Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 13 Abbot Island

Luo Hu's secret method is very fast, as if teleporting across space, three breaths is to pass his news to the ears of the demon ancestor in the sky.

The Demon Ancestor of Heaven who was on Mount Sumeru suddenly opened his eyes. If Rahu is not on Mount Sumeru, he must be here.

After all, Mount Sumeru cannot live without the quasi-sage and power.

"The Taishang and the others are in danger? How is it possible? In today's prehistoric world, as long as Hongjun doesn't make a move, who is still their opponent!" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor was full of doubts and incomprehension.

If it weren't for what Luo Hu said, he would never think that they were in danger.

However, since Luo Hu said it, it is obvious that they may be really in danger. The Heavenly Demon Ancestor didn't think much about it, and Dang even left the palace, preparing to go to the direction of the south of the prehistoric.

But at this time, four figures flew over, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven saw it, and was overjoyed immediately, because Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong had returned.

When he saw that Ao Zheng was seriously injured, the face of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven became terrified. Ao Zheng was Luo Hu's mount and was injured by someone. Isn't this slapping Luo Hu in the face?

"What's going on with Ao Zheng?" The Demon Ancestor of Heaven said coldly.

"Master, in order to save us, Ao Zheng entered the big formation, but there is a fierce beast in the big formation, and it is a fierce beast in the quasi-sage realm. Ao Zheng's right arm was bitten by that fierce beast. Come down." Sun Yuan said.

"Fierce beasts?" Ancestor Cangtian Demon was puzzled. Didn't all the beasts have been killed when the beasts measured the calamity?

How could there be a beast? It turned out to be a ferocious beast in the realm of quasi-sages!

You must know that the body of the beast is extremely powerful, and the beasts of Daluo Jinxian are already very powerful. If it is a beast of the quasi-sage level, its power is unimaginable.

"Tongtian, where's your senior brother?" Cangtian Demon Ancestor asked.

According to Luo Hu's summons, the Taishang should be in danger. Ao Zheng even broke his left arm, and Luo Hu didn't mention it. Obviously, the danger facing Taishang may be death!

There was some worry in Tong Tian's brows, at this time, the Taishang and Taiqing might be fighting each other!

"Where the big brother stayed in the big formation, it should be to deal with Taiqing." Tong Tian said.

The face of the demon ancestor in the sky changed. The Taishang didn't know the power of the beasts in the quasi-sage realm, and it was difficult to resist the beasts in the quasi-sage realm.

"You take Ao Zheng into the back mountain to recover from his injuries."

After the Azure Demon Ancestor finished speaking, he quickly left. He wanted to quickly feel that if the beasts in the south of the prehistoric and quasi-holy realms went mad, even he would be hard to deal with!

Don't let the Supreme Master fall somewhere, if the head of the Demon Dao falls at this time, it will be an extremely huge blow to the Demon Dao!

I'm afraid that the magic way will be similar to the current situation of Xuanmen, and the luck will also be loose.

Especially if the Taishang is in charge of the Shimo Seal, if it is lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

The Demon Ancestor of Heaven flew with all his strength and flew towards the south of the Great Desolation.

At this time, Taishang, Taixuan, and Queen Mother of the West had just flown over Mount Buzhou, and were rushing towards Mount Sumeru. There was a huge beast behind them.

"Eldest brother, if this continues, we will be overtaken in less than ten years, and it may take hundreds of years to return to Mount Sumeru!" Taixuan said.

Taishang nodded, the speed of this beast is too fast,

Much faster than them, if they hadn't left early, I'm afraid they would have been caught up long ago.

On the body of this beast 'Chaos', Taishang felt the danger of death, if he stopped, he would definitely be swallowed by this beast!

Facing such an existence, the only way is to escape. If you want to escape and deal with it, you must at least become a quasi-sage and great power, otherwise, what deal with it!

Your attack can't break through other people's defense at all, and their attack is directly devouring, you can't even dodge!

"Wait a minute, if you can't escape, I'll hold you back, and you go to Mount Sumeru to invite your uncle." The Taishang reckoned that Luo Hu might not be at Mount Sumeru at this time.

When Taixuan and Queen Mother of the West heard this, they both understood what Taishang meant. This was not at all asking them to send reinforcements, but to delay them.

One must know that in the face of such a ferocious beast, Taishang simply cannot persist for too long, even if the Heavenly Demon Ancestor is invited, the Taishang cannot persist until the Heavenly Demon Ancestor arrives.

So what Tai Shang did was delaying time for them.

But Taixuan and Queen Mother Xi didn't say anything, and sometimes, it's not practical to say it.

If they are really chased by fierce beasts, they will definitely stay and face the Taishang together, and they will not run away!


Above the East China Sea, after Luo Hu passed the sound transmission to the Demon Ancestor of Heaven, he didn't care about the affairs on the mainland.

Even if you go, everything is over.

Luo Hu felt an aura above the East China Sea. This aura was very strange, but very powerful!

It seems that a thousand years ago, there was a powerful person who walked here, not flying away, but fleeing from the void.

Luo Hu's divine sense entered the void, followed the breath, but found that the breath had entered the Great Desolate Continent.

"Could it be that there is hidden power in the prehistoric world?" Luo Hu couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Ancestor Shi Chen, Ancestor Yin Yang, and Ancestor Qiankun already have enough hidden powers, how could there be more? After all, so many Chaos Demon Gods died back then.

Even those who did not perish, they all went to the depths of the chaos, and only a few entered the prehistoric.

"Dare to enter the Great Desolate Continent at this time. It seems that the cultivation level is not low, and it should be the pinnacle of the quasi-sage. As for the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it should be impossible."

Luo Hu thought in his heart.

If it was Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, I am afraid that he and Hongjun would be found first, and then beheaded.

After all, as long as Luo Hu and Hongjun die, whoever has the biggest fist in this prehistoric world will have the final say.

So Luo Hu dares to conclude that this mysterious power has not reached Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and Luo Hu has already guessed about this mysterious power!

Luo Hu followed the breath to find the source. At this time, the mysterious power was not there, and Luo Hu wanted to visit his ashram, maybe there was something he wanted.

Although this move is somewhat inappropriate, but he is the ancestor of the devil, so there is no need to worry about anything.

With the existence of breath, even in the void, Luo Hu can find clues.

That mysterious power underestimated the prehistoric power, and Luo Hu's power was underestimated, so that mysterious power did not erase his aura.

Luo Hu followed the breath and came to the East China Sea, a place near the East Pole.

Looking around, there is nothing special about the boundless sea!


This is the source of the mysterious and powerful aura, and there must be something special here.

Luo Hu felt that as long as he found the source and entered this powerful dojo, he could confirm the guess in his heart!

Rahu sat cross-legged, letting his spiritual thoughts merge into the void as much as possible, and then came to explore any place in a radius of ten thousand miles.

How powerful is the divine mind of the quasi-sage peak, under such a powerful search by Luo Hu, even the things in the cracks in the void cannot escape Luo Hu's eyes.

Luo Hu stood up, took a step forward, came to a surface of the sea, stretched out his hand gently, and a strange thing happened.

The hand disappeared, but Luo Hu could still feel the presence of his hand.

"Two different time and space?"

Luo Hu was startled, what kind of power could display such a powerful supernatural power, turning one place into two different time and space!

Originally, Luo Hu thought that this mysterious power might be the Demon God of Karma!

But it should not be the case now, the Karma Demon God is not yet capable of deploying such supernatural powers!

Two time and space, even Luo Hu who comprehend the three thousand laws, can't arrange it, no, even if he has the Kunlun mirror, he can't arrange it!

This requires not only comprehension of the laws of space and time, but also the control of another law. Luo Hu's face was a little ugly.

If it is really that person, Luo Hu's future layout may be disrupted!

Luo Hu took a step forward and disappeared over the East China Sea.

When it reappeared, it was a boundless island, and Luo Hu felt the aura here.

This is Chaos Aura!

Luo Hu is very familiar with the aura of chaos, because Dazizaitian is the aura of chaos.

There are only three islands that can generate chaotic aura, and that is Penglai Island, Fangzhang Island, and Yingzhou Island!

Penglai Island has been abandoned by Rahu, and now it can only be regarded as Shanghai Waixian Island.

Where there is chaotic aura, there must be a chaotic aura stone. This is a good treasure. If you get a chaotic aura stone, the chaotic aura of Da Zi Zai Tian will definitely be more than twice as strong!

This is of great benefit to the development of Dazizaitian.

It may take a thousand years for the spiritual root to grow on the prehistoric land, but in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​the cycle can be shortened by one-tenth!

Don't underestimate this one-tenth, if it is ten thousand years, it will be reduced by one thousand years!

Obtaining the chaotic pentaethene gas stone on this island, the chaotic spiritual energy in Da Zi Zai Tian is at least twice as strong, and the growth cycle of the spiritual root is bound to be shortened again.

"Two time and space, Pindao thought you had really reached that point, but unexpectedly it was Abbot Island!"

Fangzhang Island and Honghuang are two time and space, even more mysterious than Penglai Island.

In the case that Abbot Island is not hidden, you can see from the outside that Abbot Island is just a small island with a radius of more than one foot.

Entering Abbot Island, you can find that the size of Abbot Island is bigger than Penglai Island!

Therefore, Fangzhang Island and Honghuang are two different time and space.

At first, Luo Hu thought that the mysterious power had really reached that level!

This abbot island is probably equivalent to the largest small thousand worlds, and Luo Hu's divine sense cannot completely cover it.

However, Luo Hu felt a strong aura of law here, and he was sure who this Chaos Demon God was!

Luo Hu just didn't expect that this Chaos Demon God would also appear in the prehistoric world!

. m.

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