Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 19 The Fate of Nuwa

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Where did the idiot come from?

Taishang thought in his heart.

However, Mount Sumeru is a holy land of demons, so it is not easy to be reliable, and it is still snoring here, it is like a holy land of demons.

He was about to make a move, but at this moment, Taishang sensed the aura left by Rahu on the iron-eating beast.

This made Taishang hesitate a bit, not knowing what relationship this iron-eating beast had with Rahu,

"Could it be that the master accepted the disciple outside?" The Supreme Master did not rule out this possibility, because Luo Hu had mentioned this matter at the beginning.

The Supreme Master remembered it in his heart, so when he saw the iron-eating beast, he didn't act immediately. Even if he wasn't a disciple that Luo Hu accepted outside, then this person also had an unusual relationship with Luo Hu, otherwise, how could he have the aura of Ra Hu? .


The sound of snoring could be said to shake the world, and the entire Mount Sumeru was shaken by Xiong Ba's snoring.

The two boys with all kinds of emotions and six desires came out, and saw that Xiong Ba, who was like a holy mountain, was snoring while leaning on Mount Sumeru, his eyes were straightened.

"Eldest brother, why don't you expel this fellow?" Qi Qing asked suspiciously.

After all, this is an insult to the Holy Land of the Demon Dao. He is really big-hearted and dares to take a nap anywhere.

Taishang smiled lightly, pointed at Xiong Ba and said, "Look at the breath on his body."

After looking at the seven emotions and six desires, it was discovered that this was the breath of Rahu.

"Why is the master's breath on him?" Seven emotions and six desires were very puzzled.

"What happened?"

The Heaven Demon Ancestor walked out slowly.

"Uncle, please take a look." Tai Shang pointed to Xiong Ba who was sleeping soundly below.

The Demon Ancestor of Heaven looked at it with some doubts in his eyes, and then said: "This should be to find my brother, but this behavior is like a sacred place for demons."

After finishing speaking, the Heaven Demon Ancestor waved his hand, and a beam of magic light hit Xiong Ba's body immediately.

It directly hit thousands of miles away.


Xiong Ba woke up startled, and immediately became furious, someone dared to disturb his sleep!

When he saw the Heaven Demon Ancestor, Xiong Ba's already violent body shrank instantly.

Quasi-sage Almighty?

This is not an opponent at all!

If you hit hard, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death.

"Junior Xiong Ba, who came to Mount Sumeru to meet the demon ancestor, who is the senior?" Xiong Ba said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hey, you wild bear, this is the second master of Mount Sumeru, the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven." Qiqing shouted loudly.

When Xiong Ba heard this, he immediately understood, and immediately bowed to the Demon Ancestor of Heaven.

"Disciple Xiong Ba has met Master Uncle."

"Are you brother's disciple? Why has Pindao never seen him before?" Cangtian Demon Ancestor said doubtfully.

"At the beginning, the master rescued the disciple in the extreme place of heaven and accepted him as a disciple, but the disciple has been cultivating in the extreme place of heaven. This is the first time he has come to Mount Sumeru."

Obviously fell asleep, he was born to be called cultivation.

"Turn into the innate Dao body and come in with the poor Dao." The Heavenly Demon Ancestor said lightly.

Since he is a disciple of Rahu, although it is not known whether it is true or not, he is also a member of Xumi's lineage, so there is no need to speak outside.

Xiong Ba was stunned for a moment, thinking, how helpless it is to turn into the innate body again!

Xiong Ba turned into an innate Dao physique, a strong young man, with a somewhat cute feeling, but there was a hint of simplicity in his eyes.

The Taishang and the two boys both went back. The Demon Ancestor of Cangtian brought Xiong Ba into the Great Freedom, and Luo Hu was practicing in the Great Freedom, and he also had a closed life test, so he was not afraid of being disturbed.

Luo Hu has been thinking about his sixth desire. For some reason, he has a feeling that he can cut out the sixth desire at any time!

But when he was about to cut it out, he felt that something was wrong, and he didn't know what was wrong!

This made Luo Hu very helpless.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Hu thought of a question,

Could it be that Hongjundao ancestors are really going to be sanctified?

But after this idea came out, Luo Hu overturned it again.

Because in the memory of the previous life, Taoist Hongjun fought with Patriarch Yang Mei one thousand years after he became a saint, and was taken away by Patriarch Yang Mei of all magic weapons.

Although because of his arrival, there may be no need to fight with Patriarch Yang Mei, but it is obviously impossible for this first sanctification to be Dao Patriarch Hongjun!

If Luo Hu wanted to control his own destiny, he had to be sanctified, and if he wasn't sanctified, there were some things under the Dao of Heaven that required restraint.

If you are facing the Dao in the chaos, then the result will be even more noticeable. It may not be that you are restrained, but that you cannot do anything.

Just when Luo Hu was thinking about this matter.

The business of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor has been passed on.

"Brother, are you practicing?"

Luo Hu stood up and walked out of the Huajian hut. He couldn't kill the corpse at the moment, and it was useless to stay in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​so he might as well go out for a walk.

When he walked out of the hut, he saw Xiong Ba following behind the Heaven Demon Ancestor.

"You idiot, the distance from Mount Sumeru, the authentic passage of heaven, can you use a few yuan to walk?" Luo Hu said.

Seeing Luo Hu speak like this, Cangtian Demon Ancestor secretly thought in his heart that it really has something to do with it.

"Disciple Xiong Ba pays respects to Master." Xiong Ba said in a naive manner.

"Pindao means what he says. Since you are here, you will be the fifth disciple of Pingdao from now on, so that you can practice well and don't miss out on your great aptitude." Luo Hu said.

When he said he wanted to take this Xiong Ba as his apprentice, it actually had some reasons from his previous life, a very funny reason.

Of course, if it weren't for Ao Zheng's mount, the fate of Xiong Ba might have changed.

"Disciple, thank you, Master." Xiong Ba said, and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

Luo Hu asked him to get up, and then taught him the Nine-Turn Demonic Art and the Taishi Demonic Sutra. This Xiong Ba's future practice method will focus on the Nine-turned Demonic Kungfu, supplemented by the Taishi Demonic Sutra.

At this time, Xiong Ba took out the bitter bamboo, bit a section, and started chewing.

This made Luo Hu and the Demon Ancestor of Heaven stunned for a moment. In this woman's hand is the bitter bamboo, one of the top ten innate spiritual roots!

Luo Hu was speechless. Back then, he had to know that Xiong Ba had bitter bamboo in his hands, so he wouldn't care about the affairs of his previous life, and just killed people to seize the treasure.

"Master's kindness, disciples can't repay, can you eat this bamboo master?"

Xiong Ba looked at Luo Hu with a simple and honest face and said solemnly.

To be honest, Xiong Ba was able to let Luo Hu eat the bamboo in his hand, which was the most abnormal thing.

"The poor don't eat it, keep it for yourself." Luo Hu said speechlessly.

Then the three walked out of Da Zi Zai Tian.

Xiong Ba became Luohu's fifth disciple, and lived in Mount Sumeru afterwards, but this disciple was almost like a mountain guardian beast.

Ten thousand years have passed.

Most of the time, Xiong Ba maintains his body shape, leaning on Mount Sumeru to sleep, and eating bamboo when he wakes up.

But just playing like this, Xiong Ba's cultivation base is still growing rapidly!

In order to sleep without disturbing others, Xiong Ba specially arranged a soundproof circle for himself, so that he can sleep peacefully.

Luo Hu left Mount Sumeru. He first went to Mount Taiyuan to let Wang Shu go back to the starry sky. Luo Hu always felt that something bad happened in the starry sky.

After that, Luo Hu went to Chaos again, and the mysterious little sword needed to swallow the Chaos air again!

In the west, in a sacred mountain, Fuxi and Nuwa have achieved great accomplishments in cultivation and have become the pinnacle of Da Luo Jinxian.

They have never left this sacred mountain, even if the way of heaven guides them, they will not leave.

Of course, it was correct not to go to the South of the Great Desolation, it was not an innate spirit treasure at all, but a ferocious beast.

"Brother, it's time for us to return to Buzhou Mountain." Nuwa said.

Fuxi nodded. They had already cultivated to the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and they could indeed return to Buzhou Mountain.

There was absolutely no way to leave Buzhou Mountain at the beginning, but now that he has reached the cultivation base where he can go back, he naturally has to go back.

This sacred mountain is just a temporary residence for their brothers and sisters. There is nothing to miss, and they can leave directly without any preparation.

Among the clouds, Nuwa looked towards the west of Mount Sumeru, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Fuxi seemed to sense Nuwa's strangeness, and asked, "Nuwa, what's the matter?"

Nu Wa shook her head and said, "My little sister doesn't know either, but I have a feeling that where the Demon Ancestor is, there seems to be a chance for me."

"Then let's go to Mount Sumeru." Fuxi said.

Nu Wa quickly shook her head: "No, if we offend the Demon Ancestor, I'm afraid we won't even be able to take a blow from the Demon Ancestor."

Fuxi thought so too, the Demon Ancestor is not a kind person, if he says a word badly, he may perish!

"Let's go back to Buzhou Mountain first!" Nuwa said.

In fact, in Nuwa's heart, there is a strong premonition that the prehistoric world is about to change, and another era is coming. If the opportunity is good, she can become a transcendent person in this era.

Nuwa didn't tell Fuxi these things because it seemed that the way of heaven let her know.

Moreover, Nuwa hid her cultivation in front of Fuxi. Today's Nuwa is not the peak of Daluo Jinxian, but the early stage of quasi-sage.

She has comprehended 40% of the law of good fortune, and it can be said that there are few opponents in the prehistoric world.

All of this seemed to be given by the divine way, and Nuwa felt as if she had fallen into a whirlpool, a whirlpool that she couldn't get out of.

It seems that her every move has a fixed arrangement.

The reason why she wanted to go to Mount Buzhou was not that Nu Wa wanted to go, but that she had to go because of some secret arrangement.

If Nuwa followed Fuxi's words and went to Mount Sumeru, maybe when they arrived at Mount Sumeru, Rahu would have returned from chaos!

At that time, Luo Hu only needs to look at Nu Wa to see that the gears of fate that belong to Nu Wa have already begun to turn.

It's a pity that Nuwa and Fuxi went to Buzhou Mountain, and Luo Hu was doomed not to know in advance that Nuwa's fate had begun to turn.

among the stars.

above the sun star.

Three people practice here.

In addition to Di Jun and Tai Yi, there was also this woman, Xi He on the Taiyin planet. That conversation made Xi He burst out with ambition!

But Xi He didn't know that her master Wang Shu had already rushed to the starry sky!

. m.

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