Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 53 Two Parts of Pan Gu


Hou Tu hesitated, she dared not let Luo Hu go!

If Rahu went to the land of extreme heaven, then Pangu Palace must be entered. If they don't let Rahu enter, then they will be disrespectful to Rahu. They can't afford such a crime!

Who would dare to disobey the meaning of the saint?

Hou Tu felt a little helpless, she had no choice, if Luo Hu was not allowed to go now, it would not work, I am afraid that Luo Hu's influence on Zu Wu would drop sharply in the future!

Luo Hu said indifferently: "It doesn't have to be like this, Pindao is only going to the place of extreme heaven, not entering Pangu Palace, and as far as Pindao knows, without the consent of your ancestral witches, I'm afraid I won't be able to enter it!"

When Hou Tu hesitated, Luo Hu added another sentence!

"You twelve ancestor witches agree together that the poor can enter, right?" Luo Hu seemed to know everything!

The Pangu Palace was left behind by the Great God Pangu, so Luo Hu was naturally very concerned about it. Before the Pangu Palace was born, Luo Hu had already started to calculate.

Now that it has appeared, Luo Hu must go there!

He now needs to stabilize the Twelve Ancestral Witches, because he has to enter the Pangu Palace, and Luo Hu also needs to help the Twelve Ancestral Witches!

In the next calamity, only the witch clan created by the ancestor witch can fight against the monster clan, otherwise, the monster clan will dominate!

Behind the Yaozu is the ancestor of fate, if the Yaozu is allowed to grow, it will be a fatal blow to Mo Dao!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are a very important pawn of Rahu.

In fact, even if Hou Tu didn't come to find Luo Hu, Luo Hu would still go to the land of extreme heaven. This is Luo Hu's calculation, and there must be no mistakes!

Once a problem arises, it will have great disadvantages for the magic way and for Rahu.

"The ancestor of the devil came to the land of the extreme, and Houtu naturally welcomes him, and please move the ancestor of the devil!" Houtu said respectfully.

Houtu couldn't refuse Luo Hu at this time, she was worried that if Luo Hu didn't help the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the Twelve Ancestral Witches would be very passive in the wild in the future!

Luo Hu didn't use teleportation, but let Houtu take him to the end of the sky.

The land of extreme heaven is not far from the east of Mount Buzhou, and at the speed of future earth, this trip will take nearly a thousand years.

Luo Hu was not in a hurry, but was thinking about what was in the Pangu Palace!

Because there are two parts of the Great God Pangu that have not transformed, Luo Hu really wants to know which treasure in the Pangu Temple is the treasure of the Great God Pangu!

The hair turned into endless stars, the eyes turned into lunar stars and sun stars to suppress the endless starry sky, and the head turned into thirty-three heavens to suppress the entire prehistoric world!

This is why it is said that the Heavenly Court is the prehistoric orthodoxy, because the Heavenly Court must be established in the Thirty-Third Heaven.

And the Thirty-Third Heaven is transformed from Pangu's head, which is the dominant part of the whole body, and naturally it is also the orthodox ruling place of the prehistoric world!

The spine turned into Buzhou Mountain, and the blood turned into rivers and dragons.


It can be said that there are only two parts missing from Pan Gu's appearance!

One is the heart of the great god Pangu, and the other is the god root of the great god Pangu!

The root of God is the place three inches below the navel of the human body!

It can be said that these two parts of the Great God Pangu have not appeared now, as for the others, they have already appeared in the prehistoric world!

What Luo Hu wants is the heart of Pan Gu, of course, if it is the root of God, it is also possible!

It can be said that Pan Gu is full of treasures!

In fact, what Luo Hu didn't know was that Hongjun Daozu had already gone to the land of extreme heaven at this time.

How can the saint's ability be discussed in words!

Hongjun Daozu left Zixiao Palace, and with one step, he entered the prehistoric land!

After arriving here, Daozu Hongjun found the Pangu Hall. Looking at this quaint hall, Daozu Hongjun's eyes showed excitement. If possible, he wanted to take a look!

"Fellow Daoists are here too!" The Destiny Patriarch appeared in the void,

Looking at Daozu Hongjun, he said lightly.

"There is a part of Pangu Great God in the Pangu Palace, how can the poor Taoist not come?" Daozu Hongjun shook his head and said.

"Pangu and Pindao have a bloody feud, can you transfer the property of Pangu Palace to me!" the ancestor of fate said solemnly.

Judging from the expression of the ancestor of fate, it seems that if he got this part of Pan Gu, he would abuse him crazily, otherwise it would be difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart!

Hongjun Daozu laughed. It can be said that Destiny Ancestor played tricks in front of him. It can be said that it was a waste of effort. This is a part of Pangu Great God. If you get it, it is possible to directly improve a realm!

"The Great God Pan Gu opened up the Great Desolation, and he is the Great God of the Great Desolation. Fellow Daoists want to harm the body of the Great God Pan Gu, which is to oppose the entire Great Desolation. When the time comes, don't blame the impoverished people for being rude!"

The meaning of Daozu Hongjun is obvious, that is, only he can get the treasures in the Pangu Temple. As for the ancestor of Destiny, it is absolutely impossible to get it!

Even if Ancestor Destiny is lucky enough to get it, he must hand it over, otherwise, Daoist Hongjun will try his best to kill Ancestor Destiny!

"Hehe, let's talk if you can stop Luo Hu!"

Then, Ancestor Destiny stepped out and came to the main entrance of Pangu Palace!


A powerful attack hit the main entrance, making a huge noise!

The eleven ancestral witches in the Pangu Temple were all shocked by the sound, and they all opened their eyes, looking outside with the eyes of supernatural powers, but found the ancestor of fate and the ancestor of Daoist Hongjun!

"Brother, it's Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch, what should we do?" Xuan Ming's heart trembled, unexpectedly, two saint-like existences appeared suddenly!

Moreover, they felt that the two mighty comers were not kind, so they didn't dare to open the palace gate easily!

"What to do?" Gong Gong asked!

At this time, all the ancestral witches trembled in their hearts. Although they were not afraid, they were very worried.

There are two saint-level existences, and it is easy to destroy them!

Now they are going to open the door, so life and death are unknown, who knows what they came for?

But if you don't open the door, you will deeply offend Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch!

There is absolutely no possibility of repairing it in the future!

How to do?

Di Jiang was also extremely anxious. Hou Tu went to invite Luo Hu, but he still hasn't come. This made Di Jiang feel bad.

"Brother, this door must not be opened, otherwise, our brothers may perish here!"

What is in the Pangu Palace?

Their ancestral witches knew better than anyone else that if they opened the gate of the palace, then they would face the saint's killing and seizing the treasure. At that time, let alone blocking them, they would not be able to withstand even one blow!

Under the temptation of that kind of treasure, the saint?

Hehe, how could a saint resist this kind of temptation!

"Poverty Dao Hongjun, come to see the portrait of Pan Gu!"

Daozu Hongjun's voice sounded outside, and it naturally spread into Pangu Hall. It has to be said that Daozu Hongjun found a good reason!

The Great God Pangu opened up the entire Great Desolation, and lived on the Great Desolation. Naturally, he should be grateful to the Great God Pangu, and Daozu Hongjun is the Taoist ancestor of Xuanmen!

It's a prehistoric sage again, all of this was bestowed by God Pangu, so there's nothing wrong with him coming to see the portrait of God Pangu!

Di Jiang's face was deep and terrifying. As a saint, he did everything he could. Anyone knew what he was actually going to do when he said he was going to meet the portrait of Pangu the Great God!

"Brother!" Zhu Jiu said in a dark voice.

All ten of their ancestral witches were waiting for Di Jiang to speak.

No matter what decision Di Jiang made, they would listen to it, even if all the ancestral witches died, it didn't matter, but Di Jiang never made a decision!

This made all the ancestral witches feel uncertain!

If things go on like this, fear will arise in the hearts of these ancestral witches. At that time, their fearlessness will be broken. If they are all cultivating, they will encounter unspeakable obstacles!

"No!" After Di Jiang said this, he squatted down as if he had exhausted all his strength!

Zhu Jiuyin quickly helped Dijiang up!

At this time, they all knew what kind of pressure Di Jiang was under, and if this one was not opened, it meant that they would have a bad relationship with Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Ancestor in the future!

what does that mean?

Honghuang now has two saints, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is equivalent to them directly offending a saint, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

This is still a sin to death!

Dijiang also has his own ideas, he is waiting!

At the same time, Dijiang is also taking a gamble. This is undoubtedly a big gamble. As long as Houtu can come in the near future, then everything will be easy to talk about!

If Houtu doesn't come back for a long time, then the hearts of these ancestral witches will be broken. This is a fearless broken heart!

Once they are broken, they can only become Da Luo Jinxian from now on, and they can no longer become quasi-sages, let alone saints!

"Houtu can definitely bring the Demon Ancestor to come. At that time, our crisis can be resolved, but..."

Although Di Jiang didn't say it, everyone who is doing it knows what Di Jiang wants to say!

Once the crisis is resolved by this method, the relationship between their ancestor witch and the demon ancestor will become closer and closer!

This is not the intimacy between master and apprentice, but the relationship between subordinates and subordinates!

Their ancestral shamans disrespected heaven and Hongjun, and in the end they still wanted to worship under the seat of the demon ancestor!

It has to be said that it was a trick of fortune!

"My fate, come to ask Pangu for karma, if you open the door, you can survive!"

The ancestor of Destiny is very direct, blatantly intimidating!

Now that they have decided not to open the door, the eleven ancestral witches closed their eyes tightly, not thinking about this matter, and no matter how shouted outside!

"Hmph, something that doesn't know how to live or die!" the ancestor of fate snorted.

Daozu Hongjun was not very angry. When he came, he had already expected this kind of result. The reason why he came was to see if there was any direction to enter!

A part of Pan Gu, and a very important part, they naturally want to get it!

Moreover, this part seems to be very useful, and it is very likely that it will bring immeasurable merit in the future!

"Why do fellow Taoists get angry? Even if the treasures belong to Luo Hu, they can't be yours!" Hongjun Daozu sneered!

Although in general, they have a common union, but they will never have any intersection in small matters, especially when it is harmful to interests!

In fact, when he was in Zixiao Palace, Taoist Hongjun fell into contemplation, not only thinking once, how to kill the ancestor of destiny, and then deprive him of the source of destiny!

With Hongjun Daozu's current state, after obtaining the source of destiny, the benefits will be limitless!

The combination of Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Ancestor may not be able to crush Luo Hu, but if Hongjun Daozu devours Destiny Patriarch, then it is no longer a fantasy to want to crush Luo Hu!

The ancestor of destiny also often wanted to kill Hongjun Daozu, and then get the good luck jade plate. He didn't have the treasure of chaos, so that's why he was passive now!

If there is the treasure of chaos, then Luo Hu may not be the opponent of the ancestor of destiny!


The ancestor of fate made a move.

The terrifying power of the law of fate appeared, turned into a big handprint, and slapped towards the Pangu Temple. Wherever it passed, the space became distorted!

The infinite power of destiny has formed a space of destiny for thousands of miles around!

In this space, the ancestor of destiny is the supreme existence!


The attack of the Destiny Patriarch only made the Pangu Palace tremble, and did not break the Pangu Palace!

At the same time, the Ancestor of Destiny used his supernatural powers to control the ancestral witches within by using the mystery of the law of destiny!

Searched for a while, but did not find the target!

Ancestral witches don't have primordial spirits. Ancestor Destiny wants to use the power of fate to control their primordial spirits and change their fate, but this is simply unrealistic!

"Fellow Daoists, don't waste your efforts in vain. Zuwu don't have primordial spirits. If you want to control them, you need to directly control the physical body, or the true spirit in the dark!"

Daoist Hongjun gave a reminder!


Ancestor Destiny withdrew his magical powers, snorted coldly, turned and left Pangu Palace!

It doesn't make any sense to stay here any longer.

Even if he got that treasure, Hongjun Taoist Ancestor would still fight for it. At that time, Luo Hu would be alarmed, and who owned the treasure would not be known, so there was no need to waste effort.

Hongjun Daozu smiled as he watched Destiny Patriarch leave!

Sacrifice the good fortune jade plate!

This good fortune jade plate is the treasure of Pan Gu's enlightenment, and has an extraordinary relationship with Pan Gu.

Daozu Hongjun wanted to have a try, whether this good fortune jade plate could help him open the Pangu Temple, if so, this would be a real surprise!

I saw the jade saucer of good fortune flew above the Pangu Temple, shedding endless blue light, and various mysterious laws appeared, converging into an ocean of three thousand laws.

Covered the entire Pangu Temple.

Daoist Hongjun pinched his fingers and tried to let the breath of the good luck jade plate enter his body, and walked towards the gate of Pangu Palace step by step!

Hongjun Daozu gently reached out to touch the gate, but did not receive any resistance!

Daoist Hongjun was overjoyed, quickly pushed hard, and slowly pushed the palace gate!

next moment!


The Pangu Palace was slowly opening, Hongjun Daozu immediately pushed hard, and the gate of the Pangu Palace opened!

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