Luo Hu's words made Di Jiang and the other twelve ancestor witches all happy, and the higher the achievements of Houtu in the future, the better it would be for them!

After all, no matter how high Luo Hu's cultivation is, he is still powerful!

She is always an outsider, and Houtu is their younger sister, the benefits are self-evident!

"Mazu, when can we start?" Di Jiang said respectfully.

Luo Hu naturally knew what Dijiang was going to do, it must be the creation of the witch race, and Luo Hu couldn't wait to see what kind of treasure it was that could make twelve ancestral witches in the Da Luo Jinxian realm create a race!

You must know that the Wu Clan is comparable to the Monster Clan, and from another perspective, the Witch Clan can even compete with the Dragon Clan!

If Daluo Jinxian can create such a big clan, then there will not be only a few big clans in the prehistoric world, but all clans will become a big clan!

"You can act on your own!" Luo Hu said lightly.

He didn't intervene in the affairs between Zuwu, what he wanted was a pawn, so he only needed to control the overall situation, as for the small things, he didn't care about them.

Di Jiang was overjoyed, as long as Luo Hu didn't interfere in too many things, then it didn't matter if he followed the Demon Ancestor!

Luo Hu followed the Twelve Ancestral Witches into the Pangu Palace again. This time, Luo Hu just sat aside and did not participate in the discussion between them.

"Brother, it's not too late, I'll use blood essence to create a witch clan now!" Gong Gong said urgently.

The other ancestral witches are also ready to move, after all, they all want to witness the witch clan!

But Di Jiang shook his head, this time is not suitable for the birth of the Wu Clan, the most suitable time is after their mentality is peaceful!

Daoist Hongjun and Ancestor Destiny frightened them too violently before. If the Wu Clan is created now, their mentality may lead to the future achievements of the Wu Clan.

"My mentality is fluctuating. After ten thousand years, it will be the day when the Wu Clan is born." After Di Jiang finished speaking, he looked at Luo Hu again.

"I don't know what the Demon Ancestor thinks?"

Luo Hu opened his eyes, looked at Di Jiang, and said flatly, "Good."

Di Jiang nodded, and winked at the ancestor witches, and then they all fell silent and entered the state of cultivation.

In the Pangu Temple, Rahu's spiritual thoughts cannot leave the body, so Rahu cannot observe the things in the Pangu Temple.

It's also inconvenient for him to walk around in Pangu Temple at will, so he can only pretend to practice, and then see how Zuwu cultivates.

For a long time, Luo Hu was very curious about Zuwu's cultivation method!

Whether it's the magic way or the Taoism, they all cultivate by absorbing the innate aura. After reaching the Daluo Jinxian, they practice by comprehending the laws of heaven and earth.

Ancestral witches don't cultivate souls, they cultivate the physical body, but to cultivate the physical body, this requires the violent energy of heaven and earth to enter the body.

Of course, this is just a way. The Panyuan Nine Revolutions created by Luo Huo, and the Nine Revolutions Demon Art are not practiced in this way.

Based on the exercises, absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and introduce it into the blood orifices of the body, so as to exercise the foundation of the blood orifices and expand to the whole body one by one.

It can be said that the body training method created by Luo Hu is to practice from the inside out.

Observing the cultivation of the Twelve Ancestral Witches in secret, it turns out that they use the evil spirit of heaven and earth to practice, which is a way of cultivation that introduces violent evil spirit.

The harm to the physical body is extremely great, and I am afraid that only the Twelve Ancestral Witches can practice in this way!

There is another point that makes Luo Hu very puzzled, that is how the supernatural powers of the Twelve Ancestral Witches are cultivated.

Dijiang's supernatural power is space, Zhu Jiuyin's supernatural power is time, Houtu's supernatural power is earth, Gong Gong's supernatural power is water...

They don't have primordial spirits, they can't comprehend the laws, how can they display supernatural powers?

Thinking of their origins, Luo Hu was relieved, they were formed by twelve drops of Pangu's painstaking efforts, and each drop had special supernatural powers!

Twelve drops represent twelve laws, but what is puzzling is how their supernatural powers follow the physical body and become powerful!

How can we make supernatural powers stronger without practicing the law?

Rahu did not investigate carefully,

There is no way to check this at all, after all, he can't destroy an ancestor witch, and then study it carefully!

There are still ten thousand years to go, Luo Hu closed his eyes and wandered, why not wait tens of thousands of years for the unknown treasure?

Thirty-three heavens above.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Di Jun walked back and forth, with some eagerness in his eyes. The news came that Xi He was taking the last step. If it succeeded, then the Lunar Star would completely become Xi He's from now on!

This is not only good for the Yaozu, but also has huge benefits for the heavens in the future!

"Brother, don't worry, you and I know Xi He's supernatural powers, and there is also the destiny charm bestowed by Master to control the Lunar Star, and everything will go well!" Donghuang Taiyi gave a sigh of relief.

If you want to truly own the Lunar Star, you need to do one thing, and that is to get the approval of the Laurel Tree. Once the Laurel Tree approves, then this matter is 90% complete!

The reason why Di Jun was a little worried was because he was worried that Xi He would be eaten back by the laurel tree.

Laurel and Wang Shu were born together, and the two have been together for an unknown amount of time.

If the spirituality of the laurel tree is still hanging on Wang Shu, then it will definitely turn against Xi He!

It goes without saying that Di Jun has feelings for Xi He, but there is one thing, Di Jun's loyalty to power is even higher than feelings!

Just now, at the moment when he got the news, Di Jun thought about whether it would be beneficial to the heaven in the future!

Then he wondered if Xihe would be backlashed!

It can be said that in Di Jun's heart, rights come first!

Donghuang Taiyi is different, there is a hidden look in his eyes, as long as you observe carefully, you can definitely find that Donghuang Taiyi is very anxious now!

He cared about Xihe, but Xihe was still not his!

"Brother, it's time to set up a demon master, this will make the luck of the demon clan more stable!"

After bringing Ancestor Kunpeng to the Thirty-Three Heavens for such a long time, they have not set up a demon master. Ancestor Kunpeng already has an idea.

If he doesn't set up the position of Demon Master, I'm afraid the Kunpeng Patriarch will be renounced.

"Gather the demon crowd, set up a demon master!"

Di Jun gave the order, and within a short time, hundreds of Taiyi Golden Immortals gathered on the Lingxiao Palace!

More than half of these Taiyi Golden Immortals are from the starry sky, and they are the direct descendants of Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi in the starry sky!

There are also a small number of Taiyi Golden Immortals of all races!

But now the Great Desolate Ten Thousand Clan has been named the Yao Clan by Di Jun, and has received the support of the Heavenly Dao. Today's Yao Clan is the legacy of the original Ten Thousand Clan!

Above Lingxiao Palace, there are two thrones, one is in the center and the other is a little bit off.

Dijun sat on the throne in the middle, and Donghuang Taiyi sat beside him.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Demon Emperor, live forever!"

"Greetings to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, long life is boundless!"

Hundreds of Taiyi Golden Immortals bowed down, and their voices shook the sky!

In the monster race, one emperor and one emperor are in charge. In fact, the emperor is basically in charge. However, every monster race knows that Donghuang Taiyi is the most powerful existence!

Di Jun is just the elder brother of Donghuang Taiyi, otherwise the position of Demon Emperor would not belong to Di Jun!

This matter was very cryptic, and they were all communicated in private, no one brought it to the surface, and Di Jun also knew about it.

But Di Jun is also very helpless, he does not have a chaotic clock, his younger brother has a chaotic clock, this is the gap!

In Dijun's opinion, if he had the Chaos Clock, then Donghuang Taiyi might not be his opponent!

"Get up!" Di Jun said majesticly.

His face was deep, revealing endless majesty.

Donghuang Taiyi remained silent. In fact, Donghuang Taiyi was used to it. As long as he came to this hall, he would try not to speak if he could.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun seem to be in harmony, but in fact, the relationship between the two of them is also on the verge of breaking out!

If Donghuang Taiyi was in Lingxiao Palace, in front of these mainstays of the monster clan, if he didn't know how to avoid suspicion, he might have already separated the monster clan.

"Thanks, Your Majesty!"

All the monster clan powers stood up and stood in two shifts!

"The emperor calls you all to come here. I have something to announce, and you should be a witness!" Dijun's majestic voice sounded.

"Please make it clear, Your Majesty!"

"The place where the monster clan was established was born to educate all races in the prehistoric and desolate, and it came out in response to the fate of heaven and earth, so a demon master is needed. This emperor specially appointed the ancestor of Beihai Kunpeng as the monster master of the monster clan!"

Di Jun's last words suddenly resounded throughout the Thirty-Third Heavens.

Outside Lingxiao Palace, a figure flew over, it was the ancestor of Kunpeng.

"I've seen the Demon Emperor, I've seen the Eastern Emperor." Ancestor Kunpeng cupped his hands and saluted!

"No courtesy for demon masters. From now on, demon masters are the masters of all demons. You must not neglect your duties, and don't let down the expectations of this emperor!" Di Jun said majesticly.

"This seat will definitely live up to the expectations of the Demon Emperor and the Eastern Emperor!" The demon master Kunpeng once again saluted Di Jun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

Di Jun was angry, but he didn't show it. After all, he couldn't express his dissatisfaction in front of his face!

Moreover, Di Jun felt that this demon master Kunpeng did it on purpose, he was trying to provoke the relationship between their brothers!

"Brother." Dong Huang Tai looked at Di Jun with a wink.

The meaning is obvious, it is to explain the status of the demon master Kunpeng, after all, he agreed to the demon master Kunpeng at the beginning.

Di Jun was so angry that he didn't understand Donghuang Taiyi's meaning for a while, and the demon master Kunpeng below had warmth and anger in his eyes!

Donghuang Taiyi raised his voice and said: "The position of a demon master is the master of all demons. From now on, he can control all demons, and his status is only below the demon emperor and this emperor."

As soon as these words came out, all the great powers of the monster clan were stunned. They didn't expect the monster master to have such a status. Isn't this equivalent to the third person in power of the monster clan?

"Thank you, Your Majesty Donghuang." The demon master Kunpeng thanked him.

This made Di Jun's face darken, and he was a little dissatisfied with Donghuang Taiyi's actions in his heart. Is he still in the hall?

How can Tai Yi speak out about such a major matter of enfeoffment? Isn't this exceeding his authority?

Moreover, the demon master turned out to be only Xie Donghuang, not Xie Yaodi, which made Di Jun a little dissatisfied.

All the great powers of the demon clan below congratulated the demon master Kunpeng!

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