Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 47 Can't Heavenly Court Stand?

Tai Yi led more than a hundred Lords of the Stars and millions of souls into the Thirty-Third Heaven, and then came out again, standing beside Di Jun.

Looking at those great powers who were staring at each other, Tai Yi didn't have the slightest fear, because of these so-called great powers, only nine of them were the pinnacle of Da Luo Jinxian!

There are more than fifty Da Luo Jinxians, except for the nine peak Da Luo Jinxians, most of the rest are early Da Luo Jinxians.

There are hundreds of Taiyi Golden Immortals, don't worry about them at all, they won't pose any threat!

You know, Dijun and Taiyi are both the pinnacle of Da Luo Jinxian, so how could they worry about Taiyi Jinxian's attack?

This is like, how can an adult be afraid of a child's attack?

"Di Jun, with your ability, do you think you can be the Emperor of Heaven?" Kunpeng Patriarch looked at Di Jun and said in a deep voice!

"That's right, you're just a great Luo Jinxian, and you still want to be the Lord of the Heavenly Court. It's a ridiculous joke, I don't know what it means!"

"It's ridiculous, when will it be the turn of the lord of the heavens to be the creatures of the starry sky!"

"I really don't know what to say, it's ridiculous!"


All the powerful people laughed at Di Jun. After all, there are so many powerful people present, they are naturally not afraid.

Anyone who is not a fool can tell that no one present has a good impression of Di Jun.

"The establishment of the heavenly court is the general trend of the way of heaven, what? Do fellow Taoists want to go against the general trend of the way of heaven?" Di Jun said in a deep voice.

Tai Yi immediately said: "If you disobey the general trend of the way of heaven, there will be punishment from heaven. You must know that the saint has been born, and he will definitely protect the way of heaven!"

Tai Yi's words made all the great powers stunned, and as for Di Jun's words, they completely ignored them.

Because Taiyi's words are more deterrent!

The saint, the most powerful existence in the prehistoric world, is immortal, defies the way of heaven, let alone the matter of divine punishment, the saint appointed to protect the way of heaven!

At that time, they are going against the saint, and there is only one end for going against the saint, and that is the destruction of the true spirit!

Many great powers have started to retreat, especially those Taiyi Jinxians, more than half of them have begun to leave here.

They don't want to participate in things that involve saints, and they dare not participate!

"The birth of the heavenly court is the general trend of heaven, but who will be the emperor of heaven has never been clearly stated by the heavenly court. Obviously, the heavenly court can be established, but the emperor of heaven cannot be done by you!"

Ancestor Kunpeng stood up and said calmly.

Patriarch Kunpeng has a seat in Zixiao Palace, he doesn't want someone to be on top of him, this is something he doesn't allow, and it absolutely can't happen.

"Fellow Taoist Kunpeng is right. Even if the Heavenly Court can be established, the position of Heavenly Emperor is not something you, a Daluo Jinxian, can do!" Fuxi said in a deep voice.

Nuwa nodded, what Kunpeng and Fuxi said was right, as it should be!

At this time, Prince Dong's eyes were shining with golden light, and he didn't know what he was thinking!

"Only I can take the position of Emperor of Heaven, if you have an opinion, then go to hell!"


Dijun unleashed a blow with all his strength, sacrificed Hetu Luoshu, and suppressed a Daluo Jinxian in the middle stage.

The Da Luo Jinxian didn't expect that Di Jun would make a sudden attack in the middle period, and it was too late to resist.

Dijun is the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian, and Hetu Luoshu is the best innate spirit treasure with powerful power.

The next moment, this great power in the mid-stage of Da Luo Jinxian was killed by Di Jun, his soul collapsed, and his body turned into blood mist!

Gathering all his strength in an instant and attacking, I have to say that Dijun's strength, coupled with the power of the magic weapon, wants to kill a Da Luo Jinxian mid-stage, it is indeed very simple!

Those existences in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, or in the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian all became silent at this time.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

At the beginning they were not afraid, because so many great powers were here, Di Jun didn't dare to see what they did.

But now? A Daluo Jinxian has already died in the middle period.

And beheaded with one blow,

What if it was replaced by them?

Whether it will also perish, the answer is obvious!

A Da Luo Jinxian left Buzhou Mountain in the early stage, and with the first one, gradually, all the Da Luo Jinxian left in the early stage.

Immediately afterwards, Da Luo Jinxian's mid-term Da Neng also left one after another.

After all, Di Jun's blow was too powerful for them to resist, so they had to leave!

As for those Taiyi Golden Immortals, they have all left.

There are only twenty Da Luo Jinxians left, of which nine Da Luo Jinxians are at the peak and eleven Da Luo Jinxians are at the late stage!

They all want to fight for the position of Emperor of Heaven. Although this seat is not known if it can be won by fighting for it, they can't stand it anymore after this idea arises!

among the stars.

The black dragon on the chessboard has grown to a thousand feet, and the white dragon has grown to about five hundred feet, which means that the hope of the heavenly court is gradually spreading!

The power that prevented the establishment of Heavenly Court is gradually dissipating.

The ancestor of fate sneered, he didn't expect these great powers to be so timid, Di Jun just hit with all his strength and killed a Da Luo Jinxian in the middle stage!

Just let so many great powers leave!

how to say? I don't know if it's about Dijun's wisdom, or about the incompetence of the prehistoric almighty!

"Luo Hu, with these people alone, I'm afraid I can't kill Dijun and Taiyi!" The ancestor of fate laughed.

Although there are still nine peak Da Luo Jinxians and eleven late Da Luo Jinxians, it is really difficult to kill Tai Yi and Di Jun!

Taiyi has the innate treasure Chaos Clock in his hand, it is very difficult to break through the defense.

In this way, Taiyi can attack crazily, and what Taiyi cultivates is the Domineering One.

Although he has not become a quasi-sage, he has already moved towards the direction. In the future, he will definitely be able to cultivate into a domineering one, so the attack will be very powerful!

There was no trace of panic in Luo Hu's eyes. Although he left so many great powers, those who left were mostly useless.

Even those left on the surface are of little use.

They didn't dare to be the first to do it, for fear of being missed by Di Jun and Tai Yi!

If you want to kill Dijun, but don't want to be missed, you will only be defeated one by one!

Luo Hu was waiting. At this time, Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan from Mount Sumeru were about to arrive. With their personalities, they would never talk too much when they got there, and they would take action directly.

This will directly trigger other great powers to take action together. At that time, the situation will definitely change again!

On the chessboard, the black dragon has the upper hand, but it is not as powerful as before. Although the white dragon is at a disadvantage, its momentum is extremely fierce!

Luo Hu didn't speak, and let the ancestor of fate make fun of himself, but the ancestor of fate didn't say anything, the ending has not been revealed, everything will change!

Now he can only wait slowly, and when the Heavenly Court is established, he can mock Rahu!

In fact, this is not only ridicule, but also a kind of overwhelming!

Luo Hu's character has always been extremely tough, if he can suppress Luo Hu once, it will definitely cause a subtle change in Luo Hu's mood!

The ancestor of fate saw this, and the ancestor of Daoist Hongjun also saw this.

Therefore, they will arrange the establishment of this heaven in advance.

Taiqing and Yuanyuan blocked the Patriarch Styx, this is a real strong enemy for Emperor Jun Taiyi!

Patriarch Styx dared to attack directly, and was extremely powerful.

Two rays of light flew from the west, and soon came to the sky above Buzhou Mountain.

A cute boy, a monkey full of murderous and fighting spirit.

When these great powers present saw Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan, they all knew that they were from Mount Sumeru.

Xiong Ba's cultivation was at the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian, and Sun Yuan's cultivation had even reached the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian. Their birth time was no later than that of Di Jun!

And their heels are not bad either!

They all want to see how the great power of Mount Sumeru will be. Everyone understands the current situation, and they don't want to be the first to make a move.

I don't want to offend Dijun and Taiyi to the death!

"Establish the Heavenly Court? Did you get the consent of Mount Xumi?" Xiong Ba said calmly after taking a bite of the bitter bamboo with a cute look.

"Junior Brother Xiong Ba, you talk too much." Sun Yuan said dissatisfied.

The next moment, a long stick appeared in Sun Yuan's hand. It was the acquired treasure, the Xingchen Stick. This treasure was forged by Luo Hu himself.

Although it is only an acquired treasure, its attack power has the level of a top-grade innate spirit treasure, and it has been engraved with many powerful formations by Luo Hu!

Sun Yuan held the star stick in his hand, without saying much, he swept Di Jun away with one stick.


Di Jun's face changed, Sun Yuan's attack was a pure melee attack, and this stick actually contained the law of gravity, which made Di Jun's reaction a little hesitant!


Xingchen hit Hetu Luoshu with his stick, causing Dijun to take a few steps back, but how could Sun Yuan give up, and then attacked immediately!

In close combat, what is needed is that kind of indomitable momentum!

Xiong Ba's eyes flickered with a bright light, and he looked at these great powers present, and he knew that these great powers were probably waiting for them to make a move.

But Xiong Ba is not a fool, he will not deal with Di Jun and Tai Yi separately with Sun Yuan!

Taking a step forward, the bitter bamboo turned into a fighting form, and the nine-section war bamboo was also a melee attack, blasting towards Di Jun.

Tai Yi appointed to help at this time, but all the great powers present also moved their hands. After all, there is a fuse!

The ancestor of Kunpeng, Fuxi, Nuwa, Dongwanggong, Jieyin, Zhunti, Hongyun, etc. all surrounded Taiyi.

Tai Yi's face was dark, let alone help Di Jun at this time, he can't even protect himself!

The Chaos Bell was sacrificed and turned into ten thousand feet, resisting the incoming attack.

In an instant, several bells rang.

"Boom boom boom"

In the starry sky, the situation on the chessboard changed again.

The aura of the black dragon has risen, while that of the white dragon has dropped a bit, especially the dragon eyes of the black dragon, which have infinite aura and fighting spirit!

This dragon eye represents Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan!

Their direct action triggered a change in the chessboard, and the situation was fixed. As long as there were no changes, the Heavenly Court would not be able to be established at all!

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