Luo Hu's eyes were slightly closed, his divine sense had already extended to Mount Buzhou, he wanted to see the strength of Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan.

Both being the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, Luo Hu wants to see if the two of them can seriously injure Di Jun by combining them!

If he couldn't be seriously injured, then Luo Hu would be very disappointed.

Xiong Ba is a strange beast, its heels are as tall as Di Jun's.

Sun Yuan is one of the four monkeys in the chaotic world, the red-legged horse monkey. In terms of heels, he is no weaker than Di Jun!

It can be said that the three of them are on the same level. If they are two against one and cannot be seriously injured, then they are too useless!

What Mount Sumeru needs is a god of killing, a demon god, not trash!

Moreover, Luo Hu has high expectations for Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan, they will be the protectors of the Demon Dao in the future!

Now, Luo Hu has no way to modify Panyuan Nine Revolutions, otherwise, Luo Hu will pass this practice down.

In the case of not becoming a quasi-sage, only when the physical body reaches the innate spiritual treasure can one perfectly cultivate the Nine Revolutions of Pan Yuan, but this requirement can completely remove 99% of the power of the entire prehistoric world!

Even the current physical body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches is only at the peak of the Acquired Supreme Treasure, and there is still one step left before they can meet the requirements.

Of course, Luo Hu will not pass this practice to the outside world!

Daozu Hongjun felt bad when he saw Luo Hu's calmness. The reason why Daozu Hongjun was able to affirm the establishment of the Heavenly Court was because it was the general trend of heaven!

No one in the past dared to tamper with it, but he was wrong!

Twenty great Luo Jinxians besieged Taiyi, although none of them exerted their full strength, they just trapped Taiyi and gave Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan a chance to kill Dijun!

But this situation is already very bad. If Emperor Jun falls, then the Heavenly Court really cannot be established!

Daoist Hongjun sat in emptiness, looked at the chessboard, and then at Buzhou Mountain, closing his eyes slightly.

The ancestor of fate suddenly had a bad premonition, and in a hurry, he wanted to go to Buzhou Mountain!

But at this moment, Luo Hu opened his eyes!


A powerful killing intent surged out, and the starry sky with a radius of ten thousand miles was filled with murderous aura. The starry sky had a feeling of broken space!

"Whoever dares to take a step away from the two fellow Taoists, don't blame the poor Taoist for being cruel." Luo Hui glanced at the ancestor of fate and Taoist Hongjun!

Ancestor Fate glanced at Taoist Hongjun, but found that Taoist Hongjun was too imaginative and didn't care about these things!

Ancestor Destiny also sat down cross-legged, he did have other plans in his mind, and no longer worried about Bu Zhoushan.

With the thoughts of Di Jun and Tai Yi, how can they not guess this scene, they should have been prepared!

In the sky above Mount Buzhou, Sun Yuan and Xiong Ba pressed down on Di Jun to fight, every blow hit the flesh, this is the horror of melee combat!

Di Jun's body was already covered with scars. Although it was not too serious, it gave people the feeling of being seriously injured and dying frequently!

Di Jun was annoyed, he couldn't even use Hetu Luoshu to set up formations now, although Hetu Luoshu also had defensive power, but the real power was to set up formations.

But now Di Jun has no time to stay in the formation, and he is even a little dangerous, whether he can persist is a question.

The crazy attacks of Sun Yuan and Xiong Ba made Di Jun overwhelmed!

Especially Xiong Ba, who entered a berserk state, turned into his body and walked upright, holding a bitter bamboo, this blow was enough to shake the heavens and the earth!

"Hmph, the sun is really hot!"

Di Jun was so forced that he had no choice but to directly transform into his own body, and a mighty three-legged Golden Crow appeared.

The real fire of the sun is burning on his body!

Facing the true fire of the sun, even a quasi-sage would not dare to be careless, let alone Da Luo Jinxian!

Sun Yuan and Xiong Ba became careful in attacking, for fear that the real sun fire would get on them, without the Nine Heavens Divine Water, it would be difficult to suppress the real sun fire!

"I was ordered by the heavens to take charge of the prehistoric world on behalf of the heavens. You are all rebellious!"

The flames on Di Jun's body are getting stronger and stronger!

When Tai Yi saw this scene, his eyes became anxious. Di Jun was not using the real sun fire, but the sun god fire with his heart and soul!

It takes a lot of painstaking effort to display the Sun God Fire,

It does a lot of damage to the foundation!

Once cast, the power is naturally indescribable!

The Sun Divine Fire is the deepest flame of the sun star, and it is unstoppable for non-sages!

Even a quasi-sage can't block the sun fire, he can only dodge it!

Suddenly, the entire Buzhou Mountain began to heat up. In just ten breaths, the temperature above the entire Buzhou Mountain rose to a terrifying level.

Da Luo Jinxian felt the heat and was sweating non-stop on his forehead.

At this moment, Di Jun's body began to spin rapidly, faster and faster, and gradually formed a big sun!

It turned into a small version of the sun star, and a terrifying heat appeared.

Both Sun Yuan and Xiong Ba stopped attacking and flew backwards.

This kind of terrifying heat is not something they can bear, the sun god fire, this is a flame that even quasi-sages are afraid of!

"Brother, quickly withdraw your supernatural powers!" Tai shouted loudly.

At this time, if Di Jun continued, he would definitely hurt his foundation, and this terrifying heat caused all the powerful people to evacuate far away.

The space with a radius of ten thousand miles seemed to be melted, revealing a dark void!

Taiyi also turned into a three-legged Golden Crow and came to Dijun's side, using his magic power to help Dijun share the pressure brought by the sun god fire!

The sun god fire is not something they can release if they want to release it. This kind of god fire is completely wasting their lives!

"Second brother, the Heavenly Court cannot continue to be established, and we will use our second plan!"

Di Jun didn't stop the Sun God Fire, as long as the Sun God Fire was burning, these people would not dare to stay within ten thousand miles of Di Jun!

With the horror of the sun's divine fire, the Daluo Jinxian will be turned into ashes if he touches his body. The quasi-sage may be able to resist for a while, but he will eventually perish!

"Brother, I'm still going to use the sun god and fire supernatural power, and you are in charge of the overall situation!"

Tai Yi didn't dare to let Di Jun stay like this, otherwise he would really lose his basic resources, and it would be impossible to make up for it by then!

Di Jun thought for a while, but he still listened to Tai Yi's words. If he continues like this, he might really have to cut off the foundation, which will do him great harm!

The next moment, Tai Yi turned into a big sun, and the sun fire appeared, which was even hotter than before!

Di Jun felt a little unhappy, but also very helpless, Tai Yi was indeed stronger than him!

Transformed into the innate Dao body, Di Jun sacrificed the Hetu Luoshu. In an instant, the thirty-three heavens opened, and infinite luck was absorbed into the Hetu Luoshu.

"I am the emperor, and now I set up a family, which is the demon clan. Anyone with fur and horns, wet eggs, and Lin armor with feathers are all demon clan, the way of heaven learns from it!"

"My Emperor Jun is the Monster Emperor of the Monster Race, and my younger brother Tai Yi is the Eastern Emperor of the Monster Race!"


Suddenly, the sound of divine thunder roared from nine days above!

The coercion of heaven came, and at this time, a cloud of merit and virtue flew from outside the sky. It was ten acres in size, divided into two parts, the larger part fell on Dijun's head, and the smaller part fell on Donghuang's head. Taiyi's body.

Donghuang Taiyi lost his supernatural powers, turned into an innate Taoist body, and stood beside Di Jun.

All the great powers were taken aback for a moment, at this moment they all felt that the luck belonging to the heavenly court had begun to become the luck of the monster race!

The Heavenly Court was not established, but the Yaozu was established, and the merits of the Heavenly Dao were also obtained, and a huge power was obtained for no reason!

The monster clan established by Di Jun includes too many creatures. It can be said that 80% of the prehistoric people are monster clan!

And Tiandao even approved of it!

Merits have descended from heaven, and it is impossible for them to stop them!

"Fellow Daoist is really calculating!" Ancestor Kunpeng looked at Di Jun and said coldly!

They really didn't expect that Di Jun played such a trick!

Although the Heavenly Court was not established, it has laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the Heavenly Court in the future!

"This emperor, make an oath here, and you will definitely set up a heavenly court in the future. At that time, all fellow Taoists can come to stop it!"

When Di Jun said that, he deliberately looked at Xiong Ba and Sun Yuan, his provocative intentions were not concealed at all.

At this time, the entire prehistoric world has already shaken, and Di Jun's words are blessed by the Dao of Heaven, and they will surely spread throughout the prehistoric world!

Above Mount Sumeru, the Supreme Master looked at Mount Buzhou. This time, he made a mistake. Although the Heavenly Court was not established, the Yaozu was established, and the Heavenly Court can be established again in the future!

This is equivalent to that Di Jun and Tai Yi can get two merits!

After such a calculation, they went to stop it, but it didn't play any role. Instead, they made wedding dresses for Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi!

On Buzhou Mountain, Sun Yuan glanced at Di Jun with disdain, and said coldly: "Don't worry, next time it's not blocking, it's beheading!"

After speaking, Sun Yuan took Xiong Ba and left.

How about this time?

They succeeded. They didn't let Dijun establish the Heavenly Court, but they established the Yaozu.

They won, but Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi also won!

"Everyone, if anyone is willing to join the Monster Clan, you can stay. The Monster Clan will definitely be the heaven in the future. This emperor and the Eastern Emperor are willing to join hands with fellow Taoists to control the Great Desolation!"

Di Jun looked at the twenty Da Luo Jinxians, and threw out olive branches, as if the unhappiness just now had never happened!

"Farewell." Ancestor Kunpeng said in a deep voice.

Then fly to the North Sea.

Jieyin and Zhunti looked happy, and there was only the ancestor of Kunpeng, and they could make a move.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, let's act quickly." Zhunti said via voice transmission.

Patriarch Hongyun nodded, and the three of them flew towards Beihai at the fastest speed.

Fuxi and Nuwa were a little puzzled, they greeted and asked, how could Patriarch Hongyun follow behind Patriarch Kunpeng?

"Let's go back to the dojo!" Fuxi said.

Then they want to take Nuwa back to the dojo, after all, their dojo is in Buzhou Mountain, as long as the cloud head is lowered, there will be a dojo.

"Two fellow daoists, wait a minute. Thirty-three heavens have become the center of the demon clan, and in the future it will be the place where the heavens are located. If the two fellow daoists continue to stay in Buzhou Mountain, they still need to join the demon clan. This emperor is willing to set up two I am the Demon Emperor!"

Di Jun said with a smile.

If one or two helpers can be found at this time, it will be of great benefit to the Yaozu!

"What? You want to threaten me!" Nuwa's face darkened!

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