Holding the Chaos Clock in one hand, Donghuangtai stood above the void, not angry and majestic, her gaze was like a chaotic giant passing by, making people shudder!

Dijun held Hetu Luoshu on his head, and exuded the might of an emperor, he followed the three of them with his eyes, and didn't take them seriously at all.

The Chaos Clock is an innate treasure, and Hetu Luoshu is a top-notch innate spiritual treasure, both of which combine offense and defense!

It can be said that Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi's backgrounds cannot be compared with them at all!

Jie Yin looked at Di Jun, furious in his heart, it seemed that Di Jun was determined to keep the ancestor of Kunpeng.

If the ancestor of Kunpeng is not killed this time, then the karma will be inherited. Not only will he not be able to get the futon from Zixiao Palace, but he will also be in big trouble in the future!

This is tantamount to losing his wife and losing his army!

"Fellow daoist doesn't care about this matter, it's a cause and effect owed to fellow daoist!" Jieyin looked at Di Jun and said.

This sentence made the Kunpeng patriarch startled, and immediately looked at Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. If they abandoned him at this time, then the only thing waiting for him was death!

Di Jun and Dong Huangtai looked at each other.

Immediately, the Eastern Emperor laughed loudly: "Haha...Kunpeng is a powerful monster, how could he be killed by you!"

Donghuang Taiyi's words, the more they came to the end, the colder the voice became, and the chaotic clock in his hand rang faintly, as if about to launch an attack.

Zhunti wanted to say something, but Jieyin stopped him. I have to say, at this moment, they are indeed no match for Dijun and Donghuangtaiyi!

"Let's go!" Jieyin said in a deep voice.

Zhunti felt unwilling, but had no choice but to leave.

Patriarch Hongyun was even more annoyed, this time he can be regarded as paying for a big karma, Patriarch Kunpeng has sworn to never die!

In the future, there will be a battle between him and the ancestor Kunpeng!

Although now is the best time to kill the ancestor Kunpeng, but with the protection of Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, they can't do it!

In desperation, Patriarch Hongyun also followed Zhunti and left Beihai.

"Thanks to the two fellow Taoists for the rescue, I am so grateful!" the Kunpeng Patriarch once again thanked Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

"Fellow Daoist can see it clearly now. In this prehistoric world, if you and I don't get together, we will be killed sooner or later. Are you willing to join the Yaozu?" Di Jun said solemnly.

The purpose of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi's coming here is very simple, that is to let the ancestor Kunpeng join the monster clan. Otherwise, how could they help the ancestor Kunpeng.

A kind heart does not exist in the prehistoric world!

Patriarch Kunpeng fell into deep thought. He didn't want to join the Yaozu. Once he joined, it meant that he might have to obey Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi in the future!

He has the power of a futon in Zixiao Palace, and his future achievements are limitless!

"Can you allow me some time to think about it?" Kunpeng Patriarch said.

At this time, there is only dragging, he is seriously injured now, and there is no room for resistance!

"What? Could it be that Fellow Daoist thinks that the Yaozu can't tolerate you!" Donghuang Taiyi's face darkened.


A bell rang, as if Donghuang Taiyi was furious.

Shocked in the heart of the ancestor Kunpeng, breaking through the last defense in his heart!

"Pindao can join the Yaozu, but the poor will not be ordered by others!" Kunpeng Patriarch said in a deep voice.

This is his final bottom line!

If he was sent at will, he might as well just perish.

"Haha... What did fellow daoist say? Since fellow daoist has joined the demon tribe, from now on fellow daoist will be a demon master of the demon tribe, and his status is only inferior to this emperor and the Eastern emperor." Di Jun laughed loudly.

"The emperor was a little rude just now, so the demon master should not take it to heart." Donghuang Taiyi apologized to Kunpeng.

Kunpeng Patriarch sighed helplessly in his heart, one of them was red-faced and the other was pale-faced, if he didn't join, he would definitely die!

"Eastern Emperor doesn't have to be like this. Since Pindao is a monster master of the monster race, he will definitely do his best in the future!" Ancestor Kunpeng said solemnly.

At this time, saying these is undoubtedly expressing my attitude in the future.

Di Jun was overjoyed: "In the future, if there are demon masters in the demon tribe, they will definitely be able to rise to the next level, and the establishment of the Heavenly Court is just around the corner!"

"Heavenly Court?" Patriarch Kunpeng's heart was shocked, and he only remembered at this time.

The birth of the Yaozu was the result of the absence of the Heavenly Court, and the future goal of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi must still be the Heavenly Court!

If the Heavenly Court was established, it wouldn't be too much of a grievance for his ancestor Kunpeng to join.

In the north of the Great Desolate Continent, three rays of light quickly passed by, they were Yingyin, Zhunti, Hongyun Patriarch.

This time they failed, it can be said that they failed completely!

"For the sake of the two fellow Taoists, Pindao has formed a great karma with Patriarch Kunpeng, alas..." Patriarch Hongyun sighed.

"Fellow Daoist, Daoist Daoist, don't dare to forget the poor, there will be rich rewards in the future!" Jie Yin said.

Patriarch Hongyun didn't think too much about it either, he was also very helpless as things had already happened.

He is going to the Huoyun Cave to meditate, and he won't leave until the second lecture!

The three of them parted ways.

After Patriarch Hongyun left, Zhunti said with some complaints: "If Zi Zhenyuan also comes, he can definitely kill Patriarch Kunpeng!"

"Zhen Yuanzi is the disciple of Patriarch Yang Mei. Now that Patriarch Yang Mei is unknown, how would Zhen Yuan Zi dare to show off in the wild?" Jieying said with a distressed expression.

"Brother, what should I do, there are no futons in Zixiao Palace, so it's useless to take them!" Zhunti bowed his head in thought!

"Let's talk about it then!" Jieyin couldn't help feeling a little irritable when he thought of this matter.


After Houtu came to Mount Sumeru, Qi Qing brought Houtu into the Zizai Palace, and then went to Houshan to invite Luohu.

Luo Hu got his enlightenment in the Sanguangshen Pool in the back mountain. Regarding the matter of Beihai, he only checked the matter a little before he started to practice.

If Luo Hu has been paying attention, he will not send any powerful people to help.

If he knew that Jieyin had transformed into a demon, he would definitely take Jieyin as his disciple!

As a descendant, Rahu knows how to guide the future, and he must establish the Western religion, that is, Buddhism!

If the Buddha turns into a demon, and the demon turns into a Buddha, this is not dividing the way of magic, but a powerful way of magic in another form!

It's a pity that Luo Hu realized the Tao and didn't pay attention to the affairs of Beihai. There are some things that Luo Hu couldn't possibly know all about, otherwise, he would be an existence in the dark!

Qi Qing came to the back mountain and saw Luo Hu enlightening the Tao, so she didn't disturb him, but stood by.

As for Houtu waiting in the Zizai Palace, since the Six Desires are with him anyway, just wait!

Nothing is more important than Luo Hu's enlightenment!

Panyuan Nine Turns, this is a technique that Luohu comprehended in Buzhou Mountain, which can directly become a saint in the flesh!

This saint is not a quasi-sage, but a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

However, the requirements of this technique are extremely high. Without becoming a quasi-sage, let the body become an innate spiritual treasure!

Otherwise, you can't practice this kind of exercises!

Now, in the entire Sumeru Mountain, there are only three people who are qualified to practice Panyuan Nine Revolutions in the future.

They are Demon Dragon Ao Zheng, Fifth Disciple Xiong Ba, and Armed Monkey Yuan Hong!

Luo Hu thought of ways to weaken Panyuan Nine Turns, of course, this weakening is not to weaken the power of Panyuan Nine Turns!

Instead, it lowered the standard of the nine rotations of the pan yuan!

The way of Pan Yuan's nine-turn cultivation is to condense the law to cultivate the physical body, which requires the physical body of the innate spirit treasure.

This point is difficult to change, and Luo Hu tried every means, but he couldn't resolve this obstacle!

The nine-turn magic skill is also a physical skill, but the final state is only a quasi-sage, and it is far from reaching the standard that Luo Hu wants.

Naturally, Luo Hu practiced Pan Yuan Nine Revolutions, but he wanted his disciples to also practice Pan Yuan Nine Revolutions!

This kind of flesh body method that can directly cultivate Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can give his disciples a chance to become a saint!

Once he becomes the Hunyuan Great Luo Golden Immortal, Luo Hu can bestow the primordial purple energy.

There are eight primordial purple qi in the Great Mill of Extermination, and Luo Hu used one, and there are seven more!

Although it's not enough at all, it's already a lot. Besides, becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can also fight against saints!

If it is a battle in chaos, the saint may not be the opponent of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Panyuan Nine Revolutions, the core cultivation method, the condensed law can be used to cultivate the supreme body, and the cultivation to the extreme can reach the level of the best innate spiritual treasure!

It is still difficult for Luo Hu to change the cultivation method in it.

Nine-turn magic skill can be said to be the basic skill of Panyuan nine-turn, there is no doubt about this.

Nine-turn magic kung fu is the ultimate in cultivation, and can reach the innate spiritual treasure.

But under the premise of becoming an innate spiritual treasure, you can suppress your own realm, don't become a quasi-sage, you can continue to practice Panyuan Nine Revolutions!


Luo Hu sighed and woke up from enlightenment with a helpless expression on his face.

The foundation of Panyuan Nine Revolutions is too high, so high that it is too high to stop people!

At the beginning, Luo Hu also had an epiphany in Buzhou Mountain, which contains the body method of Pangu Great God!

Of course, if those ancestral witches were to practice Pan Yuan Nine Revolutions, it would definitely be tailor-made, but how could Luo Hu hand over this kind of exercise!

The ancestor witch has nothing to do with him, he will definitely not pass on the skills, even if there are some origins, he will not spread it out, Pan Yuan Nine Revolutions, can only pass on the direct line of the magic way!

"Master, the ancestral witch of Houtu has been waiting in the Zizai Palace for a thousand years." Qi Qing came to Luo Hu's side and said respectfully.

Luo Hu heard this and nodded his head. Although he didn't count the arrival of Houtu, he knew the reason for Houtu's arrival.

"Tong'er, I call you Senior Brother Ao Zheng, and ask him to send these two fishes back to Mount Sumeru after they have completed training in the East China Sea and reached the Golden Immortal Realm." Luo Hu pointed at the two dragon fishes.

Qiqing was overjoyed immediately, this was a great fortune, he had a very good relationship with these two arowanas on weekdays, now that Luohu bestowed a great fortune, Qiqing was naturally very happy too.

"Disciple, let's make arrangements now." Qiqing left in a hurry.

Luo Hu stepped forward and came to the inner hall of the Zizai Palace, his face became majestic, and he walked into the main hall.

Sitting on the cloud platform, he looked down at Houtu below.

"Houtu pays homage to the demon ancestor, the holy life is boundless!"

Hou Tu hurriedly knelt down and saluted, and when he met a saint, even if he was at the peak of a quasi-sage, he still had to salute, this is the majesty of a saint!

The sage above the prehistoric represents the heaven and the earth, and he can control the power of the heaven and the earth!


Luo Hu nodded lightly, and a gentle force lifted Hou Tu up.

"This time I came to Mount Sumeru to look for the Demon Ancestor, and I wanted to ask the Demon Ancestor about something." Houtu said respectfully.

"Pangu Temple has been born, a place outside the law under the heaven, tell me, what's the matter?"

Luo Hu's words shocked the Hou Tu's heart.

Being on Mount Sumeru, but already knowing about the Pangu Palace in the extreme place of heaven, the means of the saint are really unimaginable!

There are only three kinds of places outside the law under the law of heaven!

The first type is the dojo of the saint, the way of heaven cannot penetrate directly, and it is impossible to know the things in it. After all, the majesty of the saint cannot be crushed casually even by the way of heaven!

The second type is the secret land or islands transformed by the fragments of chaos, such as the three overseas islands. Of course, two of these three islands have become islands under the law of heaven, and Yingzhou Island is the only one.

The third type, the Pangu Temple, neither the Dao of Heaven nor the saints can know anything in the Pangu Temple.

This is the real place outside the law, and without the consent of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, it would be an extravagant hope for a saint to enter the Pangu Palace.

"Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi set up a monster clan and wanted to dominate the Great Desolate Continent. Our ancestors and witches refused to accept it and wanted to create a clan called: the witch clan!"

As Houtu was speaking, Luo Hu did not interrupt Houtu, because he knew that Houtu had something to do next.

"When the Wu Clan comes out, it must be opposed to the Monster Clan, and behind the Monster Clan is the Destiny Ancestor. Although the Witch Clan is not afraid of the Monster Clan, they cannot resist the Fate Ancestor. The descendants come here and beg the Demon Ancestor to help the Witch Clan!"

Hou Tu didn't tell a single lie in front of Luo Hu, all of them were from the bottom of his heart.

There is no beating around the bush, just straight to the point.

Even the ideas of their twelve ancestor witches were expressed, and the idea of ​​​​creating the witch clan was also expressed.

Luo Hu was contemplative, Hou Tu didn't dare to disturb him, and stood quietly below, waiting for Luo Hu's reply.

It is inevitable that the Wu Clan was born.

As a descendant of Luo Hu, the Lich and the Demon Clan are the protagonists on both sides of this tribulation.

Although he knew that the Wu Clan would definitely be born, Luo Hu wanted to know how the Twelve Ancestral Witches created a huge Wu Clan!

If it was about essence and blood, Luo Hu didn't believe it.

Luo Hu suspects that there must be the supreme treasure left by Pangu in the Pangu Palace!

And it contains good fortune, otherwise how to create a family?

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are nothing more than the cultivation base of the Daluo Jinxian, how can they have the ability to create a family?

Even quasi-sages can hardly create a family by themselves!

"The witch clan should come out, and the lich fight for hegemony is the general trend. It is irreversible. The poor can guarantee it. The ancestor of destiny cannot directly intervene in the battle between the two clans." Luo Hu said lightly.

Houtu was overjoyed when he heard that, and thanked him quickly.

This undoubtedly shows that Luo Hu will block the ancestors of destiny for the twelve ancestor witches.

"When the Wu Clan was born, the poor Taoist needs to be present." Luo Hu said flatly.

Hou Tu's face changed, if Luo Hu was present, wouldn't it mean that Luo Hu should be allowed to enter the Pangu Palace!

This is absolutely not possible!

This was the first thought in Hou Tu's mind!

But when he calmed down, Houtu didn't dare to refuse directly. Once Luo Hu was displeased, the Wu Clan would be born in the future, and the clan might perish immediately!

"Houtu doesn't dare to be the master of this matter, can you allow Houtu to go back and discuss with your elder brothers, and come to pay respects to the Demon Ancestor." Houtu said helplessly.

They are begging for help now, so naturally they can't stop talking.

However, there are important secrets in the Pangu Palace, which must not be known to outsiders.

The Demon Ancestor is a sage, if Luo Hu knew about the treasure in the Pangu Palace, they would have evil thoughts, and they would not be able to keep that treasure at all!

Therefore, Houtu didn't dare to make a decision, so she wanted to go back and discuss it.

Seeing Houtu's appearance, Luo Hu showed a hint of a smile.

"Pindao will go to the extreme heaven with you, and Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin will agree." Luo Hu laughed!


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