The change in Jieyin aroused Zhunti's idea. Seeing the demonic energy on Jieying's body, Zhunti was taken aback for a moment, which made the whole formation tremble.

Fortunately, Jieyin made his move at this time. Once he made a move, it was a thunderous ultimate move. After transforming into a demon, Jieying was like a demon god.

Ancestor Kunpeng was amazed by this sudden demonization. When he saw the attack, Ancestor Kunpeng did not hesitate to use his magical powers against the enemy!

The powerful devouring law appeared, and the infinite power of the law turned into a huge sickle at this time, and it had an extremely strong devouring power.


It collided with the attacking demon pestle, causing a huge commotion.

The illusion spaces collapsed one after the other, and as the foundation of the formation, Zhunti suffered some minor injuries at this time!

After all, he couldn't fully digest this kind of attack, so he could only resist it with formations!


Under the attack of Hongyun Patriarch and Jieyin, Kunpeng Patriarch was seriously injured, but the Bodhi Formation was also shattered.

The shattering of the Bodhi formation was not due to the ancestor Kunpeng, but to the ancestor Hongyun and Jieyin. It was the two of them who attacked and blew up the Bodhi formation.

Zhunti turned into an innate Taoist body, spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at the Kunpeng ancestor, he was seriously injured, if not seriously injured, Zhunti would have hurt his foundation.

"Junior brother, how are you?" Jieyin looked at Zhunti worriedly!

After all, Zhunti's appearance was all for him. If he didn't want to be able to have a futon in Zixiao Palace, there was no need to kill the ancestor Kunpeng.

As long as you kill a Taiyi Golden Immortal who listens to Taoism in Zixiao Palace, you can enter it if you receive it!

"Brother, don't worry, I'm fine." Zhunti's face was a little pale, obviously he had just been injured by the shock.

"Kill Patriarch Kunpeng first!" Patriarch Hongyun is now very worried that Patriarch Kunpeng has escaped!

You must know that the current Patriarch Hongyun and Patriarch Kunpeng have taken over the deep hatred!

But now, Hong Yun has also obtained two good fruits. In the future, Zhunti and Jieying will do one thing for him!

If the difference in strength is too great, then these causes and effects will disappear!

Fortunately, Patriarch Hongyun was able to keep up with their footsteps. According to the current situation, Patriarch Hongyun's cultivation level is no less than Zhunti!

"Don't worry, Kunpeng can't escape!" Jieyin said in a deep voice.

The next moment, the demonized golden body stepped out in one step, and came in front of Kunpeng Patriarch, and the Demon Subduing Pestle in his hand slowly fell.

If this blow hit Patriarch Kunpeng's head, then there would be only one result, Patriarch Kunpeng would definitely destroy his primordial spirit and die!

Both Patriarch Hongyun and Zhunti showed joy, so Jieyin can get a futon in Zixiao Palace, and Patriarch Hongyun can also get the karma of Jieyin!


A big bell rushed over and blocked the ancestor of Kunpeng.


A bell rang, and time and space in a radius of ten thousand miles were frozen.

Two rainbow lights flew over, it was Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, and the big bell just now was the Chaos Bell!

The Chaos Clock can suppress the endless chaotic time and space, and its power cannot be discussed in words.

Just when the Demon Subduing Pestle hit the Chaos Clock, the sound of the bell made the time and space in a radius of ten thousand miles freeze, and then connected Yin, Zhunti, and the three powerful ancestors of Hongyun were all fixed in the void.

Of course, this was only frozen for a moment, and then Jieyin retracted the Subduing Demon Pestle and looked at Donghuang Taiyi with anger in his eyes!

Dong Huangtai stepped out one step at a time and came to the side of the Kunpeng Patriarch, and with one finger, the Kunpeng Patriarch recovered some mana and turned into an innate Taoist body!

"Thanks to the two fellow Taoists for saving me, I am so grateful!"

Patriarch Kunpeng was a little scared at this time. If the Chaos Clock of Donghuang Taiyi hadn't struck in time, he might have fallen by now.

"You don't need to be too polite, fellow daoist." The Eastern Emperor Tai said with a smile.

Afterwards, Di Jun came to meet and guide, and said softly: "Fellow Taoist Kunpeng offended you,

Why is fellow daoist so killer! "

Seeing this scene, Jieyin knew that it would be impossible to kill the Kunpeng Patriarch.

"Di Jun, what do we have to do with you!" Zhunti said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Taoist Kunpeng is already a member of my Yaozu. Do you think it matters? Also, this time, my Yaozu will take over the karma!" Di Jun said in a deep voice.

Patriarch Kunpeng's expression changed. What Di Jun said was completely tied to the monster clan's chariot.

Kunpeng Patriarch didn't want to join the Monster Clan. Now there are Monster Emperor Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi among the Monster Clan. If he joins, he must be inferior to these two people. How could he, the majestic Kunpeng beast, be reconciled!

Furthermore, he has the power of a futon in Zixiao Palace, which is extraordinary. If he joins the Yaozu, it will not be of any benefit to him!

But at this time, the ancestor Kunpeng can't say much, if he says that he is not a member of the Yaozu, then Di Jun and Donghuangtai will leave in anger!

The ancestor Kunpeng had to face only a dead end, so he dared not say anything.

"Join the Monster Clan? Hmph, Young Master Di Jun is deceiving himself and others here. If Kunpeng joined the Monster Clan, how could he return to Beihai!" Hongyun Patriarch said in a deep voice.

Patriarch Kunpeng looked at Hongyun at this moment, wishing he could devour Hongyun. This time, what he hated most was not the reception or the quasi-promotion, but this Patriarch Hongyun!

There was a reason for Jieyin to kill him, and Zhunti and Jieyin wore a pair of pants, which would definitely help Jieyin!

But why did his ancestor Hongyun participate in this matter?

"Hong Yun, the poor Taoist will kill you in the future, if you don't kill you, you will die!" Patriarch Kunpeng roared!

It can be said that the current ancestor Kunpeng is extremely angry!

"Kunpeng, you think you can still live today, and you want to live forever with the poor, but you are not qualified!" Hongyun Patriarch's face was grim, and he did not have the image of a good old man at all!

"Why, are the two fellow daoists determined to help Kunpeng?" Jieyin asked in a deep voice.

This time, Kunpeng must be killed, otherwise, they will never have peace in the future!

Donghuang Taiyi took a step forward, holding the Chaos Clock in his hand, and endless power radiated out.

"Fellow Taoist Kunpeng is a member of the monster clan, so I naturally want to help you, but you dare to attack a member of the monster clan, the emperor will not let you go!"

In terms of strength, Donghuang Taiyi is much stronger than Di Jun. After all, Di Jun is a demon emperor, and he has to take care of the overall situation. Donghuang Tai is a demon emperor, so he doesn't have to care too much about it!

"Fellow Daoist Kunpeng, this emperor is safe. If the three fellow daoists insist on killing Fellow Daoist Kunpeng, they must first defeat this emperor and the Eastern Emperor, otherwise you will not be able to kill Fellow Daoist Kunpeng!"

Dijun stepped forward, and Hetu Luoshu appeared above his head, exuding endless mystery!

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