If Ancestor Destiny is alone, he is not qualified to let Luo Hu go all out, but with the addition of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, Luo Hu has no choice but to perform the great grinding of the world!

A huge millstone appeared in the sky, and the endless sea of ​​flames was suppressed and almost extinguished at this moment.

The flames of the entire sun star began to dissipate slowly.

Obviously, the coercion of the Mieshi Damo cannot be stopped by these flames at all.

The sword of righteousness and immeasurable method!

Hongjun Daozu was really ready to kill him with one blow, and he didn't even give Luo Hu a chance to react.

The blade of fate hit Luo Hu's body, causing Luo Hu to take a step back involuntarily, his face paled instantly, and his aura became confused.

Fortunately, the Beginning Demon Sutra can barely suppress the chaos in the body, but it can't last for a long time, otherwise, Luo Hu may be in danger of being lowered at any time.


Under the turning of the Mieshi Great Mill, the coercion belonging to Mieshi appeared. This is a pure coercion without any attack.

Even this kind of coercion is much stronger than Luo Hu's previous attack.

Daoist Hongjun's immeasurable method was directly suppressed by Mieshi Tianwei, and even the Sword of Great Righteousness was suppressed by Mieshi Tianwei by a lot of 9 powers.

chi chi~~~

The Hunyuan Sword hit Luo Hu's left arm.

Luo Hu was not afraid at all, and stretched out his hand to slap, a huge vibration force, and in an instant, the Hunyuan Sword was passed into the hands of Hongjun Daozu, and then entered Hongjun Daozu's body.

Hongjun Daozu knew that this must be the tenth level of the universe, so he let go of the Hunyuan sword immediately, but even so, his internal organs were also injured.

There was a gleam of joy in Luo Hu's eyes. Although the body was hit by the Hunyuan sword, causing the breath in the body to riot, but Luo Hu could get this Hunyuan sword.

He reached out and pulled out the Hunyuan Sword.

Daozu Hongjun, who saw this scene, was a fool if he didn't know what happened.

This is not the first time that Luo Hu has done this kind of thing. Back then, Luo Hu used this method and got a lot of treasures!

Nine bolts of purple sky thunder struck at Luo Hu.

Luo Hu was suppressing the Hunyuan sword with all his strength, and he couldn't control the strike of Zixiao Shenlei at all.


Luo Hu's physical body resisted the nine purple sky thunders, and perfectly suppressed the Hunyuan Sword, and then put it into the Great Mill of Extermination.

The connection between Hongjun Daozu and Hunyuan Sword was broken at this moment. Although Luo Hu was unable to refine the Hunyuan Sword for a short time, Hongjun Daozu would not need it in the future.

This is very good, and it undoubtedly caused Hongjun Daozu's combat power to lose some!

"Luo Hu, even if you take the Hunyuan Sword, do you think you can get rid of the restrictions that Pindao put in it?" Hongjun Daozu's face was extremely ugly.

He was robbed of another magic weapon by Luo Hu, and this time, it was the only magic weapon in his hands that could use the Grandeur Righteousness Sword.

If there is no Hunyuan sword, Daozu Hongjun may not be able to use the sword of righteousness for a period of time in the future!

The Destiny Patriarch flew in front of Luo Hu. He saw the scene just now, and his heart trembled involuntarily!

This Rahu is really as the legend says, really so desperate!

In order to obtain a magic weapon, he used his physical body to forcibly resist the blow of the Hunyuan Sword!

In fact, Luo Hu didn't want to fight hard, because he couldn't stop him at all, even if he used a defensive magic weapon, it would be of no avail!

"Pin Daoist accepted this Hunyuan Sword as the price for this fellow Daoist's move."

Luo Hu said and looked at the ancestor of fate again: "If you want to settle in Honghuang, you have to think about it. If you are an enemy of the poor, you will never die, and you will not even be able to escape!"

Luo Hu's words seemed to be persuading, but in fact they were blatantly threatening the ancestor of fate.

How proud is the ancestor of destiny, in the period of chaos, when Pangu was not born, he was the most powerful!

Even if there are Patriarch Chen, Patriarch Yang Mei, and Chaos Demon Ape, Patriarch Destiny is a line above them all!

Now he is threatened by the lowly demon god Rahu,

How can the ancestor of fate give up.

"You think too highly of yourself. In the eyes of this seat, you are just a small low-level demon god. Even if you are now honored as the ancestor in the wilderness, you are still a little demon god."

The Destiny Patriarch looked at Luo Hu proudly, and spoke to Luo Hu in a haughty manner.

Luo Hu sneered, how could he not know what Ancestor Destiny was playing with, and that He couldn't help but wanted to provoke him, and then joined forces with Daoist Hongjun to suppress him.

But this is all left over from Luo Hu's play!

When fighting against Patriarch Chen and Patriarch Yang Mei, if Luo Hu gets angry, they will be afraid, but facing Patriarch Destiny!

Luo Hu can't be angry, once he loses his mind, then Luo Hu will definitely be beheaded in the next moment!

The mystery of the law of destiny is unimaginable. Without reason, the power of the law of destiny will be maximized!

"Luo Hu, hand over the Hunyuan sword. This time, Pindao can let you go." Daozu Hongjun was very angry.

In fact, if Ancestor Destiny had just helped, then this Hunyuan Sword would never have fallen into Luo Hu's hands.

With Luo Hu's character, what fell into his hands has not been spit out yet!

Not to mention the Hunyuan sword, even if it was a good luck jade plate, once it was in Luo Hu's hands, he would never take it out again.

"Pindao was injured by you and needs to go back to recover. If you want to continue the war, Pindao can accompany you for a while."

As Luo Hu said, four sword lights shot up into the sky behind him, they were the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!

Although Luo Hu can't kill Daoist Hongjun and Ancestor Destiny now, they can't hurt Luo Hu either!

Hongjun Daozu's face darkened, the Four Swords of Zhuxian, and the Four Swords of Zhuxian again!

Daozu Hongjun sometimes really doesn't understand why the heavens and the earth conceived such a magic weapon. Didn't this break the balance of the prehistoric?

After a while, the five saints are invincible!

Last time, there were more than five peak quasi-sages? But still did not break through the Zhuxian formation!

Although 90% of the murderous aura in Zhu Xian's formation has leaked out, I'm afraid it will take the Four Saints to break through!

Of course, if the ancestor of Destiny also has a treasure of chaos, then it's a different matter.

Luo Hu didn't spend any more time here, the longer the time, the worse it would be for him.

His body was first hit by the blade of fate into chaos, and then his arm was pierced by the Hunyuan sword. It can be said that the beginningless magic script is almost unstoppable.

It's not that Luo Hu has always been tough, but Luo Hu is worried that once he shows his weak side, he will be attacked endlessly!

Came to Wang Shu's side, picked him up, didn't care about Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch, took Chang Xi and flew to the Great Desolate Continent!

Daozu Hongjun and Daoist Destiny did not stop him. If he understood Luo Hu, it must be Daozu Hongjun who knew more deeply.

Also, even if they stopped Luo Hu now, they would not be able to gain the upper hand!

Luo Hu lived in a prehistoric life, but Daozu Hongjun lost his luck because of the collapse of Yujing Mountain.

The ancestor of destiny is the demon god of chaos, as long as he is not stationed in the prehistoric forces, then he will not have the blessing of luck!

Luck is an ethereal existence, but it is of great help to the battle.

"What was the condition of fellow Taoist at the beginning?" Daozu Hongjun asked.

Now, Daozu Hongjun has recognized the ancestor of Destiny, because he feels the strength of the ancestor of Destiny, and he can barely suppress Luo Hu without occupying any luck.

I am afraid that only the ancestor of Destiny can do the whole prehistoric world.

Of course, for Luo Hu, this kind of suppression is just a momentary ignorance of the law of fate.

If a real battle breaks out, Luo Hu's cards are all out, and the ancestor of Destiny wants to fight him, but it won't work!

"This starry sky, I want it, condense luck, and then jointly kill Luo Hu." The ancestor of fate said full of murderous intent.

Here in Luo Hu's place, he has suffered too much, and he must get it back, otherwise, this is his dignity and arrogance!

"The starry sky can be transferred to fellow daoist. I hope fellow daoist can go one step further. If the poor guess is correct, Luo Hu already has the background to become a Hunyuan great Luo Jinxian!" Daozu Hongjun said.

"This seat is about to recover the cultivation of Dao Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. Once you become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the law of fate can be truly used!"

Ancestor Destiny's eyes were full of arrogance. At that time, Daoist Hongjun would not be needed at all. He alone would be enough to kill Luo Hu!

The law of destiny can only display 50% of its power before the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the beginning of the law of destiny!

Hongjun Daozu didn't say anything, and left the starry sky directly.

Since Ancestor Destiny wants this starry sky, why not give it to him, after beheading Luo Hu, Daoist Hongjun will turn his spearhead on Ancestor Destiny in an instant.

Ancestor Destiny looked at Dijun, Taiyi, Xihe and the three, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, you three will be disciples of this seat, and will lead the starry sky for this seat!"

Di Jun, Tai Yi, and Xi He had no choice. Seeing the strength of the ancestor of Destiny, they were really worried that if they refused, the result in the next moment would be their immediate death!

And Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief, in this way, he didn't have to worry about Old Ancestor Destiny snatching his Chaos Clock anymore!

"Disciple pays homage to Master!"

Di Jun, Tai Yi, and Xi He bowed down to the ancestor of Destiny.


After nine days, Luo Hu hugged Wang Shu, brought Chang Xi to Mount Sumeru, and began to heal Wang Shu.

Rahu may be selfish, he will not allow his heart to be influenced by anyone.

Just like just now, if Luo Hu was furious and lost his mind because Wang Shu was dying, then Luo Hu might be beheaded in the next moment!

Therefore, he will not let himself lose his mind because of Wang Shu's matter!

"You are here to take good care of your master, and if you have anything to do, go to the empress." Luo Hu said and left the back mountain.

After entering the Great Freedom, Rahu began to practice.

This battle gave Luo Hu an opportunity, he felt that he could cut out the sixth path of desire and become a saint!


This is something Luo Hu has thought about for a long time, and the opportunity has come. He will definitely become a saint this time when he leaves the customs!

Although Luo Hu didn't get the Chaos Clock during his trip to the starry sky, he opened up the opportunity to become a saint!

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