Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 20 Wang Shu is angry, the demon ancestor is shocked

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Above the Lunar Star, Chang Xi's heart could not be calmed down. Ten thousand years ago, Xi He left the Lunar Star and severed ties with the Lunar Star forever!

Even the luck between their sisters was cut off.

Although the friendship between the sisters is still there, the luck has been broken, and their relationship will only go further and further in the future.

Chang Xi really didn't know why Xi He became like this, could it be Di Jun's sweet words?

Chang Xi couldn't believe it, so what if he got Hong Huang?

Is it more important than their sisterhood?

Is this the reason to betray Wang Shu?

At the beginning, Xi He asked Chang Xi to leave together, but Chang Xi couldn't do it, and in the end, a big quarrel broke out because of this matter. In a fit of anger, Xi He cut off his luck with the Lunar Star.

Follow Di Jun to Sun Star.

It has been ten thousand years, and Chang Xi is always worried about Wang Shu's return. If Wang Shu comes back and knows everything, then with Wang Shu's character, he might kill Xi He.

Although Chang Xi was dissatisfied with Xi He's actions, Chang Xi was unwilling to see her sister perish.

For the past ten thousand years, Chang Xi seemed to have been hindered by a demon, unable to calm down and practice, and was always thinking about Xi He.

The sun star is different from the lunar star, so Xi He's going to the sun star to practice will get twice the result with half the effort. After all, the law of the sun above the sun star is not suitable for Xi He's cultivation at all.

In the long run, Xi He will definitely be poisoned by fire. Of course, it is also possible to evolve into a creature above the sun star.

But if this is the case, Xihe's innate and sacred advantages will disappear, and I am afraid that his cultivation will fall behind the others by a large margin.


The law gathered on the lunar star and flew towards the starry sky. Even the laurel tree swayed at this time. You must know that the laurel tree is infinitely large, half the size of the lunar star.

This sway caused the entire lunar planet to shake violently.

Chang Xi's face was ashen, and the most worrying thing in his heart finally came.

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of Chang Xi, and Chang Xi hastily changed from a worried expression to a joyful expression.

"Disciple pays homage to Master, and respectfully welcomes Master back to the stars." Chang Xi bowed respectfully.

Wang Shu looked at Chang Xi's cultivation, and smiled, her cultivation is not bad, she has made a lot of progress, she is very satisfied.

But the next moment, Wang Shu discovered something, why isn't Xi He here?

"Get up!" Wang Shu asked Chang Xi to stand up, then came under the laurel tree, sat on the futon, and said, "Where's your sister?"

Chang Xi's figure trembled, and then he returned to normal, and said: "My sister has been practicing in seclusion, otherwise, if she knew that Master had returned, why would she not come out to greet her?"

After hearing Chang Xi's words, Wang Shu nodded in satisfaction. It was a good thing that Xi He could practice so hard, and she was very happy.

The laurel tree moved suddenly, and the luck of the entire lunar star appeared.

Originally, there were three light spots in the luck on the lunar star, one big and two small, representing Wang Shu, Xi and Chang Xi, but now there are only two light spots.

You must know that this point of light has a great meaning.

For example, it is the case in the Mount Sumeru. As long as the light spot dims or disappears, it means that the disciple is in great danger.

The most serious luck on Mount Sumeru was when Luo Hu fought Hongjun, and the spot of light belonging to Luo Hu was almost extinguished.

But fortunately, Luo Hu recovered in the end.

And the disappearance of a spot of light means that Xi He has fallen, or left the Lunar Star!


Wang Shu's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Chang Xi with an extremely deep expression, and said coldly, "What's wrong with Xi He!"

Seeing Laurel's actions, Chang Xi knew that Wang Shu couldn't hide it, and was extremely worried.

Under Wang Shu's questioning, Chang Xi had no choice but to say, "Sister, he left the Lunar Star,

Went to Sunstar. "

"What!" Wang Shu almost went crazy.

If Xi He were to perish, Wang Shu would avenge Xi He no matter how powerful he was, but Xi He left the Lunar Star and joined the Sun Star!

what is this?

This is blatant betrayal!

What is the most taboo in the prehistoric world, deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors!

Isn't Xihe's actions deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors, and betraying Wang Shu?

"What's going on, tell me exactly!" Wang Shu said in a deep voice.

At this time, Wang Shu's heart surged with monstrous anger and endless killing intent!

"Master, after you left the Lunar Star, not long after, two Taoist friends came here. They are the Lords of the Stars on the Lunar Star. They tricked my sister and made her leave the Lunar Star and go to the Sun Star."

Even at this time, Chang Xi was still defending Xi He. After all, Xi He was her older sister, and she couldn't watch her sister die.

Although this matter was entirely due to Xi He, in Chang Xi's eyes, the two Sun Stars were far less important than Xi He's life.

"What did they say?" Wang Shu asked in a deep voice.

Wang Shu feels that this matter is not simple, Xi He is not a fool, she cannot be deceived by a few words, of course, if the other party promises a price, then maybe it is really possible for Xi He to betray him.

Chang Xi didn't dare to hide it, and revealed the crazy ambition that Di Jun had mentioned.

After hearing this, Wang Shu directly guessed the cause and effect, which is not all the responsibility of the two Sun Stars.

It must be that Xi He had ambitions in the first place, but now that there are two others who are equally ambitious, Xi He will definitely leave with them and discuss important matters together!

But how can it be so easy to plot against the Great Desolate Continent?

There are Demon Ancestor Luohu and Hongjun Taoist Ancestor in the Great Desolate Continent, even if the creatures in the entire starry sky add up, it is not enough for one of them to kill!

It's really beyond their control to plot against the prehistoric world with their little strength.

"I don't know the so-called, the Great Desolate Continent is something they can plot, follow me to the Sun Star." Wang Shu already had killing intent in his heart.

Xihe must die!

No one can stop her, the anger in her heart has begun to spread, Wang Shu cannot accept betrayal!

If she betrayed the Taiyin star, if she was not beheaded, what face would Wang Shu have to walk in the wilderness in the future, and what would Luo Hu think of her?

Now Wang Shu regrets a little, he should have followed Luo Hu's words and killed Xi He and Chang Xi.

If Chang Xi blocks it, Wang Shu will never hold back and kill Chang Xi together.

Now thinking about her original thoughts, Wang Shu herself felt ridiculous. If she hadn't had kind thoughts in her heart, Luo Hu might have killed both of them.

And those two top-grade innate spirit treasures will not be given, but what about now?

If Xi He is not killed now, I am afraid that one day in the future, Xi He will attack Wang Shu with the top-grade innate spirit treasure bestowed by Wang Shu!

Luo Hu, who was in the chaos, knew nothing about the starry sky, but even if he knew, Luo Hu would not have any opinion.

Luo Hu, who was foresight, knew that Di Jun and Xi He would become husband and wife sooner or later, and they seemed to be married in heaven.

But now the Heavenly Marriage might not be possible, because the red hydrangea is in Luo Hu's hands, and Luo Hu doesn't intend to give this merit to Di Jun and Xi He.

It is better to keep this merit for others to use.

This time, after unleashing the mysterious little sword, the method of absorbing the chaotic air has undergone a new change!

In the past, the mysterious little sword could cover thousands of miles or even millions of miles in one swallow, but now, the mysterious little sword is like a black hole, constantly absorbing the chaotic airflow from afar.

This kind of absorption is more than the chaotic airflow that was swallowed before.

After a hundred years of continuous absorption, the chaotic airflow around an unknown distance suddenly became thinner, and infinite chaotic winds appeared, but they couldn't hurt Luo Hu.

Because Chaos Gale had already been absorbed by the mysterious little sword before it reached Luo Hu's side.

This terrifying ability to suck food made that Luo Hu a little shocked.

Luo Hu was thinking, could this even absorb attacks?

Thinking in his heart, Luo Hu flew thousands of miles away, then sacrificed the Zhuxian sword, cast the twenty-fourth layer of magic world, and attacked the mysterious little sword.


Infinite sea water appeared, and monstrous waves, one after another, attacked the mysterious little sword,

But when the mysterious little sword had a radius of ten thousand zhang, that heavy attack was gradually absorbed by the mysterious little sword, devouring everything without falling.

Luo Hu was shocked!

If he had known that the mysterious little sword had this supernatural power, wouldn't he be able to defeat Daozu Hongjun!

The attacks made by others are absorbed, so there is no need to defend at all!

Of course, in Luo Hu's mind, there should be a limit to absorbing attacks, just like the void mirror, although it can assimilate attacks, it has a limit!

Beyond a certain amount of energy, even the Void Mirror is powerless.

Compared with this mysterious little sword, the attack that Luohu used just now was just a casual blow, and he didn't even display the true profound meaning of the twenty-fourth layer of the magic world.

"Pindao really wants to become a saint immediately, let's see what kind of function this mysterious little sword has!"

Luo Hu guessed that when he became a saint, even if he could not know all the power of this mysterious little sword, he could at least understand part of it!

But one thing is clear, this mysterious little sword should not be a prehistoric thing, it may be that when Pangu created the world, the chaos was left in the prehistoric world!

Being able to withstand the power of opening up the world, the power of this mysterious little sword is obviously not low, perhaps even stronger than he thought.


The mysterious little sword seemed to have reached saturation in absorbing the chaotic airflow, and stopped absorbing it, and the lines on the blade changed again.

But this time, Luo Hu couldn't understand.

But Luo Hu didn't try to understand it, after all, he had already understood two of them, but they were all in vain, and he couldn't comprehend them at all!

"Could it be that something really happened in the starry sky? Why do you always think of the starry sky? Even if Di Jun and Xihe are married now, it's not a big deal to Pindao?"

Luo Hu was very puzzled, what was going on, his thoughts, involuntarily thought of the starry sky again!

. m.

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