Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 41 The Transaction of Zixiao Palace

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Cangtian Demon Ancestor didn't know what level Luo Hu was talking about, but he knew that Ancestor Destiny might have become Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian now!

After leaving Zizai Palace, Cangtian Demon Ancestor returned to Motian Palace. He thought that his realm could help Luo Hu, but he was still far behind.

He has now reached the peak of the quasi-sage, or the most holy, but the state of the most holy has not yet come out.

But Luo Hu has already set this realm, and there is a big gap between the quasi-sage peak and the saint, so Rahu added a holy realm in the middle!

Just like the Demon Ancestor Luohu, Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and Ancestor Destiny, their realms at that time were all holy, because they had already surpassed the pinnacle of Quasi-Saints too much.

Cangtian Demon Ancestor has now reached the level of Luohu before, that is, the realm of the most holy, but there is still a long distance from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which makes Cangtian Demon Ancestor a little helpless, he has tried his best.

But he couldn't kill the sixth desire no matter what, and his last desire was the desire to die. Although Luo Hu specially preached for the Celestial Demon Ancestor, the Celestial Demon Ancestor seemed to have encountered a hurdle and he couldn't break through.

"Tong'er, call your second senior brother." Cangtian Demon Ancestor said calmly.

The boy beside Cangtian Demon Ancestor left the main hall, and after a while, Yuan Hong followed the boy to the main hall.

"Disciple, pay homage to Master." Yuan Hong saluted respectfully.

"Get up." The Celestial Demon Ancestor took a look at Yuan Hong's cultivation. Although he was still a Taiyi Golden Immortal, his physical body was extremely powerful.

In fact, Yuan Hong could break through to Daluo Jinxian long ago, but the Demonic Ancestor of Heaven stopped him.

Yuan Hongben is a good young man who cultivated his body. Like Sun Yuan, there is no need to cause a lack of body for the sake of realm.

It would be good if Yuan Hong raised his realm now, but actually Yuan Hong lost a great opportunity.

The core body training technique of the Demonic Dao is the Nine-Revolution Demonic Art, but the highest body-training technique of the Demonic Way is the Panyuan Nine-Revolution!

The reason why Luo Hu didn't pass on the Nine Revolutions of Panyuan is because the starting point of this technique is too high, and it needs the physical body to reach the acme of the Acquired Spiritual Treasure!

And you can't become a quasi-sage yet, you have to reach the acme of Houtian Lingbao in the realm of Daluo Jinxian!

Sun Yuan missed it, but the Heavenly Demon Ancestor couldn't let Yuan Hong miss it again, if he couldn't reach one Yuanhui, then he would have two Yuanhuis, or ten Yuanhuis.

Although the lineage of the Demonic Ancestor Cangtian is also a direct descendant of the Demon Dao, if there is no disciple who can handle it, the Demonic Ancestor Cangtian will lose his face!

Yuan Hong is a good seed, so the Demon Ancestor Cangtian will definitely let him meet Luo Hu's requirements.

Pan Yuan Nine Revolutions, it is impossible that only Luohu's lineage can practice, and Cangtian's lineage can also practice.

"Hong'er, your physical body has reached the level of a middle-grade spirit treasure. It's time to become a Da Luo Jinxian. After you break through, go to the Arctic ice cave. It will be good for your body training there."

"Disciple respectfully obeys Master's instructions." After Yuan Hong finished speaking, he stepped back respectfully.

After waiting for so many years, he can finally become a Da Luo Jinxian. As early as many years ago, he could become a Da Luo Jinxian.

It has been rumored outside that Yuan Hong has become a Da Luo Jinxian. In fact, he only became a Da Luo Jinxian physically, and his cultivation has not reached it!

The Demonic Ancestor of Heaven looked at the starry sky. Luo Hu said that those great powers in the starry sky will enter the Primordial Continent in a short time!

Luo Hu can ignore the affairs of the world, but the sky can't, he has to cooperate with the Supreme General to carry forward the way of magic.

Afterwards, the Demon Ancestor of Heaven asked Sun Yuan to go to the Supreme Master's place, completely obeying the Supreme Master's orders, and also asked Sun Yuan to tell the Supreme Master not to be afraid of anything that cannot be done.

All you need to know in your heart is that in the prehistoric world, the evil ways act in the same vein, and there is nothing that cannot be done!

The attitude of the Cangtian Demon Ancestor is actually the attitude of Luo Hu. Before the sermon, Luo Hu and the Cangtian Demon Ancestor discussed this matter.

The two say the same thing, they both think that as long as it is beneficial to the evil way, then it can be done, and if a big thing happens, Luo Hu will stand up to it!

In the palace of freedom, Luo Hu stood up, walked out of the hall step by step, and looked at the prehistoric sky.

This game of chess is huge!

Although it is possible for Luo Hu to win completely, it would be a bit unrealistic to not lose anything.

Luo Hu is now trying to figure out a way to minimize his losses, preferably without any losses at all!

The future saints in Zixiao Palace can be regarded as calculated by Luo Hu, and anyone on the futon can become a saint!

This prehistoric myth gradually escaped Luo Hu's cognition.

In Zixiao Palace, Tongtian is missing, there is an Eastern Prince, there is a guide, there is a Taoist burning lamp, there is a Nuwa, and there is a Kunpeng Patriarch!

It can be said that, with the favor of heaven, none of the Taoist saints is missing, and there are still six of them now!

The future sage of the Demon Dao doesn't know yet, and Luo Hu doesn't know whether the Dao of Heaven will be fair in this kind of sanctification!

Luo Hu now still has seven primordial purple qi, Hongjun Taoist ancestor still has six, on the bright side, Luo Hu is the winner!

But the Destiny Patriarch filled in a vacancy, turning Hongjun Daozu's weakness into a strength.

Fortunately, Luo Hu's luck is profound, and he is not afraid of the two of them at all.

Calculating with his fingers, Luo Hu discovered the plan of the Supreme Master, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried. He didn't expect that the Supreme Master would choose at that time!

Since Luo Hui can deduce it, then Daozu Hongjun can also deduce it. Presumably, Daozu Hongjun will make some calculations for Taiqing.

at this time!

In Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun Taoist and Destiny Patriarch sat facing each other.

"Fellow Daoist, Luo Hu's preaching caused a riot in the Dao of Heaven. The Dao he preached was completely against the Dao of Heaven. Why didn't the Dao of Heaven send down punishment? You should be clear about this matter as you are in charge of the Jade Plate of Creation."

The ancestor of Destiny didn't understand why even Tiandao was afraid of Luo Hu, since Tiandao was just a rule without order!

Why are you afraid of Rahu?

There is no reason at all!

"Luo Hu's cultivation base is profound, and he has become a Hunyuan Great Luo Golden Immortal in the middle stage just after he became a saint, and he is still at the peak.

Fellow Taoist, do you know that even Pindao is only in the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he has just entered. Do you understand the gap? "

Hongjun Daozu never wanted to kill Luo Hu, but does he have the strength?

The answer is obvious, he didn't, even if Tiandao wants to kill Luohu, he needs to consume the ordinary primordial origin!

But once the Lich has passed the calamity, Luo Hu will die, and the Dao of Heaven will definitely make a move. At that time, the Dao of the Great Desolate Heaven will be promoted again because of the calamity passed!

Today's Dao of Heaven, if calculated according to the monk's cultivation base, can only be regarded as the first entry into the Dao of Heaven (Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian).

Luo Hu has the treasure of chaos, the World-Exterminating Great Mill, if he wants to kill Luo Hu, he can only attack with all his strength, and he will kill him with one blow!

How could Tiandao attack Rahu with all its strength?

Heavenly Dao needs to divide the power of heaven and earth to maintain the order of heaven and earth, so it is not easy to kill Luo Hu, and Heavenly Dao can only send down the scourge of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the middle stage!

Rahu couldn't be killed at all!

Since he can't be killed, why bother to come forward and be humiliated?

The ancestor of destiny has returned to the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, only one step away from reaching the middle stage, and in the future, the ancestor of destiny will speed up his recovery!

It may become the late stage of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian faster than Luo Hu and Hongjun Daozu.

The step Luo Hu mentioned was actually the late stage of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and only after reaching this stage can he be considered a chess player.

The existence of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the late stage, even in the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian middle stage, is just a pawn!

This is the horror of the Lich's Calamity!

Lich Quan Jie, an era of saints, also known as the era of saints!

But how could later sages compare to Luo Hu and others?

"Let's not talk about Luo Hu's matter, when will Daoist friend fulfill his promise?" Destiny Patriarch looked at Dao Patriarch Hongjun and said in a deep voice.

Help Hongjun Daozu, it's okay, but it's not good, how can it be?

"Fellow Daoist wants the primordial purple energy, it's impossible, even if the poor Taoist wants to give it to you, the order of heaven will not allow it."

Daozu Hongjun was worried that Ancestor Destiny would not believe it, so he experimented on the opportunity, took out the Hongmeng Ziqi, and handed it over to Ancestor Destiny.

In an instant, an extremely powerful force of heaven appeared above Zixiao Palace, even a saint could not face this coercion!

The six sages under the spokesperson of the way of heaven, this is the general trend of the way of heaven and cannot be changed!

The ancestor of fate was speechless for a while, if he helped Daozu Hongjun in vain, he would not agree!

"Lend me the good fortune jade plate to comprehend ten Yuanhui, but I don't want Hongmeng Ziqi." said the ancestor of fate.

The tone is firm, this is the bottom line of the ancestor of fate, he must get the good fortune jade plate, and comprehend it for a period of time.

The Good Fortune Jade Plate is Pan Gu's treasure of enlightenment, so it must be of great benefit to him, so the ancestor of Destiny wants to understand it well.

"Ten Yuanhui is too long. If it is 10,000 years, the poor Taoist can borrow it from fellow Taoists." Hong Jundao's ancestor was taken aback, and said immediately.

"Fellow Daoist, do you think this seat is joking? Ten thousand years is just a blink of an eye, what can you comprehend?" said the ancestor of fate coldly.

"One yuanhui, this is the maximum limit, otherwise, fellow Taoists can stand on Luohu's side." Daozu Hongjun sacrificed the jade plate of good fortune.

The meaning is obvious, if the ancestor of fate is willing, you can take it away, if you don't want it, then leave!


"Okay, I agree." Destiny Patriarch took the fortune jade plate and disappeared in Zixiao Palace.

With the good fortune jade plate, the ancestor of destiny can become the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian faster!

If his guess is correct, whether it is Luo Hu or Hongjun Daozu, they will become the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian after they finish their lectures!

If the ancestor of destiny wants not to be ordered by others, he can only become the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Even if he is not a saint, he will suffer a lot in the prehistoric world, but he can only do so!

"Fate, don't let the poor be disappointed!" Daozu Hongjun looked at the disappeared ancestor of Destiny, showing an intriguing expression!

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