Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 26 The Responsibilities of the Chief of the Demonic Dao

On Kunlun Mountain, Hongjun Daozu returned to Zixiao Cave, and there was no annoyance or any negative emotions on his face.

Losing the Hunyuan Sword, Hongjun Daozu doesn't think so, even if the Hunyuan Sword is in Luo Hu's hands, it can't be refined!

Therefore, it was only temporarily kept in Luo Hu's hands, but what made Daozu Hongjun happy was that he went to the starry sky this time, and he felt that the opportunity was approaching.

The three corpses, Daozu Hongjun, have been cut out, and their cultivation base is at the peak of quasi-sages, much stronger than ordinary quasi-sages!

Like Luo Hu, Hongjun Daozu, Destiny Patriarch, this kind of realm is no longer the quasi-sage peak. Although he has not reached the saint, he is much stronger than the quasi-sage peak.

This is a very vague realm, above the pinnacle of quasi-sages and below the saints.

In the starry sky, they jointly attacked Luo Hu, which gave Daozu Hongjun a feeling that an opportunity was approaching.

The three corpses are vaguely merging with the main body!

In the way of the three corpses, one must first cut out, evil thoughts, good thoughts, and obsession with the three corpses, and then merge with oneself, so that one can become enlightened!

But this also has a premise. I am afraid that only Daozu Hongjun can practice perfectly in the road of three corpses in the future.

Killing the three corpses requires the sustenance of the innate spirit treasure. The ordinary innate spirit treasure can kill the three corpses, but it cannot fuse the three corpses!

The innate treasure entrusted by Taoist Hongjun is the good fortune jade plate, which is the treasure of chaos, which can directly entrust the three corpses, and can also fuse the three corpses!

But if other great powers want to cut out the three corpses, it will be very difficult to fuse them. Even if they use the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Human, they may not be able to achieve fusion!

Of course, the Way of the Three Corpses also has its advantages. If one corpse is cut out, and then the merit is sanctified, then the combat power will be much higher than the direct merit sanctification.

Cutting out two corpses, and then making meritorious deeds, is much better than cutting out one corpse!

By analogy, the saint with three corpses in one is naturally the most powerful!

Hongjun Daozu has already felt that his three corpses are about to merge, and within a Yuanhui, he must become a saint!

As for Luo Hu, Hongjun Daozu didn't know if his opportunity to become a saint had arrived, but no matter what, as long as he was sanctified, he could kill Luo Hu in seconds!

The premise is that Rahu has not been sanctified yet!

Those who are not sanctified are ants.

If you want to go against the saints, you don't need to think about it. Even with Luo Hu's current strength, facing the saints with the lowest cultivation level, they will only have the fate of death!

At this moment, Taiqing's voice came in from outside the cave, as if he wanted to ask Daozu Hongjun about something.

This made Daozu Hongjun a little unhappy. He had a chance to become a saint, and he had to become a saint as soon as possible before he could kill Luo Hu.

"Come in."

Daozu Hongjun's voice spread out, and after a while, Taiqing walked in slowly.

His complexion was not very good, and he gave a respectful salute to Hongjun Daozu Gongxing, and then said: "Master, for some reason, this disciple always has a feeling of imminent disaster!"

Hongjun Daozu's face darkened, and he wanted to pinch his fingers to calculate, but at this time, she realized that the secret of heaven had been disrupted long ago, and it was impossible to calculate at all.

And when the chaotic bell rang, it represented the beginning of the calamity.

The following days will become more and more chaotic!

Now Hongjun Daozu regrets a little, why he disrupted the secrets in the first place, you must know that it is easy to disrupt the secrets, but it takes a long time to sort out the secrets.

Hongjun Daozu doesn't have the time to sort it out now, he has more important things to do!

Sanctification is imminent!

There can be no delay.

"The Supreme Master again?" Daozu Hongjun said lightly.

Taiqing nodded, in his premonition, Taishang was plotting against him again!

Do not!

Not only was he counting against him, this time, the entire Xuanmen was counted into it.

Taiqing's strength is not weak, but because he and Yuanyuan are the only true disciples in the Taoist sect, he can't fight against the Xumi Mountain lineage at all!

Although there are other cultivators in Xuanmen, they are not directly descended from Xuanmen, so they are useless at all!

"Master, the Supreme Master wants to kill the disciple,

Then gather Pangu Yuanshen, and the disciple also has a premonition that the Taishang seems to be attacking Yuanyuan too! " Taiqing said.

Hongjun Daozu's face darkened, if the Taishang succeeds, then the Xuanmen will be over!

Although Taiqing was just guessing, Daozu Hongjun knew that Taishang might be as Taiqing said, after beheading Taiqing and Yuan Yuan, Taishang could get 70% of Pangu Yuanshen!

If he was more ruthless and devoured Tongtian, then he could get all of Pangu's Primordial God, which is equivalent to one-tenth of the strength of Pangu Great God!

Although Pangu is composed of a physical body and a primordial spirit, if all the Pangu primordial spirits are gathered together, they should have half the strength!

actually not!

Pangu's full strength can only be fully exerted by the cooperation of the primordial spirit and the physical body. It is the same alone, only one tenth of Pangu's peak!

You know, practicing this kind of thing is not as simple as one plus one equals two!

If the Taishang really had this idea, Daozu Hongjun must break the Taishang's plan, and let Luo Hu know this plan from the side.

If you tell Luo Hu directly, then Luo Hu will definitely not believe it, so you can only use an obscure method to let Luo Hu know that his disciple is so crazy!

"Retire first, and stay in Kunlun Mountain as much as possible in the future. After a Yuanhui, you can make your own decision as a teacher."

Hongjun Daozu still has a Yuanhui that must be sanctified, and he doesn't want any mistakes to happen at this time!


What a seductive word!

Daozu Hongjun must become a saint, because there are still many things he needs to do in the future, and after he becomes a saint, he can use the way of heaven to suppress Luo Hu!

The position of spokesperson for the Way of Heaven, even if there is no one in the whole prehistoric period, it will definitely be Luo Hu's turn.

And he, Hongjun, is the master of this position!

Taiqing didn't say anything, and retreated.

In Yuxu Palace, Taiqing sat with Yuan Yuan and said, "Second brother, do you feel that being a brother is shameless?"

"Elder brother, why did you say that?" Yuanyuan was stunned by this sudden question!

"That feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Brother Wei was involved in a scheme of the highest order. One wrong step, one wrong step. His next plan has already begun. If Brother Wei's luck is not good, it may not take long. Time will perish."

"Elder brother, why did you say that? Even if Brother Taishang wants to kill you, as long as you don't leave Kunlun Mountain, then you will be fine!"

Yuanyuan didn't know why Taiqing was so worried, Taishang was very powerful, but in Kunlun Mountains, Taishang still couldn't make big waves!

After all, there is Daoist Hongjun in Zixiao Cave in Kunlun Mountains!

"We will definitely go out of Kunlun Mountains, maybe not now, but we will definitely meet the Taishang in the future!"

Taiqing said helplessly.

Taiqing originally thought that he could calculate Taishang, he didn't think that he was inferior to Taishang, but after this time his mood stabilized, Taiqing found out that he was wrong.

He was so wrong!

Under the Taishang's calculations, Taiqing's schemes are all superficial, and it is difficult to wait for the elegant hall.

"how so?"

Yuanyuan looked at Taiqing with some doubts. Now he doubts the truth of this statement, because what Taiqing did last time made him very uncomfortable!

So now that Taiqing said so again, how could Yuanyuan believe him?

This is simply unbelievable!

at this time!

On Mount Sumeru, Chang Xi found the Supreme Master.

Wang Shu was seriously injured. After Luo Hu brought them, he went to retreat in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​and told Chang Xi to go to the Supreme Master if he had anything to do.

When she saw the Sanguangshen Water Pool on the back mountain, Chang Xi couldn't help but have some thoughts in her heart. Wang Shu was seriously injured. If there is Sanguangshenshui to help recover, it will be very fast!

"Fellow Daoist Taishang, I don't know if Sanguang Shenshui can be given to the poor Taoist." Chang Xi said.

After all, there is something to ask for, Chang Xi's words are very sincere, and there is a hint of pleading tone.

The Taishang knew that Wang Shu was seriously injured, and originally wanted to visit Wang Shu after a while, but he didn't expect Chang Xi to come to him in advance.

For Wang Shu, the Empress respected him quite a bit. After all, there were only two people who helped Luo Hu fight back then, and one was Luo Hu's younger brother, so I won't say that.

There is another one that is Wang Shu!

Wang Shu's ability to stand up, this is a great cause and effect for Mount Sumeru. It can be said that Wang Shu's move has won the respect of all the disciples of Mount Sumeru.

"Senior Wang Shu was injured, and Pindao didn't have time to visit him. This is the impoliteness of the poor Taoist. The matter of Sanguang Shenshui is very useful for fellow Taoists. After a while, Pindao will go to the back mountain to visit Senior Wangshu himself."

Taishang said.

Chang Xi showed a look of shock, she didn't expect her master to be so revered in the devil way!

It's not that she doesn't know the status of the Supreme Being, but she is the head disciple of Mount Sumeru, the head of the entire demonic way!

Its status is so high that it can be said that there are only two demon ancestors in the demonic world who can overwhelm the Supreme One!

If it is about luck, then only Luo Hu can overwhelm Taishang!

Chang Xi couldn't help feeling proud that such a demon god respected Wang Shu so much!

"In that case, thank you fellow daoist."

Chang Xi thanked, then left the palace and went to the back mountain to help Wang Shu recover from his injury!

With Sanguang Shenshui, Wang Shu's recovery time can be shortened by half!

After Chang Xi left, Tai Shang's face darkened.

Of course, this is not because of Wang Shu and Chang Xi, but because he has already started the second step of the plan.

Constructing the heaven and the earth, the Supreme Master wants to open up a brilliant avenue for the evil way!

As the ancestor of the devil, Luo Hu naturally suppressed the luck of the devil, and blessed the devil!

But it is Tai Shang who is really responsible for the prosperity of the evil way!

At this time, Taixuan strode into the palace.

"Senior brother, the junior brother has already investigated what you ordered." Taixuan said.

Thousands of years ago, the Taishang asked Taixuan to do something, and this matter was the key to start his second plan!

"How?" Tai Shang asked.

"There is indeed an innate spiritual root on Buzhou Mountain, and it is one of the top ten innate spiritual roots, but it is still in the process of being conceived. If it is born, it will take a few yuanhui!" Taixuan said slowly.

"It's okay, it's just a few yuan meetings, you can wait, Taiqing will definitely go there then." The Taishang showed a killing look in his eyes!

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