Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 21 Chaos Bell Ringing

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What the hell happened to the starry sky?

Luo Hu didn't know it in his heart, but he always felt that something big was going to happen in the starry sky, and it had something to do with him!

If it had nothing to do with him, it wouldn't disturb him at all.

When Wang Shu was asked to go to the starry sky, it was only a preliminary feeling in his heart, but after letting Wangshu leave Taiyuan Mountain and go to the starry sky, the bad feeling in Luo Hu's heart intensified.

Luo Hu knows the power in the starry sky, even if Di Jun and Tai Yi are combined, they are not Wang Shu's opponent.

Even if Tai Yi's combat power may surpass Wang Shu in the future, but now, Wang Shu can definitely kill them both!

Therefore, there must be tricks in it, and there must be other powerful beings. If not, Luo Hu would not have such a heavy heart palpitation!

Thinking in my heart, Luo Hu would not stay here any longer, and was going to go to the starry sky to have a look.

Such a strong feeling of palpitations is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary thing, there must be something big happening.

In the midst of the prehistoric times, at Zixiao Cave in Kunlun Mountains, Daozu Hongjun opened his eyes and looked towards the starry sky.

Just now, the ancestor of fate probably leaked his breath to him, letting Hongjun Taoist know that he is in the starry sky.

"What is Destiny going to the starry sky for? And he deliberately revealed his aura to me. Could it be that he wants to use the starry sky to deal with Luo Hu, or wants to intervene in Honghuang's affairs!"

Daozu Hongjun was startled. Patriarch Yang Mei didn't dare to intervene in Honghuang's affairs at the beginning, because once he intervened, it indicated that he was really tied to Honghuang, and it was impossible to escape!

Just like in the last battle, Hongjun Daozu and Luo Hu were so seriously injured, they didn't escape, because they couldn't escape, they had to fight!

And Patriarch Shi Chen and Patriarch Yang Mei fled to the depths of the chaos!

What does the ancestor of fate want to do?

Daozu Hongjun couldn't guess, but he felt that it seemed to have something to do with Luo Hu, and only Wang Shu had something to do with Luo Hu in the starry sky.

Is it possible?

Ancestor Destiny wants to kill Wang Shu and drive Luo Hu crazy?

Daozu Hongjun's body trembled, and he finally found the gate of life for Luo Hu. As long as the ancestor of Destiny really killed Wang Shu, Luo Hu's mind would definitely drop after going crazy!

At that time, if he shot to kill Luo Hu, he would be absolutely 100% sure to kill Luo Hu.

The premise is that Wang Shu has such an important position in Luo Hu's heart!

Thinking of this, Taoist Hongjun stood up, stepped out, and came outside Zixiao Cave.

Transsion brought Yuanyuan to his side.

"Go out for a while as a teacher, remember, don't let your senior brother leave Kunlun Mountain, his foundation is damaged, his mood is unstable, if the emperor finds out, he will be tricked!" Daozu Hongjun said in a deep voice.

"Disciple, please remember." Yuan Yuan said respectfully.

After Hongjun Daozu left, Yuan Yuan was a little speechless. Why did Hongjun Daozu also think that Taishang would kill Taiqing?

This time it was obvious that Taiqing wanted to kill Taishang, but Yuan Yuan didn't think too much about it. Anyway, Taiqing had already retreated, so he probably wouldn't run out.

Furthermore, Yuanyuan gradually suspected that Taishang had no intention of killing Taiqing at all, but Taiqing wanted to kill Taishang.

Every time I think of this, Yuanyuan feels a burst of pain. Isn't Siqing not good?

Both he and Tongtian have a big brother to accompany them.


In the starry sky, Wang Shu and Chang Xi quickly flew towards Sun Star. What happened to Xi He made her a little sad. If she saw Xi He, she would definitely kill him!

The sun star is far away from the moon star, even Wang Shu and Chang Xi took thousands of years to reach the range of the sun star.

On the Sun Star, Di Jun, Tai Yi, and Xi He were cultivating, when they suddenly felt a strong icy breath, even on the Sun Star, they also felt the coldness.

"not good!"

Xi He woke up suddenly, with a look of fear in his eyes,

Looking beyond the sun star, the body is trembling!

"What's wrong with Xi He?" Di Jun asked quickly, seeing the fear in Xi He's eyes, Di Jun felt a little heartbroken!

"My master is here, run away!" Xi He hurriedly said to Di Jun.

In Xi He's eyes, Wang Shu is very powerful, because she lived under Wang Shu's coercion since she was born.

Even if Wang Shu was only at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian back then, Xi He was terrified.

"Your master is here?" Di Jun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Don't worry, this is Sunstar. If it was outside, I would not dare to say that I could beat your master, but on Sunstar, he still There is no way to deal with us!"

Tai nodded a little bit, which confirmed Di Jun's thoughts. Although Tai Yi also had feelings of admiration for Xi He, but now that Xi He and Di Jun had come together, he would not do anything to leave the cabinet!


With a terrifying sound of thunder, an endless cloud of magic appeared above the sun star, and one after another of magic thunder was bred in it!

"Xi He, you dare to bully your master and destroy your ancestors, but you know the consequences of betraying me!" Wang Shu brought Chang Xi to appear under the magic cloud, looked at the three people below, and said coldly.

"Master? Wang Shu don't think I don't know what you think. Back then you took away the best innate spirit treasure that belonged to me and Chang Xi, and when we were born, you gave it to us in the name of Master. You are so hypocritical. What face do you have to be my master!" Xi He roared.

There was killing intent in Wang Shu's eyes. Luo Hu's words at the beginning were indeed correct. If he didn't kill Xi He, there would definitely be disasters!

Now, Luo Hu's words have come true, but she is helpless!

It's not too late to kill Xihe now!

Wang Shu pinched his fingers, and the magic thunder in the magic cloud descended, and the bowl-thick magic thunder struck Xi He with great pressure.

At this time, before Xi He could make a move, Di Jun beside her had already made a move, offering Hetu Luoshu!

Hetu Luoshu is the best innate spirit treasure, and it is a set, its power is so strong that it is impossible to guess.

A strange rune appeared in the sky and turned into a strange light curtain. The magic lightning struck the light curtain, and it couldn't even move the light curtain!

"Galaxy formation, get up!"

Di Jun gave a deep shout!

Immediately, a large amount of fog appeared in Hetu Luoshu, which gradually gathered into thirty-six stars.

Countless asteroids appeared among the stars, converging into a river, which seemed to have indescribable power!

Wang Shu waved his hand, and in an instant, nine magic thunders descended together, with boundless power, they struck on the Xinghe formation.

This time, it made the Xinghe formation tremble, but it didn't break the Xinghe formation.

"You are Xi He's master? That's all." Di Jun sneered.

He was very disgusted with Wang Shu, because Wang Shu wanted to kill Xi He, and Xi He was the one he liked!

Both Di Jun and Tai Yi could feel that Wang Shu's cultivation base should be the so-called quasi-sage power, but they were not afraid at all!

Judging from these two attacks, Wang Shu, a quasi-sage, is a bit fake!

But how could they know that Wang Shu just wanted to destroy Xi He with his supernatural powers, and didn't use his full strength.

Seeing her master's two strikes failed, Chang Xi didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

After all, her sister didn't seem to have to die in this way, but Wang Shu was her master after all, and she couldn't kill Da Luo Jinxian, so she was about to lose face!

So Chang Xi was very hesitant!

Wang Shu's eyes froze, this Emperor Jun was very arrogant, although his strength was not weak, but in front of the quasi-sage Almighty, this kind of existence was like an ant.

next moment!

Wang Shu sacrificed the scepter of Taiyin, and hit the Xinghe formation with one stick. It seemed like an understatement, but it contained the power to destroy the world!


The Xinghe formation shattered, Hetu Luoshu flew into Dijun's hands, and Dijun's face was extremely pale and bloodless, and then spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Ahem..." Di Jun was obviously seriously injured.

At this time, Wang Shu struck again with a stick, very casually, as if the three people in front of him were nothing more than ants.

This time Wang Shu attacked Di Jun, because Di Jun just called Huan, if that's the case, then kill Di Jun first!

If this stick falls on Di Jun, I'm afraid Di Jun will die immediately!

Although Emperor Jun has the blessing of the sun star, Wang Shu is in the late stage of Zhunsheng, not the early stage of Zhunsheng. Fighting Wangshu is undoubtedly courting death!

Moreover, Wang Shu is also the lord of the stars, and the true lord of Taiyin in the entire starry sky. If he wants to fight for hegemony, he can gather the luck of the stars anytime and anywhere, and compete in the prehistoric world!

Tai Yi sacrificed the Chaos Clock and stood in front of Di Jun.


A bell rang, and the whole prehistoric world shook.

As if the ringing of the bell stopped the whole prehistoric world, all the mighty ones looked at the starry sky, most of them were full of doubts!

Daozu Hongjun, who was just about to enter the starry sky, stopped immediately when he heard the bell, with shock in his eyes!

"Is the calamity turned on?"

Daozu Hongjun muttered to himself.

Luo Hu, who had just entered the starry sky, also stopped and looked in the direction of the sun star.

Chaos bell is ringing!

Is Honghuang's third calamity about to start?

How could this be? This is different from Rahu's foresight!

Isn't the opening of Lich Calamity only after sanctification? How could it be turned on now?

But the sound just now was indeed the sound of the Chaos Clock.

This is the first time that the Chaos Clock has sounded in the Great Desolation, which represents the opening of the Great Desolation!

Luo Hu's heart sank, it must be Wang Shu who hit the sun star, and it should be this calamity that made him feel palpitations!

Thinking of this, Luo Hu sped up his speed!

Since Taiyi dared to sacrifice the Chaos Clock at this time, he must be prepared to be robbed.

Luo Hu had long been eyeing the Chaos Clock, and could not find the existence of Taiyi, otherwise, the Chaos Clock would have belonged to Luo Hu long ago.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, how can Luo Hu let it go.

Regardless of whether Wang Shu is on Sunstar or not, Luo Hu must go to Sunstar first to take the Chaos Clock away!

Thinking in my heart, Luo Hu's speed couldn't help but speed up a lot!

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