Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 18 Xiongba fights Dijiang, and finally reaches Sumeru

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The iron-eating beast didn't turn into an innate Taoist body, but kept its original body like this, and walked out of the celestial realm step by step.

In the heart of the iron-eating beast, he always felt that the innate Taoist body was a bit awkward, not as comfortable as the main body, and his main body was big!

This walks above the prehistoric times, and can suppress Xiaoxiao people with arrogance!

Of course, these are the inner thoughts of the iron-eating beast!

With a huge body and a plump body, he walked west step by step. It was completely on foot. The condition mentioned at the beginning was on foot.

The iron-eating beast also wanted to find a backer, otherwise with his personality, he wouldn't even bother to move.

However, every hundred steps, the iron-eating beast will bite a piece of bamboo. According to the iron-eating beast's thinking, it is too tiring to walk like this, and it needs to eat some bamboo to replenish energy.

It's also fortunate that this bamboo is not ordinary, otherwise, it would be eaten up in a few mouthfuls.

This bamboo is not simple, but bitter bamboo, one of the ten innate spiritual roots.

There are nine knots, as long as all nine knots are not eaten by iron-eating beasts, they can grow continuously from afar without consuming any original energy.

It can be said that this bitter bamboo is specially grown for iron-eating beasts.

Walking in this way can make a lot of noise, especially when you walk to Buzhou Mountain, under one step, there is a roar for a hundred miles around.

You must know that the pace of the iron-eating beast is different from that of ordinary divine beasts, that kind of cheerful pace can shake the earth in a radius of thousands of miles!

Under the Buzhou Mountain, Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin had already been born, and they were waiting for other ancestor witches to be born, otherwise, they would have gone on a long journey.

But when the two of them were cultivating, an earth quake came from above.


Di Jiang was completely unable to practice because of this kind of movement, and so did Zhu Jiuyin, with an extremely deep expression on his face.

"Is there someone fighting on the ground?" Di Jiang said.

If it weren't for someone fighting, how could there be such a violent roar, and the earth trembled!

Zhu Jiuyin knew what he was going to do next when he heard Dijiang's words. He used his supernatural powers to watch the movement on the ground, but he found a huge black and white strange beast happily passing by.

"There was a giant beast passing by above. Judging by its appearance, it looked like an iron-eating beast in the inheritance." Zhu Jiuyin said.

Di Jiang nodded. Since he was passing by, it was fine. If there was a fight, he would have to make a good plan.

Immediately, Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin began to practice again. When they wanted to come, the iron-eating beast just passed by, and left after a while.

But a hundred years later, they heard a muffled thunder.


"What happened again!" Di Jiang was furious, how could he cultivate like this?

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the ground with supernatural powers, but found that the iron-eating beast was sleeping soundly on it, and the thunderous grunt was made by the iron-eating beast.

"Brother, the iron-eating beast fell asleep on it." Zhu Jiuyin was a little speechless. He thought he was passing by, but unexpectedly fell asleep here.

Dijiang disappeared in place in an instant, and displayed his spatial powers, appearing under Buzhou Mountain in an instant.

What came into view was a gigantic iron-eating beast with a bead in its hoof, drooling all over the floor.


Dijiang used his magical powers, and in an instant, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a huge sound appeared, suppressing the snoring, and awakening the iron-eating beast.


The original cute side disappeared in an instant, replaced by a fierce face, blood red eyes, showing a look of rage.

The iron-eating beast has two quirks. One is that someone robs him of his bamboo, even if it is his own son.

Second, someone disturbed his sleep.

In an instant, the iron-eating beast entered a berserk state, looking at Di Jiang in front, a bear paw fell.

Who is Di Jiang?

The eldest among the ancestral witches was formed by twelve drops of Pangu's painstaking efforts.

The physical strength is incomparable!


With a loud shout, Di Jiang turned into the body of an ancestor witch, like a yellow sac, red like a red fire, six-legged and four-winged, houndless and faceless.

The mighty Zuwu's body directly blocked the bear's paw and threw it flying.

"I, Xiongba, have never been wronged like this since I was born!" The iron-eating beast roared, and was sent flying.

How had he, Xiong Ba, suffered such grievances?

In a rage, he took a bite of the bamboo, thinking in his heart that fighting consumes so much energy.


Xiong Ba let out a roar, and in an instant a phantom rushed out of him, it was an illusory iron-eating beast, and ran towards Dijiang.

Di Jiang didn't use his supernatural powers, and directly threw out a punch. The powerful punch hit the phantom, breaking the phantom in an instant.

Xiong Ba grinned and looked at Di Jiang, without the cuteness he had before.

Manipulating the bitter bamboo with his mind, he threw it towards Dijiang.

Di Jiang wanted to punch him, but was hit by the soft bitter bamboo, and felt a burning pain in an instant.

Di Jiang grinned in pain, looking at Xiong Ba with killing intent in his eyes.


Xiong Ba ran on the ground, raised his paw and took another shot.

This is afraid that it has the power of ten thousand jun, as if a mountain of gods fell down.

Dijiang's physical body is so strong, even stronger than the iron-eating beast, he immediately punched out and collided with the bear's paw.


Both backed up.

Obviously, Xiong Ba's physical body was not as good as Di Jiang's. Xiong Ba took three steps back, while Di Jiang only took one step back.

Xiong Ba directly manipulated the bitter bamboo to hit Di Jiang with his mind, he was not a fool, he knew that physical close combat might not be Di Jiang's opponent.

So fighting with bitter bamboo is the best way.

Bitter bamboo can be hard or soft, making Dijiang a little hard to guard against. Dijiang's physical body is strong, but the soft bitter bamboo is thrown on his body, and the burning pain is simply unbearable.

Originally wanted to fight with his body, but it was obviously impossible now. Di Jiang used his space magic power, and a space sharp blade slashed towards Xiong Ba.

Facing the oncoming space blade, Xiong Ba hurriedly dodged, but was hit on the body, and his bloodshot eyes immediately appeared.


Xiong Ba instantly fell into the second stage of berserk state. He was crawling, but he stood up directly. The fingers of the bear's paw became longer, grabbed the bitter bamboo, turned somersault, flew into the air, and slammed down on Dijiang heavily.

Bitter bamboo is one of the top ten innate spiritual roots, not only Xiong Ba's food, but also Xiong Ba's companion treasure, the best innate spiritual treasure.

Under this blow, it was impossible for Di Jiang to resist with his body, and he was blasted into the ground.

If such a big battle is seen by those great powers, I am afraid that everyone's scalp will be numb.

You must know that as a powerful person, they are all fighting with magic weapons, or fighting with supernatural powers, and some of them are fighting in close quarters.

And it's still punching to the flesh, if it's a power that the body can't do, it won't be able to withstand Xiong Ba's blow at all.

Di Jiang was born with the law of space, which is another kind of dominance. The law of space gathers on the fist and blasts out with one blow.

Xiong Ba just took back the bitter bamboo, and before he recovered, Di Jiang had already appeared in front of him, punching him with a punch.


Xiong Ba's body smashed onto a mountain, and in an instant, the mountain was smoothed out!

It seemed that he was blown away, but Xiong Ba was not injured at all, he turned somersault, holding a bitter bamboo, and hit Di Jiang again.

Di Jiang resisted with his body, and took the bamboo hard, and his fist also hit Xiong Ba's face, making panda eyes directly!

Di Jiang's body was pumped a few times, and a few bloodstains could be seen, while Xiong Ba was punched in the face by Di Jiang a few times. It can be said that his face was completely changed.

At this time, Zhu Jiuyin flew up from the ground and came to Di Jiang's side. When he saw the bloodstains on Di Jiang's body, he was furious, showing the true body of the ancestor witch.

Seeing this situation, Xiong Ba rolled his eyes and immediately ran towards the west.

"Hmph, what is the skill of finding helpers? In the future, I will find a large group of helpers to flatter you."

While running, Xiong Ba did not forget to say a harsh word.

Zhu Jiuyin was about to use time supernatural powers to pursue him, but was stopped by Di Jiang.

"The body of this iron-eating beast is extremely powerful, and we don't even know each other. He should be useful in the future!" Di Jiang thought far away.

He understood Xiong Ba's character, so he should be able to fool around with them in the future.

Di Jiang is not a fool, if he wants to dominate the prehistoric world, he can't rely on just a few of them, if he can find helpers, then naturally it would be the best.

Zhu Jiuyin nodded, since Di Jiang had calculations, there was no need for him to say anything.

Who made him a step late?

One step late, then everyone will be able to obey Di Jiang in the future.

The two returned to the ground and continued to practice.

Xiong Ba ran wildly all the way without flying. He said at the beginning that if he can't fly, he will never fly.

Although I am lazy, I still have to do what I said!

Xiong Ba is holding bitter bamboo, his body is ten feet tall, and even one step can cover a long distance. In addition, his running speed is also very fast, which is completely equivalent to the flight of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

On Mount Sumeru, Rahu is cultivating in the Great Freedom Heaven. He wants to cut out the sixth desire. Once he cuts out, he can become a saint. At that time, he will take the lead in preaching and get a lot of heavenly merit.

If he doesn't use it, it doesn't mean that other creatures on Mount Sumeru don't need it.

In the blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed.

Taishang's injuries were considered healed, and going one step further, he had already touched the edge of cutting out his desire.

As soon as the opportunity comes, the Taishang can immediately cut out his desire and become a quasi-sage with great power!



Mount Sumeru shook, and the Empress walked out of the palace and looked outside.

But he saw a tall and mighty bear running towards him, and he was still walking upright, and when he stepped down, there was a huge footprint.


Is this an iron eater?

What are these prehistoric beasts coming to Mount Sumeru for?

Taishang was just about to go out to have a look, but at this moment, Xiong Ba retreated from his berserk form and turned into his original appearance.

Lie directly under Mount Sumeru, took a bite of the bitter bamboo, and gasped for breath.

"This seat has never run such a long distance!" After finishing speaking, he leaned on Mount Sumeru and fell asleep snoring.

. m.

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