowly stopped.

"What's going on?" Lin Xiajin asked with a frown.

"It should be the star thief." Wang Han said with a frown, he had experienced this before.

"Star Thief? Isn't there a star police in the galaxy?" Lin Xiajin frowned slightly, thinking that they, Chen Lanxing, were only policemen but also committed crimes.

Thinking about it this way, the outside of the galaxy is even more chaotic. After all, there is no control. If you commit a crime in the galaxy, if you are caught by the star police, you will be sentenced to exile, or to the star field.

There is crime everywhere.

"This spaceship is newly registered. It must be those newly arrived planets. Even if we rob it, they have no way to call the star police." On another spaceship, a person covered in red said.

They specialize in robbing the spaceships on the newly arrived planets. After the planetary protection period, these planets will also be robbed from time to time.

Even if there is a star police, but there are so many tasks of the star police, it is impossible to take care of them all at once.

"The scan shows that there are three of them in total, and the spaceship is actually a B-class spaceship, which is more advanced than ours. This is a profit." Another man also said excitedly.

"We can only stop supplying them for 15 minutes, and deal with them as soon as possible within 15 minutes. We only want to grab the spaceship and don't hurt people."

"Understood, Brother Tian." Several younger brothers responded.

If you are caught by the star police for robbery, you will be warned and fined. If you kill someone, you will be sentenced to exile or imprisonment.

Soon, Lin Xiajin's spaceship was besieged by two spaceships.

"Listen up, people inside, as long as you get out of the spaceship, we won't hurt your lives."

"We just want money and don't kill people."

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