The eleven ancestral witches who were resting with their eyes closed all felt their hearts twitch suddenly, and their faces became ugly.

They saw the palace gate of Pangu Palace slowly opening, and before their eyes, the palace gate opened with a bang.

An old man in Taoist robes, with white hair and a childlike face.

"If you shut out the poor Taoist priest, you know that this is insulting the saint, you should kill him!"

The next moment, Hongjun Daozu gathered mana in his hands, ready to kill these ancestral witches!

This time, it wasn't Hongjundao's ancestor who provoked him, so he didn't need to bear any karma to kill the ancestor witch!

With such a good opportunity, how could he not kill him!

Ancestor Destiny may not be able to see it, but Taoist Hongjun can see that these twelve ancestor witches are the chess pieces of Luo Hu in the future, and they are still very important chess pieces!

Therefore, Hongjun Daozu must kill them!

"Hongjun Daozu, this is the Pangu Palace, the place left by the Father God. If you dare to fight here, you have the Pangu God in your heart!" Di Jiang shouted heavily!

The other ten ancestral witches were all standing beside Di Jiang, with determination in their eyes, they were not afraid of death!

Death, for them, is just a return to the arms of God the Father!

"If you insult a saint, you should die!"

Hongjun Daozu didn't want to talk nonsense with them, so he gave a deep drink, and shot out the mana in his hand!

In an instant, one divided into eleven, turned into eleven palm prints and hit the eleven ancestor witches!

Dijiang and other ancestor witches all had deep faces and no fear at all. They knew that they would perish with one more breath, but there was no fear in their hearts, and some were just unwilling!


A lotus flower appeared, and then the figures of Rahu and Houtu appeared on the lotus flower.

With a wave of Rahu's hand, the palm prints that hit him all turned into nothingness.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, this is the place of Great God Pangu, even if you want to kill them, you can't do it here!" Luo Hu said in a deep voice.

Pangu Hall is a holy place!

This is Pangu's place, if you dare to behave wildly here, you are disrespecting Pangu!

"If Pindao informs Hong Huang of this matter, I wonder if you, the ancestor of Dao, can continue to do so, or in other words, whether you can keep your position as the spokesperson of Heaven's Dao in the future!"

What Luo Hu said was right, once Honghuang knew that Hongjun Daozu had made a move in Pangu Palace, it would definitely arouse the disgust of the entire Honghuang Daomeng!

Even if Tiandao's subconscious mind doesn't want anything from Pangu to stay, it will also reject Daozu Hongjun because of this. It is absolutely impossible for Tiandao's spokesperson to be his!

Daozu Hongjun's face was dark. Luo Hu came here at this time, and he specified that there was no way to kill the eleven ancestor witches, and he couldn't even get the things from the Pangu Temple!

"Fellow Daoist Luo Hu, you are a saint, you should know the consequences of insulting a saint!" Daoist Hongjun asked Luo Hu back.

Luo Hu's face darkened, he turned around, looked at Di Jiang and the others, and said heavily, "Don't apologize to Fellow Daoist Hongjun yet!"

Di Jiang and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then they understood what it meant.

Immediately, Di Jiang knelt down and bowed down: "Don't blame the sage, we also made a big mistake of disrespect because the sage broke into the Pangu Palace and was in a hurry!"

Immediately afterwards, the other ancestral witches also bowed down.

Hongjun Daozu's face was extremely ugly, he didn't expect Luo Hu to resolve the cause and effect of insulting the saint with a few words!

And this Di Jiang, who was also very scheming, was able to come up with such a reason!

In this way, it became Hongjun Daozu offended Pan Gu, and their ancestor witch offended the saint because of this!

In this way, Hongjun Daozu has no way to continue to pursue it, because if he pursues it any further, it will become his disrespect to the pioneers of the wild!

This is against heaven and earth, even if heaven protects him, it is useless!

Above the prehistoric world, it does not mean that the way of heaven is the greatest, but that the way of heaven and earth is the largest. The way of heaven is just a manager of the world, and this world was created by the great god Pangu!

Daoist Hongjun can still tell which is more important!

"Okay, okay, Fellow Daoist Luohu, you are really calculating, you haha ​​these barbarians!" Daozu Hongjun said halfway,

Stopped, then left the Pangu Palace, and then disappeared in the land of the extreme heaven!

Luo Hu's face darkened, what a Hongjun Daozu, he didn't forget to provoke his relationship with Zuwu before leaving!

Sure enough, after Hongjun Daozu's words, some subtle changes took place in the hearts of Di Jiang and others!

But they still saluted Rahu respectfully!

"Meet the Demon Ancestor, thank you the Demon Ancestor for your rescue!"

"Remember from now on, if you don't become a saint, you are an ant. When you see a saint, even if you feel angry in your heart, you have to pay homage to him!" Luo Hu said coldly.

The majesty of the saint cannot be desecrated!

As a sage, Luo Hu has to protect these things, so he warns these ancestral witches!

Next time, even if Hongjun Daozu killed them in Pangu Palace, the whole great power would not be dissatisfied with Hongjun Daozu's actions!

The sage represents the heaven and the earth and should not be desecrated!

"We know, please forgive the evil ancestor!" Di Jiang said.

"Go out for a while, Houtu, and discuss with them." Luo Hu left the Pangu Palace after finishing speaking.

A gust of wind closed the gate of the palace!

Houtu looked at the ancestor witches and said, "Brothers and sisters, you are too reckless. The majesty of a saint cannot be desecrated. Fortunately, the ancestor of the devil arrived in time this time. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Sister Houtu, the Demon Ancestor arrived in such a timely manner, who knows if the Demon Ancestor wants to plot against us!" Gong Gong sneered.

Thinking of the words of Taoist ancestor Cai Hongjun just now, the hearts of these ancestor witches are like a thorn!

Houtu's expression changed, and he looked at the other ancestor witches, even Di Jiang thought so!

Fortunately, Luo Hu is not here, otherwise, Hou Tu doesn't know what will happen!

Luo Hu came to help them, but it aroused suspicion!

"Brothers and sisters, please remember that the Demon Ancestor is a saint, and we are begging the Demon Ancestor for help, not the Demon Ancestor begging us!" Houtu said in a deep voice.

She didn't want to see the Demon Ancestor attack the Ancestral Witch, and no one would be able to stop him then.

The Demon Ancestor is different from the Dao Ancestor. The Dao Ancestor still has scruples, but the Mo Ancestor doesn't care about Hong Huang's opinion, nor does he care about the position of the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven!

If he was angry and wiped out all the ancestral witches, then it would be too late to regret!

"Sister Houtu, did the Demon Ancestor promise us?" Di Jiang asked.

"The Demon Ancestor has already agreed, agreed with us to create a family, and is willing to help us block the Destiny Patriarch, but the Demon Ancestor has one condition, he wants to watch the process of us creating a family!"

Hou Tu told Luo Hu everything in detail.

Di Jiang's face darkened. How could the Demon Ancestor watch this? You must know that once the treasure is discovered by the Demon Ancestor, there will definitely be murders to seize the treasure.

"No!" Di Jiang said firmly.

"Sister Houtu, how could you agree to the condition of Demon Ancestor, don't you know how important that treasure is?" Zhu Jiuyin said with an ugly face.

This is a question of Houtu, but also a dissatisfaction with Houtu.

The other ancestral witches all looked at Houtu with disappointment in their eyes!

"I haven't agreed to the Demon Ancestor yet. If the brothers and sisters of the voters disagree, I will tell the Demon Ancestor right away!" Houtu felt his heart suddenly tired!

She didn't expect that Hongjun Daozu's despicable sowing of dissension could play such a big role!

Could it be that her elder brothers are mentally handicapped?

The calculation that can be seen at a glance, but still feels resentful for it!

"No, if we reject the Demon Ancestor, then we may perish in the hands of Hongjun Taoist Ancestor or Destiny Ancestor in the next moment." Even if Di Jiangdang blocked Houtu!

This absolutely cannot reject the Demon Ancestor, and other ancestor witches also thought of this reason.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. Sister Houtu, please invite the Demon Ancestor in." Di Jiang was the first to walk out of the Pangu Palace as he spoke.

The other ancestral witches also walked out of the Pangu Palace. Sometimes, it is impossible for you not to compromise, because you have no strength!

In the wild, if you want to do whatever you want, the first step is to become a saint!

Even if you are sanctified, you can't really do whatever you want!

"I am willing to agree to the request of the Demon Ancestor, thank you the Demon Ancestor for supporting us!" Di Jiang said respectfully!

Sitting cross-legged on top of the twelfth-rank Mieshi Black Lotus, Luo Hu knew that Di Jiang would definitely agree, because without his support in the future, the Wu Clan would definitely be played to death by the Yao Clan!

"However, our ancestor shaman also has a small request, please ask the demon ancestor to accept Houtu as his direct disciple!" Di Jiang knelt down and bowed down as he said.

Only in this way can Luo Hu not snatch their treasures!

Hou Tu was stunned, and the other ancestral witches were also stunned. They all looked at Di Jiang suspiciously, not knowing what Di Jiang meant!

"Take Houtu as a disciple?" Luo Hu was also stunned.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Hu never thought about accepting Houtu as a disciple, because Houtu will do a great merit in the future.

Accepting Houtu as a disciple at this time will definitely attract the backlash of Pangu's will on Mount Buzhou!

Luo Hu once calculated that his current strength could not bear this kind of backlash.

Once he is backlashed by Pan Gu's will, he will be seriously injured, because Hongjun Daozu will not let this opportunity go, and the future will not be harvested!

Rahu shook his head.

There was a look of disappointment in Houtu's eyes. Houtu really wanted to be able to become Luo Hu's disciple, but Luo Hu refused to agree, which made Houtu full of disappointment!

"Houtu will have great merit in the future, and his achievements will be limitless in the future. If he is poor, he will not accept it, but he will not accept it." Luo Hu didn't want to explain at all!

But Luo Hu really wanted to see the treasure in the Pangu Palace!

Just now when he entered the Pangu Palace, he found that his divine sense could not be used. The Pangu Palace is like a forbidden space where the divine mind cannot leave the body!

This is why Luo Hu can only use this method to see the treasure!

Whether it is Pangu's heart or Pangu's god root, they all have extraordinary energy and infinite power, especially for cultivation, they have indescribable effects!

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