Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 37 The New Prehistoric 2-person Team

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The powerful person next to Zhunti, whom Zhunti met on the way, is also a congenital saint, but his background is not very good!

Daoist Ran Deng is also a Western being. His body is the first coffin in the prehistoric era, and his ashram is the Western Vulture Mountain, the cultivation base of the peak Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Zhunti happened to come with Taoist Ran Deng, and naturally became the last two to arrive.

The arrival of the two of them did not arouse any powerful ideas. After all, there are many Daluo Jinxians and Taiyi Jinxians here, so there is no need to be surprised.

Taoist Ran Deng saw that Zhun Ti's face turned pale suddenly, and his breathing was unstable, showing a very tired look.

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, I don't know what Zhunti means!

Zhunti looked at Taoist Ran Deng, winked, and then cried out to the hall.

"Poor... Poor! The two of us came all the way from the west, but we were still a step late, and we didn't even have a seat, woo woo woo..."


For a moment, all the great powers looked at Zhun Ti, a great power in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, who cried out in Zixiao Palace!

Where is this Zixiao Palace?

This is the dojo of Taoist ancestors, the dojo of saints, how is it proper to behave like this?

However, it is not a big deal for these powerful people to read jokes. It is very good to come to listen to the sermon and watch a good show!

Seeing that all these powerful people looked over, Zhunti cried again.

"I've come all this way, and there's no place to rest. What's the use of my life? I might as well die."

Zhunti burst into tears in Zixiao Palace with a runny nose and tears, regardless of other people's opinions, and was not afraid of losing face because of it.

Even Taoist Ran Deng was shocked at this time, what happened to the fellow Taoist who came with him?

It was fine all the way, why did it suddenly become like this.

If it weren't for the good friendship on the road, Daoist Randeng would like to leave Zhunti far away now, it's too shameful, he has already become the object of attention!

But Daoist Ran Deng is not a fool, he knew what Zhun Ti meant, and he felt a little slandered in his heart, what he was doing was not a fool, who would give up his seat for you?

There are only six futons in the entire Zixiao Palace, and they must be very special, and there is absolutely no way to give them anything.

Don't even think about this matter, now that Zhunti is crying here again, what's the use?

What Zhun Zhunti meant was to make him cry with Ran Deng, but how could the Taoist Ran Deng do it?

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Fellow Taoists, I'm sorry to see you. The poor Taoist and Zhunti Taoist friends have come from the west, and they have already stood upright. I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to the Taoist ancestor. I'd rather die."

Taoist Ran Deng entered the scene instantly, and the crying one was miserable, even more painful than Zhun Ti.

It just smelled the tears of the sad listener.

Zhunti on the side was stunned, he didn't expect the fellow Taoist he met to be so amazing!

This is a fight with what I have! Thinking of this in my heart, Zhunti has already made up her mind to make good friends with this person!

These people in Zixiao Palace looked at Zhunti and Taoist Randeng just like looking at fools. If they could get their seats by crying, they would have been crying to the point of darkness.

"Two fellow daoists, don't commit suicide. The poor Taoist can give up his seat and let the two fellow daoists take a rest."

Ancestor Hongyun saw that Zhunti and Taoist Randeng both had unsteady breathing and had difficulty standing up, as if they were fake, so they even gave up their seats.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi also got up and gave up his seat.

Zhunti hurriedly took the seat of Patriarch Hongyun, and Daoist Randeng sat in the seat of Zhen Yuanzi.

Da Neng was dumbfounded by this scene.

Just now they were thinking that if they could cry to their seats, they would cry like hell, but the next moment, there were two so-called fools,

Give up your seat!

"I am so grateful to the two fellow daoists. I don't want to thank you for your great kindness. I will definitely repay you in the future."

Both Zhunti and Taoist Randeng quickly thanked them.

Looking at Patriarch Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi, Zhunti and Taoist Randeng were so moved!

He really gave up his position, good man!

"The two fellow Taoists have recovered well, and we will talk about other things later." Hong Yun said.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hongyun and made up his mind, should he stay away from Hongyun in the future?

Obviously, Hongyun's IQ is seriously insufficient, and he doesn't have any brains, so he is not suitable for living in the prehistoric.

The reason why Zhen Yuanzi stood up was because of Patriarch Yang Mei. Just now, Daozu Hongjun had transmitted a voice to him. If he sat in this position, he would become Daozu Hongjun's disciple.

He Zhen Yuanzi is the disciple of Patriarch Yang Mei, even though Patriarch Yang Mei is gone now, he will not worship another teacher!

But when Zhen Yuanzi wanted to stop Hong Yun, it was too late, because Hong Yun had already stood up.

"Fellow Daoist, you are so confused!" Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hong Yun and said helplessly.

It was too late to say anything at this time, Zhen Yuanzi pulled Patriarch Hongyun to a corner, and then sat down cross-legged.

This scene in Zixiao Palace has been completely seen by Luo Hu, Zhen Yuanzi has some backbone, but it's a pity...

On the other hand, Luo Hu doubted whether this Red Cloud Patriarch had been stunned by God's punishment last time.

But this has nothing to do with Luo Hu, and naturally Luo Hu won't come forward, besides, his sermon is about to start.

In Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun appeared, looking indifferently at Da Neng below, without any emotional fluctuations in his eyes.

"Meet Daozu, Daozu is merciful!"

All the great powers bowed down to Daozu Hongjun.

Daozu Hongjun waved his hand, and all the great powers stood up, and then sat cross-legged again.

Daozu Hongjun didn't say anything unnecessary.

"The Dao is fifty, the Tianyan is fourty-nine, get rid of one, and there is a glimmer of life, and all things will show the way of cultivating the Tao!"

"Tao can be Tao, very Tao. Name can be named, very famous.

The beginning of the unknown world is named the mother of all things. Therefore, there is always nothing, if you want to see its wonder, there is always, if you want to see its emptiness.

These two come from the same place but have different names, and they are both called Xuan.

Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders. "

"Holding and filling it is not as good as it is, and holding it sharply can't last forever. The house is full of gold and jade, and no one can keep it.

Wealthy and proud, leaving the blame on oneself, and retiring after meritorious deeds, this is the way of heaven. "


When the sage preaches, visions will naturally appear, flowers will fall from the sky, and golden lotuses will spring from the ground.

Luo Hu of Da Zi Zai Tian is not paying attention to the affairs of Zixiao Palace. He has no time to listen to Taoist Hongjun's preaching, and there is no need for it.

Luo Hu left Da Zi Zai Tian and appeared on the back mountain. At this time, the two children were on the back mountain. Seeing Luo Hu's appearance, they all hurried over.

"Master, are you afraid of the way of heaven?" Qiqing asked with some doubts.

"Why did you say that?" Luo Hu was startled at first, then said.

"If the master is not afraid of the way of heaven, why do you preach? Isn't the true law of the devil's way passed on from outsiders?" Qi Qing said very puzzled.

When Rahu preaches, he must tell the foundation of the devil's way, as well as some understandings on the way of the devil!

This should only be heard by disciples, why tell outsiders?

I am afraid that in the eyes of the seven emotions and six desires, Luo Hu is afraid of the way of heaven, and wants to tell the way of magic to the creatures under the way of heaven!

"Everything can be a demon. It is easy to become a demon, but it is difficult to get rid of the demon. After becoming a demon, there will be demons with poor ways. This is good for the way of demons. As for the way of heaven, Mount Sumeru cannot be controlled."

Luo Hu said lightly.

The Seven Emotions and Six Desires looked at Luo Hu with admiration. In their eyes, Luo Hu was omnipotent, and there was nothing that Luo Hu couldn't do!

at this time!

A lot of great powers had already gathered in front of the gate of the Zizai palace, the quasi-sage Patriarch Styx arrived early, and he waited at the gate of the palace without showing any signs of helplessness.

And there wasn't even a single person to greet him in the Zizai Palace.

Luo Hu arranged for Seven Emotions and Six Desires to go to the Zizai Palace to maintain order. After all, when there were too many people, they started to make noise.

In front of the Zizai Palace, Patriarch Styx, Nuwa, Houtu... and other great powers all came here.

Counting those Taiyi Golden Immortals, there are nearly 3,000 people gathered in Mount Sumeru today!

Many creatures from the Dragon Clan, Tiger Clan, and Xuanwu Clan, after all, these three clans have gradually regained their vitality, and the patriarchs of these three clans are all related to Mount Sumeru.

"Mount Sumeru prohibits making noise!" Qi Qing snorted.

In addition, Qi Qing used her mana, and in an instant, Qi Qing's voice resounded throughout the scene, stopping all these powerful discussions.

When seeing Qi Qing, everyone was taken aback!

Judging by his body with seven emotions and six desires, he should be a boy of the Demon Ancestor, but this boy's cultivation level is too high!

Da Luo Jinxian, and it's not in its early stages!

This made the many Taiyi Golden Immortals a little crazy!

They didn't expect that the boys around Mo Zu were all Da Luo Jinxians. For a while, all the monks had an idea in their hearts!

Even Patriarch Styx couldn't help wanting to worship Luohu as his teacher at this time!

This is not just a matter of backing, it is also related to future sanctification!

In any case, Luo Hu is the first saint in the prehistoric world, and he has experience in sanctification, and it will be somewhat beneficial to follow him.

Calculating the time, it will be hundreds of years before Rahu preaches.

Another period of time passed.

Many more monks came, all of them were Taiyi Golden Immortals, but at this time, a Da Luo Golden Immortal also came in a hurry!

Rahu's spiritual sense in the back mountain has been observing Mount Sumeru. The moment the Da Luo Jinxian entered Mount Sumeru, Luo Hu felt it.

Jieyin actually came to Mount Sumeru!

At first, Luo Hu thought that all the people who received Zhunti would go to Zixiao Palace!

But when he saw that it was Taoist Ran Deng who was with Zhun Ti, Luo Hu felt that the matter was not simple.

But he didn't expect that Jieyin really came to Mount Sumeru, which was a very special surprise for Luo Hu.

It seems that in the future, we must find a way to resolve the problem of the division of magic!

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