Luo Hu's eyes shone brightly. He already knew who this Chaos Demon God was.

Facing the Chaotic Demon God like Yangmei Patriarch Shichen, Luo Hu didn't have the slightest fear, but facing this one, Luo Hu felt a little uncertain.

Although it is not fear, there will always be some fear.

The Demon God of Destiny, in charge of the law of destiny, is known as the Supreme Demon God of the Chaos Period. Before Pan Gu was born, the Demon God of Destiny was the supreme controller of the Chaos Period.

Luo Hu hadn't seen it before. When he was in the Chaos Period, he had always been stubborn until the end. He knew that even in the mighty Chaos Demon God, if he was meticulous until the end, he would fail.

Facing Pangu, even if all the Chaos Demon Gods go together, there is only one way, so Luo Hu chose Gou.

"The Demon God of Destiny appeared in Honghuang. What is the purpose of his trip to Honghuang this time? Does he still want to intervene?"

Luo Hu's eyes became terrifying, Hong Huang had him as the demon ancestor and Hongjun as the Taoist ancestor, and it was enough, and even Luo Hu despised the Hongjun Taoist ancestor as superfluous.

If it is possible, Luo Hu wants to behead Daozu Hongjun at any time!

Now that there is another Destiny Demon God, Luo Hu is even more displeased.

What worries Luo Hu a little is that if Taoist Hongjun joins forces with the Destiny Demon God, there will still be pressure on Luo Hu during the battle between Dao and Demon!

Luo Hu has the Kunlun mirror, which can fight against the ancestors of Shi Chen and Yang Mei, but he has no treasure to restrain the demon god of fate.

However, Luo Hu didn't think too much about it. Let's talk about it when we meet in the future. What we are doing now is to blow up the lair of the Destiny Demon God.

It's not that Luo Hu doesn't want to make friends with others, but that Luo Hu disdains to be with others. His way is destined to be lonely!

Spiritual thoughts enveloped millions of miles, exploring the treasures in it, the size of Abbot Island is comparable to the largest small thousand worlds, even if Luo Hu wants to explore here, it will take a while.

However, as the Dojo of the Destiny Demon God, there should be a lot of good treasures here. If you get one or two, it will undoubtedly enrich Luo Hu's family fortune.

What Luohu didn't know was that, hundreds of millions of miles away from Mount Sumeru, Taishang was seriously injured, and when he looked at Taixuan and Queen Mother of the West, his eyes were full of complexities.

Tell them to run away, but they stayed. Although this moved the Taishang very much, it made the Taishang unhappy!

Staying here is only a dead end. If you escape, you may still be able to save your life. Most of the disciples in the Sumeru Mountain lineage cannot be lost here!

Don't they understand this truth!

In the eyes of Taixuan and Queen Mother Xi, brothers from the same sect should fight side by side, instead of letting the senior brother delay for them.

The starting point is different, Taishang is the head of the demonic way, he thinks about the overall situation, while Taixuan and Queen Mother of the West are just demon gods of the demonic way, what they think about is the love of the same family!

"Fourth Junior Sister, you leave quickly, Third Junior Brother and I will delay for you for a while." Taishang gave a deep shout.

If you don't leave at this time, none of the three of them will be able to leave!


"Ants, your master dared to kill my emperor, I will kill you today, and then kill the demon ancestor!"

The beast 'Chaos' shouted loudly, and the sound of the beast 'Chaos' could be heard for thousands of miles.

"Evil animal, the beast must be killed!" The Taishang sacrificed the seal of the beginning demon with all his strength, turned into a ten thousand zhang, and threw it at the beast.

At the same time, at the foot of Taishang, a ninth-grade fortune-telling green lotus appeared.

Huge vitality gushed out from the ninth-grade fortune-telling green lotus and entered Taishang's body, instantly healing nearly half of Taishang's injuries.

The Seal of Beginning Demon is the ultimate treasure of the demonic way, the ultimate acquired spiritual treasure refined by Rahu. Although it is not the ultimate treasure of acquired merit, its power is not inferior to the ultimate innate spiritual treasure!

In addition, Shi Moyin has the luck blessing of the magic way, and its power has been raised to a higher level!

When the beast 'Chaos' saw the attack of the Beginning Demon Seal, there was no trace of fear in its eyes, because the Taishang had already used the Beginning Demon Seal to attack several times!

Although it can make him feel pain, it can't hurt him!

The tyranny of the ferocious beast's physical body was so strong that even Luo Hu was a little afraid of it when the ferocious beast was measuring the catastrophe. Now this ferocious beast has become a quasi-sage, and its physical body is so powerful that it is unparalleled!


With a loud roar, the ferocious beast 'Chaos' slammed into the Beginning Demon Seal.


There was a sound that shook the world, the seal of Shi Mo was knocked out, and the beast 'Chaos' only retreated a few feet!

Taishang spat out a mouthful of blood, the Beginning Demon Seal was knocked into the air, his mind was shattered, and he was no longer able to cast the Beginning Demon Seal.

If Cai hadn't had the defense of the Ninth Grade Good Fortune Qinglian just now, his mind would have been hurt even more seriously!

Under the ferocious beasts, during the time when the beasts are plundering, the gods retreat!

A ferocious beast in a berserk state is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and its attack power will increase exponentially!


The ferocious beast 'Chaos' opened its huge mouth, intending to swallow the Tai Shang and the others together in one gulp.

Taishang's eyes showed determination, even if it is fallen, it will pull this beast together!

Afterwards, the magic power of Taishang's whole body began to gather, and the power in the Ninth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus also gathered to Taishang!

The devil's heart was beating violently, obviously due to the discomfort caused by too much energy!

"Eldest brother!" Taixuan and Queen Mother Xi saw what the Taishang did, and they both knew what the Taishang was going to do next!

"I will use the Heavenly Demon to disintegrate Dafa and send you away. Remember, don't look back!" Tai Shang let out a deep shout.

Immediately, a powerful demonic power erupted from Taishang's body, and for a while, the majestic magical power could be felt for a million miles around.

Under the demonic energy, even the attack of the beast 'Chaos' hesitated for a moment.

The next moment, both Taixuan and the Queen Mother of the West left the place in an instant.

This is not their will, but the secret method performed by the Supreme Master to move them away.

The Taishang's arm began to gradually fade away, obviously the sequelae of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa had begun to appear.

Just when the fierce beast "Chaos" was about to devour Taishang, a huge tower flew over and turned into ten thousand feet, covering Taishang in it.

"Evil beast, you dare to attack the entire lineage of Mount Sumeru, how courageous it is." The eyes of the demon ancestor in the sky were blood red, and his face was full of murderous intent.

He had already seen the Dafa of disintegrating the demons that Tai Shang had just performed, but he was too late to stop it.

A ferocious beast forced the head of the Demon Dao to this point, which made the Heavenly Demon Ancestor furious.


The ferocious beast 'Chaos' bit it down, but the huge tower couldn't swallow it.


The demon ancestor of the sky sacrificed the Huntian seal, the huge Huntian seal appeared in the sky with a lot of magic power, and smashed towards the fierce beast 'Chaos'!


The beast 'Chaos' was blown thousands of miles away and smashed on a sacred mountain, directly obliterating that sacred mountain!

"Hey~~~Who are you? Why do you prevent me from killing the enemy!" The fierce beast 'Chaos' looked at the Heavenly Demon Ancestor with some fear in his eyes.

A ferocious beast that has been born with spiritual intelligence is no worse than those with innate divine minds. It stands to reason that a ferocious beast with spiritual intelligence has already become an innate god and demon!

The Heaven Demon Ancestor didn't have so much to say, he only had one thought, and that was to destroy this fierce beast!

Of course, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor of the Huntian Tower did not take it back. Taishang just wanted to explode himself, and had already gathered energy. The Huntian Tower of the Demonic Ancestor of Cangtian not only protected Taishang!

And the Taishang will also be suppressed, otherwise, the Taishang would have blew himself up by now.

The chief of the magic way blew himself up, and the whole prehistoric world would shake.

In fact, in the heart of the demon ancestor of the sky, he also understands that even if he falls, the damage caused by the fall of the Supreme Lord is not as strong as that of the devil!

Hun Tianyin flew up and smashed towards the beast 'Chaos' once again.

The two consecutive attacks did not seriously injure the beast 'Chaos', but suffered some minor injuries!

You must know that the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven is the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and this fierce beast 'Chaos' is only in the early stage of the quasi-sage.

With such a powerful defense, if there is no powerful attacking treasure, even the Heavenly Demon Ancestor will not be able to do anything to this fierce beast!

But the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven can trap the fierce beast 'Chaos' here, otherwise, the realm of the quasi-sage peak would be too empty.

The powerful part of the fierce beast 'Chaos' is the physical body, and other parts are normal.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to catch up to Mount Sumeru quickly.

Feeling that Taishang's self-explosive energy was about to be suppressed, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor began to pinch his fingers, preparing to use the Huntian Tower to trap the fierce beast 'Chaos'!

But a ferocious beast that already has intelligence is definitely not as simple as the Heavenly Demon Ancestor thought, just in an instant!

The fierce beast 'Chaos' roared and devoured the demon ancestor in the sky.

With a wave of his hand, the Demon Ancestor of the Heavens, a thunder fell from the sky and struck towards the beast 'Chaos'!


A thunderbolt sent the beast 'Chaos' flying away, and was thrown thousands of miles away again.

However, the ferocious beast 'Chaos' did not return to continue attacking the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, but turned around and fled towards the primordial east.

"Take me to cultivate the Supreme Dao, and then kill the Demon Ancestor, and kill your entire Demon Dao!"

The fierce beast 'Chaos' shouted loudly, and a cloud of turbid air appeared behind him. In an instant, it formed a fog for a million miles around, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

The face of the Demonic Ancestor of the Heavens changed drastically in an instant, this fierce beast was so shameless, and even put away the Huntian Tower and left the place quickly.

The ferocious beast 'Chaos' fled far away quickly, and only dared to stop when it reached Buzhou Mountain. In his eyes, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven was very powerful and invincible, so he could only run away.

Looking at the position of Mount Sumeru in the west, a cold look appeared in the eyes of the beast 'Chaos'.

"Kill my emperor, this ancestor will definitely avenge my emperor, demon ancestor, you will surely die." The fierce beast 'Chaos' snorted.

Immediately, the ominous beast 'Chaos' flew to the north, and he felt the rebellion of the ominous beast back then, and there were treasures left behind.

Suddenly, the fierce beast "Chaos" turned into a black and strong young man with a ferocious face and devouring rays of light burst out from his eyes.

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