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Luo Hu originally wanted the Taishang to go out for a while, to test the lead, it is best to throw the lead out, of course, killing him is also okay.

Even if it is in front of all the powerful, it doesn't matter, you don't have to worry too much when you act in the devil way.

But at this time, Luo Hu had a feeling that after Jieyin died, the division of the magic way would still exist, and there would be other disciples who would divide the way of magic.

If it was Luo Hu's current disciple, Luo Hu would definitely be heartbroken, but if it was Jieyin, Luo Hu wouldn't feel this way anymore, so you can't kill Jieyin!

Since there is such a catastrophe in the devil's way, then wait for the catastrophe to be broken, and beheading and receiving is not the root cause of resolving the catastrophe of the devil's way!

Hundreds of years passed.

The Seven Emotions and Six Desires opened the gate of the Palace of Freedom, and let these waiting powers enter the palace. Of course, it is impossible to count on the personality of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires and Haotian Yaochi!

Originally, Seven Emotions and Six Desires had objections to the sermon this time, and they were naturally upset when they preached to these people for no reason.

Especially the cultivation of these people is not high, the highest is the cultivation of Patriarch Styx, quasi-sage, but what kind of characters are the seven emotions and six desires?

They are the boys of the Demon Ancestor, so how could they fall in love with a great power who has just entered the quasi-sage!

On the main hall of the Zizai Palace, three thousand monks have gathered to form existences above the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and of course there are only a dozen Daluo Golden Immortals.

The rest of the monks are all Taiyi Golden Immortals. If they are Golden Immortals, they will not be able to come to Mount Sumeru!

"No noise is allowed in the Demon Ancestor Dojo."

Qiqing's cold voice came out.

Immediately, there was silence in the hall, and all the great powers stood there in a very orderly manner.

Those who are interested have discovered that there are seven futons in front of the hall, and four people are sitting on them.

They are Taishang, Tongtian, Taixuan, and Queen Mother of the West!

And these three futons are empty, no one is sitting on them.

A gleam flashed in the eyes of Patriarch Minghe, and he took a step forward and was about to sit on the fifth futon, but there was one person who was one step ahead of him.

It was Nuwa, a Qingying who had come to the fifth futon before the ancestor Minghe acted, and then sat down.

Patriarch Minghe knew it was a step too late, although he wanted to use the killer, but this is the Demon Ancestor Dojo, and Patriarch Minghe didn't dare to think about the consequences after the attack, so he quickly sat on the sixth futon!

Jieyin is not a fool!

Naturally, he could also notice the difference in this futon, and quickly came to the seventh futon.

But just when he was about to sit down, he found a figure coming to the front of the futon with him.

"Poverty Jieyin, don't you know friends?" Jieyin looked at the stunning woman in front of him and said.

"Houtu, this futon is what I want to see." Houtu said coldly, and then sat directly on top of the futon.

Jieyin was startled, and wanted to stop him, but it was too late, Houtu was already sitting on it, how could he do it in Demon Ancestor's dojo?

"A girl!" Jieyin said helplessly in her heart, and then stood behind Houtu, there would be no futon!

Luo Hu in the inner hall smiled when he saw this scene, and luckily the introduction was not allowed, otherwise, it would be impossible for Houtu to make this futon!

After calculating the time, it happened that three thousand years had passed, and it was time to preach!

Above the main hall, a Twelve World Extinct Black Lotus slowly appeared on Luo Hu's body.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor, the Demon Ancestor has immeasurable merit!"

All the great powers respectfully salute Rahu.

"Get up!" Luo Hu waved his hand, and a gentle force lifted everyone up.

"The primordial world was first created, the chaos has not yet opened, and the demons have already appeared. There is no way, but we are the demons, so all three thousand laws can be demons."

"The Dao is fifty, and the Tianyan is fourty-nine. If you escape one of them, is it for the devil? Therefore, the devil fights in the world, and all methods avoid it."

"The devil is born from the heart, and the devil moves with the heart."

"The Dao is only me, regardless of Taoism, Buddha,

Heart-based, free for me. ?

The sky is blue, and the earth is boundless. If it is vague, it will be natural to get the law. ?

The heavenly furnace and the earthly fire are used to refine the original mind, to be firm and firm, so as not to be afraid of thorns. ?

The avenue is not yet in sight, you can get it with a smile, and all the laws of nature can be accommodated. ?

To obtain the true Dharma, diligence is the first, wisdom is the foundation, and perseverance is the foundation. ?

Don't ask the sage, just ask the self, the sun and the moon sharpen, search up and down. ?

Seek and ask for it, practice it in reality, get it if it is beneficial, and abandon it if it is harmful. ?

Based on the foundation of life, advance step by step, fit the heaven and the earth, and have its own universe. ?

Take things from afar, take things from a close distance, ask them from time to time, and use them to improve my Dharma. ?

If you don't fight and fight, you can't get it. Ask me what my name is, and call it a demon! "


When Rahu preached, there were many visions, wild flowers falling from the sky, and golden lotuses springing up from the ground.

This is just the front, but when it came to the back, Rahu's Dao voice changed suddenly, and in an instant, the sound of contention sounded, and the scene of Shura's hell was displayed.

The entire Zizai Palace is like a bloody purgatory, full of endless murderous aura.

Then there was the phenomenon of the great demon destroying the world.

When Rahu preached, he did not know the age.

Suddenly, above Mount Sumeru, thunder billowed, and there was a tendency to make up for it with calamity clouds.

The Tao that Rahu was talking about already violated the way of heaven, so the way of heaven and thunder made it clear that if Rahu didn't stop, there would be punishment from heaven.

Rahu suddenly woke up from the sermon. He had been intoxicated by his own way just now, so there were some things that he couldn't say, so Rahu also said it.

Fortunately, in this sermon, Luo Hu only talked about Da Luo Jinxian's Tao, otherwise, that kind of vision could completely obliterate all living beings!

Some of the creatures below shook their heads and showed joy on their faces, as if they were very happy!

But there are also some who scratch their heads and seem to have great distress that cannot be solved.

All beings are different, and those who listen to the Tao have different thoughts in their hearts!

Luo Hu made some calculations, but he didn't expect that his speech would take ten thousand years.

Originally, it would be over for a person in three thousand years, but he didn't expect that it would be interrupted by a warning from heaven in ten thousand years.

This time, Luo Hu looked back at Da Luo Jinxian's Dao, which was of great benefit to Luo Hu.

From this point of view, preaching is more beneficial to Luo Hu, and he feels that his cultivation base in the mid-stage Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian has stabilized.

If the three lectures are finished, Luo Hu has a feeling that he seems to be promoted to the late stage of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

Another thousand years have passed, and the great powers in the palace of freedom are waking up one after another.

Although Luo Hu didn't talk about the way of quasi-sage this time, he talked about the way of Da Luo Jinxian, which gave these monks great benefits.

The only one who didn't comprehend the whole process was Houtu. After ten thousand years, Houtu didn't listen to a single word. She couldn't understand Luo Hu's Taoism!

However, in order to respect Luo Hu, she did not leave halfway, nor did she disrupt this sermon.

All these were seen in Luo Hu's eyes. Luo Hu was a little surprised that Hou Tu came to Mount Sumeru, but he was not surprised.

"Pindao's talk about the magic way is divided into three times, each time separated by one yuan meeting. Now that the first lecture is over, if you don't understand anything, feel free to ask." Luo Hu said lightly.

In fact, Luo Hu is not so kind, he just wants to solve the confusion for some people!

"Disciple Minghe, dare to ask the Demon Ancestor, which one is stronger, the method of cultivating the devil's way or the mysterious method of cultivating the mysterious sect."

When Old Ancestor Minghe asked, it could be said that he was so blatant!

Luo Hu smiled lightly, this Styx was his pre-determined disciple, so Rao would still answer Styx's questions.

"Hongjun is the patriarch of Taoism, and Pindao is the ancestor of demons. If you want to distinguish between strong and weak, just look at Poor Dao and Hongjun."

Luo Hu's words stunned all the powerful people present, this is the real no taboo!

Doesn't this make it clear that Hongjun Daozu is not as good as his demon ancestor Luohu?

There was an uproar in the Zizai Palace, but they were all overjoyed. They made the right choice. Sure enough, the Demon Ancestor was the stronger one!

Ancestor Styx was also secretly happy in his heart. At the level of Luo Hu, he would never lie. Since Luo Hu said so, then Luo Hu must be stronger!

In fact, Luo Hu didn't say anything, he just said that if you want to see the strength of the Demon Dao and Xuanmen, then look at the strength of Hongjun Daozu and Demon Ancestor Luohu!

What's this?

Luo Hu didn't say anything but was a little speechless to make these great powers associate so much.

"Dare to ask the Demon Ancestor, is the saint stronger, or the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?" The ancestor Minghe has reached the realm of quasi-sage, and he is qualified to pay attention to the realm of saints!

Luo Hu said: "The Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal is a realm of cultivation, for example, the poor Taoist is the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

A saint is a kind of Tao fruit, which needs the blessing of the primordial purple energy.

It can be said that the saint is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not a saint! "

Luo Hu is now in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and he is also a saint, but in terms of realm, he is still the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

Saints are not divided into strengths, only realms are divided into strengths.

But a saint with a strong realm can kill a saint with a weak realm!

Even if Luo Hu became the Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, he was still a saint, but he was equivalent to the realm of heaven. Wanting to kill a saint who had just entered the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was as simple as trampling an ant to death!

Therefore, a sage cannot be judged by strength or weakness, but only by the strength or weakness of his realm!

"Dare to ask the ancestor, if you don't become a quasi-sage, can you become a saint directly?" Jie Yin asked.

Luo Hu's eyes were fixed on Jieying, he thought of one thing, Jieying's sanctification requires beheading of corpses and merits, and now Jieying has come to him!

Then the gear of fate has changed, so I'm afraid it's not beheading!

"Above the Daluo Jinxian was originally the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and there is no realm of quasi-sage, but the gap in this realm is too big, so there is the realm of quasi-sage. When the next lecture is made, the poor Taoist will talk about quasi-sage." Holy Way."

Luo Hu said lightly.

Houtu wanted to ask something at this time, but Luo Hu stretched out his hand to stop him, then looked at the other creatures and said, "Except Houtu, you all step back, and come to listen to the sermon after a Yuanhui."

Some creatures wanted to ask something, but before it was their turn, they heard Luo Hu's order to drive away guests, but how dare they not listen to Luo Hu's words?

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