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One hundred and eight chaos divine thunders descended.

Shock appeared in Luo Hu's eyes, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, the Eye of the Great Dao had stolen most of his memories.

These one hundred and eight Chaos God Thunders must have descended in the form of formations, there is no suspense about this.

Sure enough, at the next moment, one hundred and eight chaotic divine thunders formed a large formation.

It was the Tiangang Disha formation created by Luo Hu. Although this formation is not very powerful, it is definitely not weak. Now that it is formed by the Chaos God Thunder by the Eye of the Great Dao, its power has undoubtedly increased by more than ten times.

The seriousness in Luo Hu's eyes gave him a feeling of palpitations. The power of the Thunder Tribulation before could only be counted as above the pinnacle of quasi-sages, but below the peak of saints!

But this time when the divine thunder fell, it had the power of a saint, which was definitely equivalent to the attack of a saint!

Holding the god-killing spear in his hand, Luo Hu couldn't help tightening his grip. He looked at the descending Chaos God Thunder, and in an instant, Luo Hu moved.

This time it was Luo Hu who charged into the Chaos God Thunder. Facing one hundred and eight Chaos God Thunders, Luo Hu had no other choice but to destroy the formation!

Stepping on the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus, she entered the chaotic divine thunder. The dark curtain blocked the divine thunder's coercion, but it couldn't block the divine thunder's attack!

The streaks of divine thunder bombarded Rahu's demon body.

The ten thousand zhang demon body trembled involuntarily under the strikes of these divine thunders.

Luo Hu swept across the surroundings with a god-killing spear in his hand, and directly killed more than a dozen Chaos God Thunders, but this was just the beginning!

How powerful is the power of Chaos God's Thunder Formation Formation?

Luo Hu's body is very strong, comparable to the power of a top-grade innate spirit treasure, but it is only a first-class innate spirit treasure. Under the bombardment of the chaotic god thunder, Luo Hu was blasted out of the formation!

In just ten short breaths, Luo Hu couldn't stay in it for much longer!

"World Destroyer Tianwei!"

Rahu sacrificed the Great Mill of Exterminating the World. At this time, Rahu can no longer hide it. The formation of heaven and earth was created by Rahu, and he knows the power of this formation.

After the combination of the thirty-six heavenly gang formations and the seventy-two earth evil formations, there is the heavenly evil formation.

The power is so strong that even Da Luo Jinxian can hardly resist it.

But now it is based on the Chaos Divine Thunder used by the Eye of the Dao, which directly upgrades to the level of a saint's attack!

Luo Hu practiced the seven emotions and six desires, and directly became the mid-stage Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

This is the same as Hongjun Daozu. The Three Corpse Avenue practiced by Hongjun Daozu also directly became the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

It's just that with the primordial purple energy, they became saints!

In an instant, a powerful coercion emanated from the Great Mill of Mieshi.

This kind of purest coercion has supreme power, even in the face of Chaos God Thunder, it also has a strong suppression.

The great formation of heaven and earth, because Luo Hu destroyed more than a dozen chaotic divine thunders, which caused the formation foundation to be damaged.

As if it might be shattered at any time, Luo Hu's Destroyer Tianwei is a killer move that can hurt the power of the same level!

Luo Hu would not let go of this opportunity, and holding the god-killing spear in his hand, his vast demon body once again entered the Chaos God Thunder.

The originally crumbling formation of heaven and earth was shattered under Luo Hu's use of the god-killing spear to cast the tenth layer of the universe, and more than ninety chaos god thunders gradually dissipated.

Luo Hu backed out without a happy look on his face. He felt a sense of crisis. Luo Hu didn't know how much his memory had been stolen.

What will happen to the Chaos God Thunder next, Luo Hu doesn't know.

Forty percent of the mana in the body has been consumed, and it was also consumed by the lightning tribulation this time.

For the first three times, Luo Hu couldn't do any damage at all, but this fourth time caused Luo Hu to consume a little mana.

But what about the next fifth tribulation thunder?

times of chaos,

If the Chaos Demon God crosses the catastrophe, it is the ninth level of Chaos God Thunder, but Luo Hu has only passed the fourth level, and there is still a fifth level behind!

In this way, Luo Hu consumed 40% of his mana. This is chaos, not prehistoric, and Luo Hu couldn't restore his mana instantly.

Just when Luo Hu wanted to recover his mana.

The purple robbery cloud began to rumble again, and within three breaths, it actually started to breed Chaos God Thunder again, and this time the breeding was extremely fast.

Rahu's opened magic eye looked at the purple robbery cloud, in which countless chaotic gods and thunders were bred.


The roaring sound of divine thunder struck Luo Hu's heart.

He was the first to be sanctified, why did he endure this calamity?

It shouldn't be! Even if Daoist intends to help Hongjun Daozu, it is impossible to bring down the robbery cloud so obviously!

Could it be that his identity as an odd number was discovered by Dao?

But if you say that, it is simply impossible.

Luo Hu traveled from a later life, but he didn't believe in Dao and didn't know, Dao was omnipotent and omniscient, so he would definitely know his details.

Therefore, because he is a traverser, the Eye of the Great Dao will not be sent to rain down on him with thunder.

The avenue is the eye of the avenue, but the eye of the avenue is not the avenue. Luo Hu can still tell the difference.

If Dao had come in person, then Jie Yun would not be like this, and Da Dao would not steal his memory.

An omnipotent and omniscient Dao, what to steal his memory for?

This is only the case if the Eye of the Great Dao wants to know Rahu's memory.

next moment!

The infinite chaotic god thunder descended, and Luo Hu's spiritual thoughts were swept away, and his heart trembled immediately.

Another formation!

Four hundred and eighty chaotic divine thunders form the Tian Luo Sha Formation, which is a prehistoric congenital formation and an upgraded version of the Tian Luo Di Sha Formation.

The composition of the four hundred and eighty Chaos Thunder made Luo Hu feel a little palpitating, the one hundred and eight just now had consumed 40% of his mana!

Now Luo Hu doubts whether he can withstand the fifth tribulation thunder.

In an instant, Luohu cast forty-nine barriers, and then blessed the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner and the Qinglian Baose Banner.

It's a pity that this is not in the wild, otherwise, Luo Hu would not be afraid, after all, under certain circumstances, he is immortal!


When the Chaos Divine Thunder descended, the power of the Tian Luo Sha Formation was unmistakable, and a huge coercion pressed on Luo Hu, which had faintly surpassed the middle stage of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Rahu didn't dare to be negligent, and cast the Great Grinding Mill to create immeasurable skills!

In Luo Hu's heart, the best defense is to attack, and he will not back down because of the power of Chaos God Thunder!

The Great Mieshi Grinding Mill started to spin, and after one revolution, the infinite meaning of Shishimiishing came out.

After two laps, the million miles around were shrouded in the meaning of destroying the world.

After three laps, even Jieyun was infiltrated with the meaning of destroying the world.

Since Jieyun wanted to destroy Luo Hu, then Luo Hu would definitely not be merciful.

The Great Mill of Mieshi is the treasure of chaos, and it appeared as the treasure of innateness in the prehistoric times, but when it comes to chaos, it is the treasure of chaos!

How powerful is the Chaos Supreme Treasure?

It can break the chaos and open the world again!

Rahu has never tried his best to mobilize the Great Grinding Mill. In the past, Rahu was not qualified. Now that Rahu has been sanctified, he barely has the qualifications. He wants to see the true power of the Great Grinding Mill.

The Chaos Divine Thunder descended with the power of the Supreme Dao.

But the Great Mill of Mieshi was not afraid at all, and turned around again.

After four laps, endless black clouds appeared, covering the chaotic space with a radius of one million miles, and in an instant, all the chaotic air currents were repelled out of the black clouds.

Luo Hu sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-rank World-Exterminating Black Lotus, facing the thunder of Chaos God, Luo Hu ignored it.

Luo Hu wanted to see the power of the Chaos Treasure!


When the Mie Shi Da Grinding Mill turned four and a half times, four hundred and eighty chaotic divine thunders had already enveloped Rahu, and the formed Heavenly Luo Sha Formation had enveloped Rahu!

Luo Hu closed his eyes tightly and pinched his fingers.

Immediately, the speed of the Great Mill's rotation accelerated a bit, and after one breath, the Great Mill completed its fifth lap.


Endless black light erupted from the Mieshi Damo, and when the light appeared, everything stopped, and the infinite meaning of destroying the world was instantly gathered by the light.

The breath of destruction swept through the infinite chaos.

The light shines, and wherever it passes, everything turns into nothingness.

The purple calamity cloud slowly dissipated, and the chaotic divine thunder that attacked Rahu's physical body was also dissipated under the light.

Everything in a radius of a million miles began to dissipate, and the black light erupted from the Great Mill made everything disappear.

A ray of light shot out from the purple robbery cloud and disappeared into the depths of the chaos.

Three breaths!

Everything dissipated, the Chaos Divine Thunder was no longer there, and the purple robbery cloud also dissipated.

Luo Hu sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-rank Mieshi Black Lotus, and stretched out his hand to summon Mieshi Damo into his hand. The power of Mieshi Damo made Luo Hu get to know him anew again!

The Great Grinding Mill can turn twelve times, but with Luo Hu's current strength, it can only turn six times at most.

After twelve circles, the chaos collapsed, everything ceased to exist, and everything turned into a source point!

The existence of the Great Mill is not to destroy the Great Desolation, because when the Great Mill existed, there was no Great Desolation.

Its real power is to destroy Chaos and return Chaos to its source.

It's just that Luo Hu was far from reaching that level. He exhausted all his mana, even life force, and could only make the Mieshi Great Mill turn six times.

The power of the five circles has reached this point, Luo Hu can't imagine the power behind it!

The mana in Luo Hu's body was less than 10%, so he took back the Great Mill, took off the mysterious little sword, and put it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The thunder calamity has passed, there is no need to stay in the chaos for a long time, he needs to go to the prehistoric, Hongjun said, he can't fall too far behind, otherwise his plan will be in vain.


Amidst the chaos, visions arose!

Boom boom boom~~~

The sound of bells came from the depths of chaos.

Twelve times in a row, this seems to have some special meaning, as if it is the melody of the Tao, and Luo Hu memorized this melody.

Immediately afterwards, the infinite chaotic airflow changed, forming a thousand zhang chaotic dragons roaring with their heads raised.

Countless chaotic phoenixes flew over.

The image of the rising sun in the sea, the image of the four chaotic beasts worshiping, the image of the purple air coming from the east...

All kinds of visions appeared, as if celebrating Rahu!

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