Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 17 Destiny Enters the Starry Sky, Panda's Situation

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The moment Luo Hu took away the chaotic Wuyimu gas stone, the entire Abbot Island began to shake violently.


This mountain is actually collapsing rapidly, and cracks spread from the bottom of the mountain. The huge cracks are like black holes, and they even have a strong suction force!

Luo Hu hurriedly left the sacred mountain.


The sacred mountain exploded, and Luo Hu hurriedly sacrificed the twelfth-rank Black Lotus, and a black light curtain appeared in front of Luo Hu.

Blocked the terrifying energy that swept in!

After ten breaths, the original sacred mountain has become a huge pit with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Luo Hu held the chaotic Wuyi mother gas stone, and his eyes showed helplessness. This time, he might have formed a relationship with the ancestor of fate this time.

I'm afraid it's a situation where there's no end to death.

But Luo Hu didn't know that in the eyes of the ancestor of fate, he was already immortal with him. Taking away the Chaos Stone, he took away hundreds of innate spiritual roots, and now he took away the Chaos Pentaethene Qi Stone, causing the whole world to die. Abbot Island's spiritual vein collapsed.

This is even more serious than breaking Yujing Mountain!

This is the foundation of destruction.

But Luo Hu didn't have this awareness, he wanted the chaotic pentadimu gas stone, so he had to leave, there was nothing to say.

The next moment, there was another huge roar, and Abbot Island began to appear on the East China Sea.

This caused the coast of the East China Sea to be instantly submerged by sea water. After all, an island the size of Xiaoqian World appeared, and the water level naturally increased.

In addition, this sudden appearance caused the East China Sea to sway enormously, and endless waves soared into the sky, rushing towards the coast of the East China Sea.

Standing on top of the twelfth-grade exterminating black lotus, Luo Hu came to the sky and looked at Abbot Island. The two previous time-spaces have now become one time-space!

Luo Hu destroyed another fairy island!

This is how Penglai Island was destroyed by Rahu, and now Fangzhang Island has also encountered Luo Hu's murderous hands. From now on, Abbot Island is under the jurisdiction of Heaven.

Even the ancestor of Destiny needs to be wary of the law of heaven in this abbot island, and can't act recklessly.

Of course, if the Destiny Patriarch had the same crazy ideas as Luo Hu, with confidence, then he didn't have to care about the way of heaven.

In the entire prehistoric world, how many dare to be like Rahu?

For what he wants, even if it means extinction of life, he will not hesitate.

Looking at the island below, Luo Hu shook his head, he didn't want to stay here, he needed to return to Mount Sumeru as soon as possible, after all, he felt the danger of the Supreme Being before.

Luo Hu took out the Kunlun Mirror, controlled the Kunlun Mirror with his mind, and then pinched out two finger tricks, instantly making him disappear in place.

I was worried about Taishang's safety in my heart, otherwise Luo Hu would not have performed the method of blood sacrifice, using the Kunlun mirror to walk in the void, which required blood essence!

Today's Luo Hu is an old man, and his blood essence is not strong. Such excessive consumption of blood essence will do great harm to Luo Hu.


There was another wave of space, and a figure walked out of the void. It was the Demon God of Destiny, with a face as deep as water, when he saw Abbot Island exposed under the sky.


"Luo Hupifu, this seat is incompatible with you, and I will never die!"

A roar resounded throughout the East China Sea.

At this moment, Ao Guang who was in the East Sea Dragon Palace naturally also heard these words, and when he even had a bad premonition, he quickly sent a message to the West Sea Dragon King, asking him to go to Mount Sumeru and inform the Demon Ancestor.

The West Sea is relatively close to Mount Sumeru, while the East China Sea is too far away. Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea, is too low in cultivation, and it will be many years before he wants to reach Mount Sumeru!

After the Dragon King of the West Sea got the news of the Dragon King of the East Sea, he directly ordered the white dragon who had accepted Rahu's favor to go to Mount Sumeru quickly.

The Dragon King of the West Sea is a Dragon King of the sea, it is not a big deal, he cannot leave the West Sea, otherwise the luck of the West Sea will be unstable,

Very serious consequences.

Above the East China Sea, with a wave of his hand, Ancestor Destiny hid Abbot Island into the void, and activated the Heavenly Luo Sha Formation, covering the entire Abbot Island.

The ancestor of Destiny originally wanted to go to Mount Sumeru to settle accounts with Luo Hu, but after thinking about Luo Hu's strength, he was able to find Abbot Island, which should not be underestimated!

Maybe Luo Hu is not as weak as he imagined, otherwise Daozu Hongjun wouldn't have reacted!

Although the ancestor of Destiny is proud, he understands a truth, if the opponent is too strong, then he must not be strong.

At the very least, one must first know the opponent's cultivation level and combat power?

If it was in the chaotic period, Luo Hu was no more than a low-level demon god, and by the time of the catastrophe of opening the sky, he would not have become the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. From this, it can be seen how low Luo Hu's aptitude was in the chaotic period!

But this is Hong Huang. After Luo Hu was reincarnated in Hong Huang, what was his aptitude? The ancestor of fate didn't know, so he couldn't act recklessly.

I pinched my fingers and calculated, if I want to gain a foothold in the prehistoric world, I must have a certain force and set up the dragon of luck!

But he can no longer interfere with the fate of the Great Desolate Continent, otherwise, he will definitely be attacked by Daozu Hongjun and Luo Hu together!

The Great Desolate Continent can be ruled out directly.

In the prehistoric world, there are dragons. Although the dragons don't have much power now, they have Luohu as their backer.

Before mastering the fate of the wilderness, the ancestor of fate was not going to confront Luo Hu.

Next is the Great Desolate Starry Sky, and the Great Desolate Void Sea!

The Great Desolate Void Sea is a land of nothingness, where the luck is very subtle, and the method of cultivation is also very strange, the ancestor of fate would not choose it.

Now the only choice is the Primordial Starry Sky.

Neither Luo Hu nor Daozu Hongjun have touched the starry sky yet!

As long as the starry sky is taken down, the ancestor of destiny can use this to seize the luck of the prehistoric and form a three-legged confrontation. At that time, it is not he who went to join hands with Taoist Hongjun.

And Taoist Hongjun came to look for him!

Thinking of this, Ancestor Destiny didn't delay any longer, and immediately flew to the starry sky.

Luo Hu, who returned to Mount Sumeru, didn't know that the ancestor of Destiny went to the starry sky, otherwise, Luo Hu would definitely stop it!

Although Luo Hu doesn't like the luck of the starry sky, there is the next protagonist in the starry sky. If it is mastered by the ancestor of fate, the change of the calamity is probably beyond Luo Hu's cognition.

The reason why Luo Hu thrived in the prehistoric world was because of his great strength, and the most important thing was that he had the ability to see foresight.

Everything can be a step ahead!

You know, in the prehistoric world, one step ahead, one step ahead!

"How is the majesty's injury?" Luo Hu asked, looking at the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

"I used the method of disintegrating the demon, but fortunately, it didn't hurt the root cause, and it will be enough to cultivate for a period of time."

Cangtian Demon Ancestor then said: "It's just that I didn't expect that the fierce beast clan would still have great power left behind!"

The Demonic Ancestor of Cangtian told about the beast 'Chaos' once again, and he was still alive to the beast family.

Luo Hu also felt a little unbelievable, after all, he had exterminated all the creatures of the beast clan, even the beast emperor Shenni was dead.

You must know that once Shen Ni dies, the rest of the beasts will also die gradually.

"As a quasi-sage, even you can't break through his defense?" Luo Hu asked suspiciously.

The Heaven Demon Ancestor is the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, even if the fierce beast is strong, it is only the early stage of the quasi-sage!

With such a powerful body, it seems that he has got some opportunities, and this guy is probably even more difficult to deal with than God's Rebellion.

After thinking about it in his heart, he would definitely not look for this beast first, and he would be sanctified first. After sanctification, he could completely destroy this beast with a wave of his hand.

After entering the Great Freedom, Luo Hu didn't take out the chaotic pentaethyl mother air stone. After all, there is still a lack of a spirit bead, and it is still impossible to improve the level of the Great Freedom!

On Mount Sumeru, Taishang retreated to recover from his injuries, Ao Zheng practiced in retreat, Tongtian, Taixuan, and Queen Mother of the West left Mount Sumeru to practice on the prehistoric.

As for Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong, they both retreated on Mount Sumeru. Their previous experience gave them some experience, and with a little comprehension, they should be able to break through the current realm.

Now there is no great power in the prehistoric world, so it is natural to practice anywhere, without worrying about the safety of life. You must know that the situation of "chaos" to the fierce beast is very difficult to happen a second time.

Above the prehistoric, the land of the extreme.


The sound of a deep sleep and snoring was like thunder, and the sound lasted for a long time.

Fortunately, the land of extreme heaven is no longer the base of the Qilin clan, otherwise, it would be really difficult to survive here.

It is huge, with black and white colors on its body, it looks cute, but this is when it is asleep!

If it's crazy, it's not cute, but ferocious.

This is exactly the iron-eating beast that Luo Hu bet against.

Since Luo Hu left last time, he has been sleeping until now.

One turned over and was pressed against another mountain, as if being put on hold for a while, his eyes opened in a daze, and he looked around, a little confused.

Immediately woke up!

"Oh! It's a big deal!" The iron-eating beast took out a piece of bamboo and took a bite, then chewed it with relish.

He said it was a bad thing, but this action didn't look like a bad thing at all, as if he forgot to eat.

A very strange thing happened. After the iron-eating beast ate the bamboo, the bamboo returned to its original appearance.

It seems that it has not been eaten by the iron-eating beast.

Thinking of the bet with Luo Hu, the iron-eating beast was in a hurry, what a waste of sleep!

In a hurry, he bit off one-fifth of the bamboo in one bite.

But after three breaths, the bamboo returned to its original appearance, as if the bamboo was an inexhaustible spiritual root.

If Luo Hu was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this bamboo. When he saw the iron-eating beast, he didn't see him take out this bamboo. Otherwise, the iron-eating beast would have died long ago.

It can grow back after eating. This is a function that only the innate spiritual root has, and it must be above the top-grade spiritual root!

Unexpectedly, this iron-eating beast was so lucky that it got such a treasure!

. m.

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