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Luo Hu stood in the chaos. He was originally in Kunlun Mountains. Just when he was about to kill Hongjun Daozu, an irresistible force took him into the chaos!

Looking at the purple robbery cloud above, Luo Hu felt a little helpless!

He only knew that the first sanctification would have unexpected benefits.

Indeed, the first person to be sanctified received 80 acres of meritorious deeds. These meritorious deeds can directly sanctify a peak quasi-sage, or refine an innate meritorious treasure!

And there is also the celebration of this heaven and earth, which makes the whole prehistoric world rejoice for Rahu, and countless creatures should be grateful to Rahu. After all, with Rahu, there is a spiritual rain in the world, and many weak creatures are raised to the realm!

Of course, Luo Hu is not interested in these!

As for whether the first being sanctified has any other benefits, Luo Hu doesn't know yet, maybe there is, but maybe there isn't!

This robbery cloud made Luo Hu a little speechless!

The first one to be sanctified, how could there be Jieyun appearing, is he going to be punished by Dao?

Heavenly punishment?

Obviously impossible, if Tiandao attacks Rahu now, Luohu can definitely make the Eye of Tiandao come and go!

Unless the golden wheel of heaven appeared, otherwise, the eye of heaven would not be able to do anything to Rahu!

Among the endless purple clouds, there is a huge eyeball in it, with supreme coercion, making Luo Hu unable to leave the purple clouds!

It seems that if you leave the Ziyun, you will be wiped out in an instant!

This is the coercion from the avenue.

As soon as the robbery cloud came out, the robbery thunder was conceived inside, and Luo Hu had no dissatisfaction. This is obviously the robbery cloud that came down indirectly from the Dao!

It stands to reason that Dao has already withdrawn from the prehistoric era, and should not be in charge of prehistoric matters. Why is this so?

Luo Hu sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-rank World-Exterminating Black Lotus. At this time, Luo Hu had to do everything possible to be in peak condition!

Facing the Dao of Heaven, Luo Hu could not be afraid, and he didn't even need to care too much about it, but this time he had to face the Dao.

In Luo Hu's heart, the Dao of Heaven is ruthless, but Dao is not. Luo Hu has a bold guess that Dao is conscious!

With the operation of the Beginning Demon Sutra, Luo Hu's energy and spirit began to recover, making everything in him reach its peak state.

The robbery thunder did not fall, and Luo Hu was not in a hurry. It happened that this would give him a chance to buffer, and he could also think of a way to resist.

Against Jieyun, it is impossible to deploy the Jade Immortal Formation.

Then you can only use the god-killing gun.

The ten thousand-foot killing god spear was next to the twelfth-grade world-killing black lotus, and under the robbery cloud, Luo Hu kept his ten thousand-foot demon body and dared not be careless.


An idea appeared in Luo Hu's mind, maybe he could try the power of the mysterious little sword this time.

Facing the Dao, let's see if this mysterious little sword can reveal its original form!


There was a roaring sound in the purple robbery cloud, and the sound of divine thunder intertwined. This is obviously the divine thunder that has been conceived.


Three divine thunders fell, each of which was one foot thick, like a divine dragon descending!

Luo Hu's expression froze, he stood up, grabbed the god-killing gun and looked at the god thunder.

Chaos Thunder!

It is rumored that the Chaos Demon God became the thunder of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it is a pity that Luo Hu did not become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at the beginning, otherwise, he would have some experience!

With a swipe of the God-killing Spear, a sharp light appeared in an instant, slashing at the three divine thunders.

Afterwards, Luo Hu sacrificed the green lotus color flag again, and a huge green lotus phantom appeared above Luo Hu's head!


The sharp awn cut out by the God-killing Spear collided with the Chaos Divine Thunder, and a strong explosion occurred immediately, and the violent aftermath scattered in all directions.

After one breath, the three divine thunders did not disappear, but weakened a lot, and continued to strike at Luohu!

In an instant, the three chaotic divine thunders bombarded Qinglian's phantom.

Endless blue light burst out.


The rays of light dissipated, and the Chaos Divine Thunder and Qinglian's phantom canceled out.

The Qinglian Baose Banner fell into Luo Hu's hands, and Luo Hu flipped his hands and put away the Qinglian Baose Banner.

Luo Hu understood the power of the Chaos God Thunder, and then he had a way to deal with it.

This time, Luo Hu only used the Qinglian Baose Banner to test the power of the Chaos God Thunder, and the sharp light of the God-killing Spear did not have a strong attack.

After the disappearance of the three divine thunders, the purple robbery cloud began to give birth to the chaotic divine thunders again!

The huge eyeballs in the purple robbery cloud stared closely at Luo Hu, a kind of indifference, a kind of ruthlessness exuded.

Luo Hu's body trembled, he felt as if he was being watched by a snake and scorpion, and quickly released his divine sense to observe a million miles around.

In the purple robbery cloud, Luo Hu's divine sense could not penetrate, he could only observe around the purple robbery cloud.

The eyes of the avenue!

Luo Hu understood in his heart, this is definitely the eye of the great way in the robbery cloud!

How could a mere tribulation cloud disturb the Eye of the Great Dao?

The Eye of the Dao is one of the incarnations of the Dao. Wherever it goes, the Dao manifests, and the gods avoid it!

Luo Hu hesitated in his heart, his plan just now seemed to be changed.

This catastrophe is extraordinary, he did not survive the catastrophe of becoming a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but he saw it in the chaotic period!

The robbery clouds of those Chaos Demon Gods are all black, why they are purple when they come to him, it doesn't make sense!

Moreover, the manifestation of the Eye of the Great Dao undoubtedly explained the unusualness of this calamity cloud.

The twelfth-rank World-Mietering Black Lotus emitted a black light curtain, wrapping Luo Hu.

Afterwards, the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner was attached to Rahu's back chest, and the Qinglian Baose Banner was attached to Rahu's front chest.

I have to be serious, the minimum defense must be foolproof.

Luo Hu's current physical body has reached the stage of top-grade innate spiritual treasure because he has been promoted to the realm of saint.

But even so, Luo Hu didn't dare to be careless in the slightest!



Nine Chaos Divine Thunder descended.

This is based on the Nine Palaces Formation, and the Chaos God's thunder is descended in a formation, which undoubtedly increases the power of Jieyun!

Luo Hu stepped on the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus, and rushed towards the Chaos God Thunder.

chi chi~~~

With the sound of the space being cut, the God-killing Spear came out and shot at the Chaos God Thunder!

Arranged in the order of the formation, the power is greatly increased, but the attacks are all at the same time. When Luo Hu shoots this shot, all the Chaos God Thunder will strike at the God Killing Spear.


A nine-clawed demon dragon flew out of the God Killing Spear, and devoured these Chaos God Thunders.

On top of the twelfth-rank Black Lotus, Luo Hu continuously cast mana to assist in the attack of the God-killing Spear.

boom! ! !

The two collided, and endless brilliance exploded out, covering a radius of a million miles. This kind of radiance, even Luo Hu felt dazzling.

Involuntarily closed his eyes.

The brilliance dissipated, the God-killing Spear returned to Luo Hu's hands, and the Chaos God Thunder had disappeared.

The second thunderstorm is over.

Luo Hu didn't feel proud because of the two easy resolutions, and the next Jieyun has great power!

After eating a flat peach, he began to recover his mana. In the prehistoric world, Luo Hu's mana was endless, but this is chaos, and the saint is the same as the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

Mana can be exhausted, and in the chaos, the saint is not immortal!

Luo Hu thought of something, looked at Hong Huang, with a playful smile in his eyes.

He did not kill Hongjun Daozu, but Hongjun Daozu wanted to get the merit of preaching for the first time, but it was not so easy to get.

Luo Hui has already laid out the overall situation in Honghuang. Even if Daozu Hongjun is preaching now, Luo Hui has a way to share the merits and virtues of Daoist Hongjun. It is absolutely impossible for Taoist Hongjun to get the benefits alone!

If Luo Hu's guess is right, the current Daoist Hongjun has already begun to preach the prehistoric world.

The Mount Sumeru lineage will definitely not go there, and some powerful people will definitely choose to wait and see. After all, Luo Hu's strength in the wild is too strong.

And it was the first one to be sanctified, those powerful people would choose to wait for Rahu to appear at the first time!

There is no reason for the Dao ancestor to preach, but the devil ancestor does not preach!

Just when Luo Hu was thinking about this, another thirty-six Chaos Divine Thunder descended from the purple robbery cloud.

Luo Hu was shocked, this Jieyun seemed to have wiped out his memory!

This is the thirty-six heavenly gang formation, and the Chaos Divine Thunder actually descended in the order of the thirty-six heavenly gang formations!

At this time, there is no thirty-six heavenly gang formation in the prehistoric world!

Luo Hu didn't dare to say that he was the only one who knew the thirty-six celestial gang formation in the entire prehistoric world, but there were not many people who knew it, and now under the purple robbery cloud, only Luo Hu was there!

The Eye of the Great Dao is probing his memory!

Luo Hu was stunned. If that was the case, what kind of formation would the Chaos God Thunder use behind him?

Luo Hu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

The God-killing Spear pointed at the Chaos God Thunder, and suddenly, the God-killing Spear fired nine beams of light towards the Chaos God Thunder.

Afterwards, Luo Hu sacrificed the Immortal Execution Sword, and struck the magic world thirty-six times, and thirty-six sword lights appeared immediately.

In an instant, the sword light and gun light bombarded the Chaos God Thunder.

It turned out that only 80% of the power of Chaos God Thunder was canceled out, but not all of it, which shocked Luo Hu greatly.

Another 20% of the power of the chaotic god thunder bombarded the twelfth-rank Mieshi Heilian, which only made the Mieshi Heilian tremble, but did not break through the defense.

Now, without even thinking about it, Luo Hu directly sacrificed the mysterious little sword!

The Eye of the Great Dao is stealing his memory, and Luo Hu will never allow it!

The mysterious little sword sprinkled a faint purple awn, covering Luo Hu.

At this time, Luo Hu felt his body lighten up, as if the pressure was relieved a lot!

In the purple cloud of robbery, a murderous aura appeared in the Eye of the Great Dao.

Luo Hu doesn't know how much of his memory has been stolen, will the next divine thunder form a formation?

If those innate formations of his appear, Luo Hu is really worried whether he can survive it!

The mysterious little sword protected his sea of ​​consciousness, and the purple light protected his primordial spirit.

This undoubtedly made Luo Hu discover a power of the mysterious little sword again!

Ten breaths passed!

The sound of thunder appeared again in the robbery cloud, which made Luo Hu feel that something was wrong. Why was the gestation time so fast this time?

What worries Luo Hu the most is whether the next Chaos God Thunder will descend in the form of a formation!

. m.

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