Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 40 Layout, Hibiscus

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Even if Di Jun used Hetu Luoshu to deduce it, it would be useless, because Xiong Ba's secrets had been disrupted, and it was impossible to know where Xiong Ba was!

There is no possibility!

If Xiong Ba can go out to do errands during this time period, then he will definitely not let other great powers deduce it!

Even if it is calculated by the ancestor of fate, it will take a certain amount of time. You must know that Luo Hu is behind Xiong Ba!

If Luo Hu doesn't want you to deduce Xiong Ba, then even the ancestor of Destiny will find it difficult to deduce it.

"Brother, what's going on?" Tai Yi couldn't help feeling anxious when he saw Di Jun's actions.

"Xiong Ba's disappearance made Brother Wei feel palpitations for a while, as if something important was about to be lost, second brother, hurry up and follow me to find the master." Di Jun said and left the hall.

Taiyi also hurriedly followed.

Seeing such a side, Taibai Jinxing didn't say anything, but returned to his dojo, and began to comprehend the Tao he heard at Mount Sumeru.

The Demon Ancestor Luohu said that no matter what law he practices, he can practice the magic way, so he has a feeling that this time he should be able to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian!


Mount Sumeru.

Eleven ancestral witches came, and several disciples of Taishang came out. These ancestral witches were all Daluo Jinxian.

As for how to define the exact realm, it will take a fight, because the ancestor witch has no primordial spirit, so the realm is hard to say, and it can only rely on breath.

"I am Di Jiang, come to pay homage to the Demon Ancestor, and take back my sister Houtu by the way." Di Jiang said lightly.

"Fellow Taoist Hou Tu was retained by Master, and I have something to discuss. Please go back, Fellow Daoist." Taishang's expression was indifferent.

The eleven ancestral witches including Di Jiang were not kind, and Taishang would naturally not have a good face. It was not bad if they didn't explode immediately.

In fact, as the chief, the Taishang was also worried that the relationship between his brothers and sisters would not be good. As for Houtu, the Taishang guessed that she should be Luo Hu's internal disciple.

That's why the Taishang won't be serious with these ancestor witches, worrying that they will use these things to talk about things in the future.

As the head of the Demonic Dao, with heavy responsibilities, the Taishang never neglected him.

"It's been more than five thousand years, what can't be discussed? Our ancestral witch respects the demon ancestor, but if something happens to the Houtu sister in Mount Sumeru, our ancestor shaman will definitely not rest with Mount Sumeru!"

Zhu Jiu gave a gloomy drink, and the evil spirit on his body burst out instantly.

At the same time, the other ancestral witches also burst out with strong evil spirits.

Taishang's face turned cold, and the murderous aura surged out of his body in an instant, and the beginning magic seal appeared in his hand.

Tong Tian stepped forward with one step, and the endless murderous aura was like the sea, unceasingly, he sacrificed the Qingping sword in his hand, and looked at these ancestor witches!

Taixuan, Queen Mother of the West, Kong Xuan, and Ao Zheng all stood up. As long as Taishang said a word, they would immediately attack.


At this time, the evil spirits of the eleven ancestor witches all dissipated. This was an irresistible force that broke their overwhelming momentum.

The Taishang and the others all received the sound transmission from Rahu, and made way for these ancestral witches, allowing them to enter the Palace of Freedom!

Above the main hall.

Luo Hu sits on top of the twelfth rank Miserable Black Lotus, and below that sits Houtu.

For more than 5,000 years, he has not said a word, and has always maintained his original posture.

Luo Hu can do this, even that great power in the prehistoric world can do it, even those monkeys can do it, but only the ancestor witch can't!

Without Yuanshen, they can't enter meditation, and five thousand years of immobility will make them collapse!

Every ancestral witch was born amid evil and turbid qi, and their nature is violent!

The next moment, all eleven ancestor witches came to the main hall.

Houtu heard the voice, looked over, and quickly got up: "Brother, why are you here?"

Di Jiang smiled at Houtu, and then led the ancestor witches to salute Rahu.

"Di Jiang and all the younger brothers and sisters are here to pay respects to the Demon Ancestor, who has no limit to his lifespan!"

Di Jiang and other ancestral witches saluted Luo Hu respectfully.

The ancestor witches don't respect the way of heaven, but they are not fools, and they can't be tough when facing saints, otherwise they don't know how to die!

Luo Hu smiled lightly and waved his hand, causing these ancestor witches to stand up.

"Houtu has great perseverance and great luck. There will definitely be a chance to come in the future." Luo Hu looked at Houtu with a satisfied expression.

"What kind of opportunity is it, please tell the demon ancestor clearly." Houtu asked quickly.

"The thing you are most worried about is your chance." Luo Hu laughed.

"Mazu means that ancestor witches can also become holy!" Di Jiang's face was startled, and he asked quickly, this is what their ancestor witches are most worried about.

When the Twelve Ancestral Witches were born, they had already decided to control the entire Great Desolate Continent, because this was what Pangu left for them!

But with the theory of sanctification, they were dumbfounded.

They have no primordial spirit, can't deduce the secrets of heaven, and want to become holy, even more hopeless.

Now Luo Hu actually told them that the ancestral witch can also become a saint!

"All spirits in the world can be sanctified, or in other words, all can become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Houtu has great perseverance and cultivates hard."

Luo Hu was very satisfied with Houtu, but unfortunately, he would not accept Houtu as his disciple.

"Thank you, Demon Ancestor, for your guidance." Houtu said respectfully.

"Go back, next time you preach, don't come, the Taoist voice is useless to you." Luo Hu said lightly.

Hou Tu didn't say anything, just nodded respectfully, Luo Hu was right, and she was suffering to hear the sermon here!

Fifteen thousand years of immobility made her feel irritable. She is an ancestor witch with a violent nature, so how can she sit still?

It's just suppressing yourself.

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches left Mount Sumeru.

The reason why Luo Hu asked the Twelve Ancestral Witches to come together was not because of any reason, but because Luo Hu wanted to make the future witch clan his pawns.

Playing chess is like marching and fighting, what's more, the chess game this time is heaven and earth, and all spirits are chess pieces.

The chess player Luohu, the ancestor of the devil, and Hongjun, the ancestor of Taoism.

As for the ancestor of destiny, he is not yet qualified to play chess, but he doesn't know if he will be in the future, at least not now.

Since Hongjun Daozu chose the lineage of the future Yaozu as the main force of the chess game, Luo Hu could only choose the future lineage of the Wuzu as the main force of the game.

You need to be handsome to play chess. Luo Hu originally wanted the Supreme Master to preside over it, but Zu Wu has such a character, who doesn't respect the way of heaven and Hongjun, how can he listen to the Supreme Master?

Only their ancestors' own people.

So Luo Hu wanted to lay out Houtu as a pawn. As for Di Jiang, Luo Hu would not consider it.

Luo Hu opened the magic eye, and in Luo Hu's eyes, the whole prehistoric world seemed to be a game of chess!

Demonic energy and evil energy entangled, gathered in Buzhou Mountain, and began to move towards the extreme sky.

Above the starry sky, clean energy and demonic energy gathered and began to attack the Great Desolate Continent.

Luo Hu naturally knew why, the Ancestor of Destiny and Daoist Hongjun jointly deal with him, that's fine, but the price of dealing with Luo Hu is that they don't know if they can afford it!

The emperor walked into the hall.

"Master." The Supreme Master saluted respectfully.

"Go to Ziwei Star in the starry sky and send a message to the ancestor of Destiny." After Luo Hu said, he pointed to the space between the eyebrows of Taishang.

The Taishang was startled at first, then left the hall and flew towards Ziwei Xing.

I calculated with my fingers, wanting to see what happened to Xiong Ba.

This time letting Xiong Ba go out was actually the order of Cangtian Demon Ancestor, but Cangtian Demon Ancestor asked Luo Hu to cover up the secret.

So Luo Hu also knew where Xiong Ba had gone.

And this place, Luo Hu knows where it is, and he will not stop it. Once Xiongba succeeds, it will definitely make the next situation beneficial to the devil.

"Brother, it's done!" Cangtian Demon Ancestor walked into the Zizai Palace and said with great joy.

Luo Hu stopped the calculation, obviously, there is no need to calculate, it has been successful!

"Hehe, yes, second brother, your plan can be said to have made the ancestor of Destiny suffer!" Luo Hu laughed loudly.

"It's done, but what is the cause and effect?" The Demon Ancestor of Heaven was a little worried about the power of cause and effect.

"It's okay, Xiong Ba went there with the God-killing Spear." Luo Hu smiled lightly.

There is no karma in killing people with the God-killing Spear. Xiong Ba used the God-killing Spear to take away treasures.

Rahu is sanctified!

Cause and effect, karma~~~

Would Rahu be afraid?

The answer is obvious, there is absolutely no fear.

A moment later, another figure walked into the hall, a cute young man with a sharp gun in his hand.

This is Xiong Ba holding the god-killing gun.

"I have met Master, I have seen Master Uncle." Xiong Ba saluted respectfully, and then handed the God Killing Spear to Luo Hu.

"How? Is there any other gain?" Luo Hu laughed.

Seeing Xiong Ba's smiling face, Luo Hu knew that Xiong Ba might not only have obtained the treasure.

Xiong Ba first took out an innate spiritual root, and in an instant, the entire hall was filled with a scorching heat, and Xiong Ba's forehead could not help but sweat.

It can be seen how hot this innate spiritual root is!

This innate spiritual root is exactly one of the top ten innate spiritual roots, hibiscus wood!

In Tanggu in the East China Sea, it was also the residence of Dijun's ten sons in the future, but it was moved here by Xiong Ba.

Luohu pointed to the hibiscus tree, collected it in the Great Freedom, and then found a place of the sun and planted it.

When the Demon Ancestor of Cangtian was traveling, he passed by Tanggu and felt the precious energy and intense heat in it. He wanted to enter, but at that time, Taishang was injured, so he had to rush back to Mount Sumeru as soon as possible!

"Master, you don't know that there is a large piece of fire bamboo in the soup valley. Although they are all middle-grade innate spiritual roots, the taste of my bitter bamboo can finally be changed."

Xiong Ba said, took out a fire bamboo and ate it. Symbolically, I asked Luo Hu and Cangtian Demon Ancestor if they would eat or not.

Of course, what was waiting for him was Luo Hu's slap.

"All the ancestral witches from Guanbuzhou Mountain came here just now, it seems that my brother is planning to use them to fight against the starry sky and the Taoism." Cangtian Demon Ancestor said.

"Let's see, if Patriarch Destiny reaches that point, the disciples of Mount Sumeru may also join in."

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