Lin Xiajin looked at Wang Han, unexpectedly, Wang Han was right.

Encountered star robbers just after coming out?

The energy of the spacecraft is frozen, and they don't know how they got it.

"Let's put on the defensive suit first," Wang Han said.

If they don't wear protective suits, they will float in the void when they get out of the spaceship. Without oxygen for a long time, they will be hypoxic.

Only people whose body genes exceed level 5 can walk freely in the void, of course like Lin Xiajin whose body genes have reached level 7!

I knew that body genes are more difficult to break through than abilities, and abilities can be improved, but genes are all inherited, and only a very small number of people have genetic mutations to improve their genetic level.

Lin Xiajin could walk out of the cabin without wearing the protective suit, but she still put on the protective suit.

The robber's voice made them rush out of the cabin, and it was the first time that Lin Xiajin and the three had encountered such a situation.

"Let's go out of the cabin to have a look." Xiao Nuo said

The three of them got out of the cabin, and the feeling of floating made the three of them a little uncomfortable. Floating in space was unimaginable before, but now they have done it.

"There is no way to control the body." Wang Han said with a frown

They are all wearing ordinary defensive suits. If they want to walk in space, they need special equipment. Unfortunately, they don't understand it yet.

But Lin Xiajin is fine, she was able to fly, she was able to block gravity on the planet, now she has no resistance in space, but is more flexible, not only flexible, her speed is also much faster than Ben.

The spaceship in front of them suddenly protruded a huge suction cup, trying to suck on their spaceship, but how could Lin Xiajin easily let these people snatch their spaceship away, which is now their only means of transportation.

Lin Xiajin grabbed the suction cup with a teleport, and she grabbed it vigorously along the suction cup, and the entire spaceship was shaken by Lin Xiajin.

"This woman has a power-type ability, and the person who can grab the spaceship with bare hands must be a power-type power user of at least level 6." The spaceship man said nervously

As Lin Xiajin tugged hard, the entire spaceship made a buzzing sound.

"No, if this continues, there will be problems with the fuselage of the spaceship."

"What are the third and the others doing? Are you watching from the sidelines? Tell them to fire laser cannons." The man cursed

"Laser cannon, won't it kill people?" Another man said cautiously

"If she drags it down like this, our spaceship will have to be scrapped." Before the man finished speaking, he beeped.

The entire spacecraft suddenly turned black, buzzing, and sparks began to appear outside.

"The magnetic field of the spaceship's power supply has been disturbed." The star thief who controlled the spaceship said nervously

Outside, it was Xiao Nuo who directly released the lightning ability to interfere with these spaceships.

Outside, Lin Xiajin didn't intend to let the two spaceships go, if he wanted to snatch them, he had to pay for them! Lin Xiajin and the others happened to be short of transportation, these two spaceships are good.

The spaceship was disturbed, Lin Xiajin teleported directly into the cabin, opened the cabin abruptly, and then all 4 people inside rushed over, but they were all 4th and 5th level supernatural beings, and they were quickly cleaned up by the three of them.

"You can't kill us. If you kill us in the galaxy, you will be exiled by the star police." One of the men was punched by Lin Xiajin until he vomited blood, and said in horror

Because Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo didn't show mercy, the three of them were seriously injured by Lin Xiajin.

"It seems that there is such a rule? But killing people in self-defense is not illegal!" Lin Xiajin said with a smile, but it looked very scary to the star thieves.

There were 7 star robbers in the two spaceships, three were seriously injured by Lin Xiajin, two were stunned by Xiao Nuo, and only one was slightly injured.

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