Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 36 Zixiao Palace Opens, The Demon Ancestor Watches a Drama

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"Brother, I think go to the Demon Ancestor to listen to the sermon." Tian Wu said.

Gong Gong nodded and said, "Brother, what Tian Wu said is right. I think it is also going to the Demon Ancestor. If the Demon Ancestor doesn't show up, that's fine. Now that the Demon Ancestor has appeared, it is natural to go to the Demon Ancestor."

"Xuanmen doesn't cultivate evil spirits, and the devil way doesn't cultivate murderous spirits, but the evil ways contain evil spirits. It may be beneficial for us to go to listen to the Tao." Zhu Jiuyin said.

Di Jiang pondered for a moment, the Demon Ancestor and the Dao Ancestor preached, naturally each had its own merits, and it was difficult for him to make a choice for a while.

In Di Jiang's heart, there is also the same sentence, those who gain the Tao will help more, and those who lose the Tao will not help. Hongjun Daozu has always been able to help, which is obviously unusual.

Di Jiang needs to think carefully every step he takes, because he decides the fate of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, even though the Twelve Ancestral Witches want to dominate the wild!

But he is not a fool, he is an ancestor witch comparable to Da Luo Jinxian, what can he use to fight for hegemony, the only way to improve the physical body is the kingly way!

"Sister Houtu, what do you think?" Di Jiang looked at Houtu.

She has the face of a falling moon and a shameful flower, the appearance of a fish falling into a wild goose, her appearance is sweet and pleasant, her eyes are shining with divine light, and she is extremely agile.

I am afraid that in this prehistoric world, there are not many people who can compare with Hou Tu in beauty, only Wang Shu, Nu Wa and a few others!

"Brothers, Sister Xuanming, Younger Sister thinks it is more appropriate to go to Mount Sumeru. Our ancestral shamans have no primordial spirit, and listening to the sermon is useless to us. Going to Chaos is too far away, and Mount Sumeru is very close. Even if we can't listen, Just come back."

Houtu directly talked about the fundamental issue. Their ancestors have no souls, and listening to the Tao is like listening to the heavenly scriptures. There is no need to go to chaos.

Why go to Chaos when there are closer options?

After hearing Houtu's words, all the ancestral witches nodded. They understood what Houtu meant and agreed!

What Houtu said was right, their ancestral witches had no primordial spirit, and hearing the truth was for other living beings, and the ancestral witches probably wouldn't be able to listen to anything!

"Sister Houtu's words are right. We don't have a soul, so even if we go, it's useless. Hearing the Tao has nothing to do with us." Di Jiang smiled lightly.

Without the soul, they will not be lost, because they believe that the physical body is far stronger than the soul.

Take them now as an example, although they are comparable to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, how many Da Luo Jinxians dare to say that they can beat them?

"Brother, why not do this! Let younger sister Houtu go to Mount Sumeru for us, she heard the same as we did." Zhu Jiuyin said.

Di Jiang nodded. What Zhu Jiuyin said was right. They didn't have souls, and they didn't understand the theory of heaven at all, let alone the theory of Dao.

"Sister Houtu, go to Mount Sumeru!" Di Jiang said with a smile.

"Okay, listen to big brother." Houtu agreed, and then left the ground.

Honghuang moved again, but it was because of Luo Hu's words that those powerful people in Honghuang were delighted.

Some people choose Hongjun Daozu, and naturally some people choose Demon Ancestor Luohu.

A thousand years passed in the blink of an eye, in the sky, Luo Hu woke up, opened his eyes, showing a hint of joy.

He has some clues about the two mysterious runes of the mysterious little sword. As long as he is given time to comprehend, he will be able to fully comprehend sooner or later.

Counting the time with his fingers, Luo Hu showed a smile, took out the Kunlun mirror, and waved his hand, a scene outside the Zixiao Palace in the midst of chaos appeared on it.

The quaint Zixiao Palace is extremely solemn.

At this time, there was a golden bridge outside Zixiao Palace, and creatures began to walk over it one after another.

The two leaders are Taiqing and Yuanyuan, and their faces are full of red. After all, it is their master who is preaching this time, and they are disciples of saints now!

Arriving at the gate of Zixiao Palace, Haotian and Yaochi saw Taiqing and Yuanyuan, and hurriedly saluted.

"I've seen my brother,

Second senior brother, please also invite two senior brothers into the hall. "Haotian and Yaochi said respectfully.

"Thank you, junior brother and sister." Taiqing said, and then entered the hall with Yuanyuan.

Later, another powerful person came, it was Zhen Yuanzi and Patriarch Hongyun, but this time, Haotian and Yaochi would not respectfully let them in.

Instead, with a haughty look, he waved his hands at Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun Patriarch, and then they stopped in front of the palace gate.

"Why, the two Taoist friends Taiqing can go in, but we can't?" Patriarch Hongyun scolded.

Zhen Yuanzi hastily tugged at Patriarch Hongyun's sleeve, and said, "Fellow Daoist, don't mess around, fellow Daoist Taiqing and Yuanyuan are both disciples of Patriarch Daoist, don't you know?"

Patriarch Hongyun only thought about unfairness, but for a moment he forgot the relationship between Taiqing and Daozu, he immediately apologized to Haotian and Yaochi, and obediently waited at the gate of the palace!

"It's better to have a relationship." Patriarch Hongyun complained to Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head indifferently, he didn't think about going in first, as long as he could listen to the sermon, he was already satisfied.

Not too many conferences, some great powers came again, ancestor Kunpeng, Fuxi, Duke Dong, ancestor Shenyu, ancestor Qianhua...

Gradually, more and more great powers gathered at the gate of Zixiao Palace, but there were not many Daluo Jinxians, most of them were Taiyi Jinxians!

And these Taiyi Jinxians were a little ashamed when they saw that the boys guarding the door were all Daluo Jinxians!

However, I decided in my heart that Daozu Hongjun is better than Mozu. You see, the boys of Daozu are all Daluo Jinxians!

This is worthy of the status of a saint!

But they don't know that the seven emotions and six desires around Demon Ancestor Luohu are even more frighteningly high.

Even if the aptitude is not as good as that of a pig, he can become a Daomo Jinxian by following the second ancestor of Dao Demon every day!

After another period of time, three people came, two men and one woman, the man was mighty and domineering, with the aura of an emperor on his body, and the woman was arrogant and cold.

It was Di Jun, Tai Yi, and Xi He.

Although they were apprentices to Destiny, the ancestor of Destiny asked them to come to listen to the sermon this time, and Destiny had already entered Zixiao Palace.

Even if Haotian and Yaochi walked into Zixiao Palace in front of Haotian and Yaochi, they would not be able to see such a great power as the ancestor of destiny.

When these great powers met, they didn't communicate with each other. Just now Haotian and Yaochi had already said that no noise is allowed in front of the Daozu Dojo.

Gradually, nearly 3,000 people have gathered at the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other, nodded, and then Haotian said: "All fellow Taoists, please enter Zixiao Palace."

After finishing speaking, the palace gate of Zixiao Palace opened wide, and all these monks poured into Zixiao Palace.

After entering the Zixiao Palace, these great experts all saw that on the main hall, there were six futons, and two people were sitting on the futons.

They are Taiqing and Yuanyuan, sitting on the first futon and the second futon.

Although I don't know what this futon means, but being able to put it here must be unusual and has a special meaning.

Thinking of this, some powerful people immediately ran towards those futons.

Prince Dong had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and sat directly on the third futon.

Patriarch Hongyun sat on the fourth futon, and also pulled Zhen Yuanzi down on the fifth futon.

Ancestor Kunpeng sat down on the sixth futon, feeling a little thankful in his heart, although he had realized it just now, but he was slow to strike, fortunately, his speed was very fast.

In fact, Dijun and Taiyi also wanted to fight for the futon, but the voice of the ancestor of fate rang in their ears, preventing them from fighting for the futon.

Somebody made six futons.

They are Taiqing, Yuanyuan, Duke Dong, Patriarch Hongyun, Patriarch Zhenyuanzi, Patriarch Kunpeng.

Without the futon, the rest of the powerful can only sit cross-legged on the main hall.

Looking at everything in the Kunlun Mirror in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​he smiled.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Hongjun did not block his peeping at this time, which allowed Luo Hu to see the entire Zixiao Palace clearly.

"Di Jun, Tai Yi, and Xi He have all gone. It seems that fate has also arrived at Zixiao Palace."

Although the ancestor of fate did not appear on the bright side, Luo Hu can figure it out with a little speculation.

Daoist Hongjun preached, and the way he preached was naturally the Dao of Saints. It was normal for the ancestor of Destiny to come to listen, after all, there were no saints in the chaotic period!

Luo Hu continued to look at the Kunlun Mirror, as if looking for someone.

After scanning for a week, Luo Hu had doubts in his eyes, and then counted the number of powerful people in Zixiao Palace, but the result made him stunned!

There are two thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight powerful people, and there are two more?

Immediately, Luo Hu was overjoyed!

There are still two great powers left, and it is obvious that Tiandao let the western duo join Hongjun's place, so that Luo Hu can get the spiritual treasure empty, and don't have to worry about the magic way being divided.

The remaining two positions must be received and accepted!

Luo Hu is now looking forward to the performance of the western duo.

Could it be that the ancestor Hongyun really stood up and gave way as the legend said?

Although the ancestor Hongyun is stubborn, he probably wouldn't do such a stupid thing!

More than 2,700 years have passed, and there are still more than 200 years before Taoist preaching. At this time, there are still two great talents who have not come.

But it doesn't matter what other powerful people do, they just come to listen to the sermon, so they don't care about the number or not!

Looking at the Kunlun Mirror, Luo Hu looked forward to the appearance of Jieyin and Zhunti. If this splits the Taoism, then Luo Hu can take the opportunity to attack Hongjun Daozu again.

In their realm, the further they go, the less chance they have to fight, because their every move affects the luck of the two big forces.

Even if Luo Hu had no scruples, Daoist Hongjun had to fight him!


Two figures flew over from the gate of Zixiao Palace, one of them was Zhunti.

Scanning the hall, when he saw six futons, in an instant, Zhunti thought of the difficulty of this futon, and he felt that this futon was destined for him!

The mana vibrated in the body, and in an instant, Zhunti's body trembled, and his face instantly turned pale.

And there is a hint of fatigue.

In the free sky, Luo Hu held the Kunlun mirror and smiled, watching Zhunti's next performance with great interest!

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