Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 42 Pangu Palace, Ancestral Witch Secret

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On the Ziwei star, the ancestor of destiny returns.

Di Jun and Tai Yi have been waiting for a long time. They came to the palace of the ancestor of fate early, but the ancestor of fate did not come back from Taoist Hongjun, so they could only wait!

Now seeing Patriarch Destiny, Di Jundang even said to Patriarch Destiny: "Master, please calculate whether the disciple has lost any precious things!"

The Ancestor of Destiny also had something to tell Di Jun when he came back. He thought that after a while, it would be time for the starry sky to enter the Great Desolate Continent!

Seeing Dijun's eager expression, the ancestor of Destiny asked, "What happened?"

Tai saw that Di Jun was in a hurry, and worried that Di Jun might say something wrong, so he said, "Reporting to Master, on Mount Sumeru, the Demon Ancestor preached, but Xiong Ba, the fifth disciple of the Demon Ancestor, did not appear. Brother always feels that this Xiong Ba went to steal treasure!"

Treasures are kept on the body in the prehistoric, so what can't be stolen?

But the ancestor of fate knows at this time that sometimes, the stolen treasure is not stolen in your hands, but the stolen treasure is destined for you!

The ancestor of fate quickly began to calculate.

After a while, Ancestor Destiny showed doubts on his face, Xiong Ba is on Mount Sumeru!

But looking at Di Jun's face, it doesn't look like a fake.

"Follow the teacher and enter the hall." The ancestor of fate said lightly.

Above the main hall, the Destiny Patriarch sat on the main seat, and a gear appeared in his hand, the official Destiny Gear, with mysterious runes on it.

Ancestor Destiny urged, and in an instant a ray of light appeared and entered the void.

Infinite secrets appeared in the eyes of the ancestor of destiny.

What the ancestor of Destiny wants to check now is not Xiong Ba, but Di Jun. He wants to see if there is any treasure related to Di Jun in the prehistoric world, and it will be born soon!

Di Jun is the Da Luo Jinxian, and the Ancestor of Destiny is the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, so after this calculation, the Ancestor of Destiny directly calculated what kind of treasure it is without any resistance.

"One of the ten innate spiritual roots, hibiscus wood? How could it be this treasure? What does it have to do with Di Jun?"

The ancestor of destiny calculated that the Fusang wood and Di Jun are very destined, and it should be Di Jun's. Although I don't know how there is a relationship, but the secret is so!

No matter how powerful the ancestor of Destiny is, he can't calculate the details of future events!

If it is said that a sage can know the immeasurable calamities in the future, then the details of future events cannot be calculated.

But Luo Hu knows some details, so this is Luo Hu's big hole card!

"Fusang wood!" Di Jun's face changed, and he suddenly felt that something was lost.

"Master, there's no need to check, the hibiscus tree has probably been obtained by Xiong Ba. He didn't listen to the preaching once, but got one of the top ten innate spiritual roots, but it's worth it!" Di Jun smiled wryly.

The ancestor of fate still checked the ins and outs, but when it came to Luo Hu, he couldn't figure anything out.

After all, Luo Hu is a sage of the prehistoric, even if the prehistoric heaven doesn't want to see Luo Hu, he will keep Luo Hu's privacy!

The ancestor of fate is still unable to calculate.

"Hmph, what a Luo Hu, I will definitely let him repay the cause and effect in the future!" the ancestor of fate said in a deep voice.

Of course, the ancestor of Destiny also knew that this time there was no cause and effect at all, because there was no cause and effect, and Xiong Ba used the god-killing spear to take away the hibiscus wood!

This is equivalent to the karma between Emperor Jun and Luo Hu. Can a Da Luo Jinxian and a saint forge karma?

Even if there is cause and effect, it must be divided into realms!

If you are a quasi-sage, then it is possible to form karma with the saint. It is absolutely impossible for a Daluo Jinxian, who exists like an ant, to have karma with the saint.

"Comprehend the mystery of what you have heard this time. Fifty thousand years later, it will be time for you to enter the Great Desolate Continent!" the ancestor of fate gave them an order, and then let them exit the hall.

Ancestor Destiny calculated the existence of Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Shi Chen,

He wanted to see where the two had gone?

If possible, he wanted to recruit these two people back. If the four of them joined forces, they could kill Luo Hu directly.

Ancestor Destiny felt very sorry for the last battle between Dao and Demon. If he was here, Luo Hu would definitely die!

Even without Patriarch Yin-Yang, Patriarch Qiankun, or even Patriarch Chaos, just him, Patriarch Hongjun, Patriarch Shichen, and Patriarch Yangmei would be enough to kill Luo Hu!

Sometimes having too many people is not a help, but a burden!

Patriarch Yangmei and Patriarch Shi Chen have already entered the depths of chaos, how could they come back?

According to the estimation of the ancestor of fate, these two people have completely lost the news and cannot be contacted at all.


On Mount Sumeru, Luo Hu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the starry sky. It was only then that the ancestor of fate calculated the Fusang tree, which was known to Luo Hu.

After all, the secret this time was covered up by Luo Hu!

"I didn't get the Primordial Purple Qi, but I got the Good Fortune Jade Plate. This Hongjun is really crazy, but the more this happens, the happier I am. This prehistoric world is getting more and more interesting!" Luo Hu smiled.

Daozu Hongjun was driven crazy by him, and he even borrowed the good fortune jade plate, which is tantamount to being held by the ancestor of fate for the future.

In the future, it is absolutely impossible for Hongjun Daozu to take action against Destiny Patriarch!

But this is also interesting, a chessboard, three chess players, this chessboard will definitely be messed up, Luo Hu just wants to make the chessboard messy at this time!

After messing around, he can do what he wants to do!

Now Luo Hu wants to do two things!

The first is to upgrade the level of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​so that Da Zi Zai Tian can become Zhongqian World!

The second is the thirty-sixth rank Chaos Creation Green Lotus, which is a must for Luo Hu, and he must succeed in the fusion!

Yehuo Honglian has gradually moved closer to him, and only needs Luo Hu to accept his disciples, then Yehuo Honglian belongs to Rahu!

The golden lotus of the twelve grades of merit is in the hands of Luo Hu, and it only needs to be lent and quoted, and then it can be taken back again!

As long as Luo Hu thinks about the Twelfth Grade Good Fortune Qinglian, he can instantly restore the Twelfth Grade Good Fortune Qinglian, and then appear in his hands!

Next, what Luo Hu has to do is to find the remaining innate five-party flags!

The situation is not chaotic, and Luo Hu can't find the remaining innate five-party flags. He needs to rely on the troubled times, and then put aside the attention of Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch.

If Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch knew about the fusion of the thirty-sixth rank Chaos Creation Qinglian, they would definitely try their best to stop it.

"My lord, come to the Palace of Freedom."

Rahu's voice reached the Taishang's ears, and immediately, the Taishang came to the Palace of Freedom.

"Master, the disciple is here."

"Go to the East China Sea, and let them not leave the Four Seas during this period of time, not even a single dragon clan leaves the Four Seas, and let them search for Yingzhou Island in the Four Seas!"

"Disciple takes orders!" Taishang hurriedly left and headed for the East China Sea.

Judging by Luo Hu's expression, this matter seems to be very urgent, so the emperor dare not delay any longer!

Looking for Yingzhou Island, Luo Hu doesn't have time yet, he wants to digest this time's comprehension, this time's sermon, let him re-comprehend Da Luo Jinxian under himself!

At this moment, at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, a group of ancestor witches were discussing matters.

"Brother, what do you mean by Mozu? Sister Houtu can really become a saint!" Zhu Rong was a little overjoyed!

As long as Houtu becomes holy, then this prehistoric place must belong to their ancestral shamans. Just look at Luo Hu and Hongjun Daozu to know how powerful the saints are!

Therefore, all the ancestral witches now hope that someone among them can be sanctified, it doesn't matter who is sanctified, the key is between the twelve of them!

"The Demon Ancestor probably wouldn't lie to us. He said that sister Houtu can become a saint, so she will definitely become a saint!" Di Jiang said solemnly.

"Our ancestral shamans don't cultivate primordial spirits, but our physical bodies are extremely powerful. If sister Houtu can walk out of the path of physical sanctification, then we can all become holy too!" Zhu Jiuyin laughed loudly.

Xiu Yuanshen has been sanctified, but the body has not yet been sanctified!

Now the Twelve Ancestral Witches want a hope!

"Brother, little sister is very clear about the matter. The words of the Demon Ancestor are just an encouragement, so don't force it too much." Houtu said helplessly.

"Don't say that, the Demon Ancestor said that you can become a saint, and you will definitely become a saint!" Di Jiang said in a deep voice, and his tone could not be refuted!

Houtu didn't say anything more!

Xuan Ming said at this time: "Brother, are we leaving Buzhou Mountain?"

"That's right, sister Xuanming is right, it's time for us to leave Buzhou Mountain." Qiang Liang said.

Twenty thousand years ago, they got a rare treasure, which was a palace, and the name of this palace was Pangu Palace!

And there is this Pangu statue in the Pangu Temple, if they practice under the statue, their cultivation speed will be much faster!

However, an idea came out of Pangu Palace, that is to leave Buzhou Mountain and go to the land of extreme heaven, so that Pangu Palace can stand between heaven and earth!

For the Pangu Palace, these twelve patriarchs are crowned supreme, because they can feel that this is what Pangu left for them!

That's why Xuan Ming said so.

"Pangu Palace is the residence left to us by God the Father. From now on, we will rely on Pangu Palace to suppress our luck!" Di Jiang said majesticly.

In fact, there is another treasure in the Pangu Temple, but these ancestor witches didn't say anything, because some things, once they are said, will definitely alarm the heavens!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches have a feeling that in the Pangu Temple, they can isolate any perception, whether it is the sage or the way of heaven, they can't calculate them, and they can't know their existence!

Moreover, the treasures in the Pangu Temple can allow them to gather a powerful force and help them fight for hegemony!

Therefore, this treasure must never appear under the Dao of Heaven, nor can it be revealed.

A very important treasure, once spoken, the saint will respond, and the way of heaven will also respond.

Di Jiang and the others looked at each other and knew what the other party was thinking. It was related to the treasure, so we could only discuss it in the Pangu Palace later.

Never mention half a word outside!

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