Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 58 The Birth of the Witch Clan, Shocking the World (Part 1)

Sitting cross-legged on top of the twelfth-grade exterminating black lotus, Luo Hu looked at the twelve ancestral witches, his eyes shining brightly.

That mysterious treasure is finally about to reveal itself.

Luo Hu really wanted to see what this treasure was, and most importantly, Luo Hu wanted to see if he could get this treasure.

In Luo Hu's heart, he already had the definition of this treasure, that is, the two parts of Pangu Great God!

One is Pangu's heart, and the other is Pangu's god root. As for what it is, Luo Hu doesn't know yet, so he can only wait.

At this moment, the twelve ancestor witches all turned into their own bodies.

His tall body doesn't appear too tall in the Pangu Palace.

The Pangu Palace is the residence left by the Great God Pangu. It can be said that it was tailor-made for the ancestor witches. The bodies of the twelve ancestor witches are all tall, so the Pangu Palace is naturally extremely tall.

Di Jiang glanced at Luo Hu with a gloomy expression. He had to say that he was a little worried about Luo Hu. Luo Hu was too powerful, which made him feel insecure!

Once Rahu's desire increased greatly, seeing that treasure, he had the heart to fight for it.

Let me ask, who among the Twelve Ancestral Witches can stop Rahu?

Even with the Twelve Ancestral Witches, they probably couldn't stop Luo Hu's gaze.

"Brother, since you have chosen to believe, don't worry so much, now we have no turning back!" Such a city as Zhu Jiuyin, how can it not see Di Jiang's concerns!

Fortunately, this is the secret method of sound transmission between the ancestors and witches, otherwise if Luo Hu heard what they said, it would make Luo Hu displeased, and the consequences would be serious.

"Big Brother, Second Brother is right. If you have any worries at this time, it will be extremely harmful to the development of the Wu Clan." Houtu was a little dissatisfied.

How to put it, it was Rahu that their ancestral witches wanted to find. Why do these ancestral witches reject Rahu now?

You must know that Rahu is a saint, and it is impossible for them to come and go as soon as they call.

When the saint was angry, they all had to perish.

Di Jiang stabilized his fluctuating heart, then stepped out, came to the center of the main hall, and shouted: "The blood pool is here!"

Following Dijiang's shout, the entire Pangu Palace began to shake violently.

All the ancestral witches were concentrating on watching the slowly appearing blood pool, because they had only seen this blood pool once!


In the main hall, the soil cracked and a pool of blood appeared, a surge of blood energy filled the sky, and contained a huge amount of good fortune.

Luo Hu's eyes focused on the pool of blood that appeared, but he couldn't see the treasure in the depths through the blood inside!

The next moment, Luo Hu condensed the magic eye to observe the blood pool with the magic eye, but it was only a foot deep, and it had no effect.

I feel unhappy, in this Pangu palace, everywhere is restricted, Luo Hu is a saint and a demon ancestor, so I can't help but feel a little annoyed.

Even if you are admiring the Great God Pangu, he has already fallen, so there is no need to keep embarrassing him!

Without taking any action, Luo Hu sat on the twelfth-rank black lotus, quietly watching the next move of the twelve ancestral witches!

He wanted to see if he could create a large number of witch creatures with the blood pool alone!

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches use a special orientation,

Standing around the pool of blood.

Looking at the blood pool, there is respect in his eyes, as if the blood pool is the great god Pan Gu.

"Heaven and earth are boundless. Our ancestor witches were formed by the painstaking efforts of the father god. We should share the worries of the father god to control the prehistoric world and educate the prehistoric people. However, we have more than enough heart but not enough power. We still need the power of a family. I implore the father god to send down magical powers to help us Derived from the Witch Clan!"

Di Jiang knelt down suddenly, followed by eleven ancestral witches also knelt down, saying the same words.

The blood pool has a radius of 100,000 feet, and there are blood waves rolling inside. These seem to be Pangu's blood.

Every drop of blood has supreme coercion, giving birth to good fortune.

"Nine younger brothers and two younger sisters, let's get started!" Di Jiang said solemnly.

After Di Jiang finished speaking, the faces of all the ancestral witches became serious.

Di Jiang stretched out his hand and swiped at his chest. In an instant, a bloodstain appeared, and drops of blood dripped out.

The rest of the ancestral witches did the same, and then formed a very special posture, so that the blood dripped into the blood pool!

The blood doesn't drip in fast, or rather slowly.


Every drop of sound hits the hearts of all the powerful people present.

It seems that this sound has a special melody, Luo Hu heard it, and found that the Tao is right in front of him!

At this time, his comprehension of the law has improved several times, and his mind is clear!

Without any hesitation, Luo Hu began to comprehend the law of destiny. This law is very difficult to comprehend, so he just took this opportunity to try it out!

If possible, maybe the 30% law of fate can be taken a step further!

Now, Luo Hu has no other way, he can't see everything in the blood pool at all, and at this time, he can't directly jump into the blood pool.

He can only practice a little bit first, and after the Wu Clan is spawned, he can find a way to find out everything.

Rahu enlightened.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches all showed excitement when they heard the mysterious voice, as if the mysterious voice gave them a special feeling!


One hundred and eight drops of blood in a row!

Each ancestral witch was dripped with 108 drops of blood, and then they all stood up, pinched out mysterious instructions in their hands, and made the blood pool start to spin.

It seems that their blood is merging with the blood in the blood pool!

Such a scene lasted for ten thousand years before the blood pool slowly calmed down, but the color of the blood water had already undergone a huge change.

It is no longer blood red, but a kind of dark red blood!

Di Jiang glanced at Luo Hu, and his eyes became firm. Maybe Houtu was telling the truth. They shouldn't have too much suspicion when they found Luo Hu!


The Pangu Palace became larger in an instant, occupying a radius of 100,000 li, and became a palace erected between the heaven and the earth.

"I am Emperor Jiang."

"I am Zhu Jiuyin."

"I am Tian Wu."


"We, the Twelve Patriarchal Witches, feel that the creatures of the prehistoric are ignorant, and create a family to teach and educate the prehistoric, and we should be the supreme being of the prehistoric."

For some reason, the voice was not blessed by the Dao of Heaven, so the voice of Dijiang could only be heard in the extreme of the sky, and could not spread throughout the prehistoric world.

Luo Hu has already woken up from his cultivation. Although he has not broken through to 40%, he has gained a lot. If he has the chance, he can break through in one fell swoop!

After pinching his fingers and calculating, Luo Hu already understood the truth.

Immediately with a wave of his hand, a mysterious and mysterious power blessed Di Jiang's body, this is the power of heaven and earth.

Rahu is a saint, so he can naturally bless and manipulate the power of heaven and earth!

Di Jiang looked at Luo Hu gratefully.

Afterwards, Dijiang's voice spread throughout Honghuang, which shocked Honghuang.

In the past, there was a monster clan established to educate Honghuang, and they were the largest clan in Honghuang.

Now there are twelve ancestral witches who created the witch clan and educated the prehistoric people, and they are the supreme prehistoric ones!

On Kunlun Mountain, both Taiqing and Yuanyuan looked towards the extreme sky, with disgust in their eyes!

Their Siqing is the authentic Pangu sect, and now the twelve ancestor witches even say that they are the authentic Pangu sect!

Although the magic weapon of the Great God Pangu is in the hands of Siqing, the Pangu Palace is in the hands of the Twelve Ancestral Witches!

"Brother, the witch race was born, after all, it is a new race, how can it fight against the monster race? Although the monster race is also newly established, the foundation of the monster race is the legacy of the original ten thousand races!"

Yuan Yuan said lightly.

A killing intent flashed in Taiqing's eyes, and he had an inexplicable dislike for the Wu clan.

"It should not be underestimated. The witch clan was born out of the twelve ancestor witches praying to the Great God Pangu. Even if they are newborns, they should not be underestimated!"

Immediately, Taiqing said again: "There will definitely be conflicts between the witch clan and the monster clan, we just need to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

Yuanyuan nodded, what Taiqing said was reasonable, it was true, they didn't need to take any action at all, the Yaozu would definitely help them deal with the Wuzu.

On Mount Sumeru, the Taishang and other first-generation disciples, as well as the second-generation chief Kong Xuan are all above the main hall.

"The Twelve Patriarchal Witches can really create a family. They are really powerful. Although they haven't been born yet, their aura has already swept the prehistoric world." Taixuan sighed.

"The luck of the witch clan is not weak, it has surpassed the luck of the demonic way, and even the luck of the demon clan is the same. It seems that what the master said is right, this calamity is the battle between the twelve ancestor witches and the starry sky! Tong Tian sneered.

The Taishang has not spoken all this time, but his eyes are shining brightly, obviously thinking about something.

"Master seems to be very optimistic about this witch clan, second senior brother, you should restrain yourself." Queen Mother Xi reminded Tongtian.

"That's right, when the Twelve Ancestral Witches came, my uncle seemed to love the Twelve Ancestor Witches very much, or he was very special to that Houtu." Sun Yuan said.

"Okay, don't talk about the master, go back to practice, and Ao Zheng stay." The emperor ordered.

Rahu and Cangtian did not come out, on Mount Sumeru, the Taishang was the biggest, so everyone had to listen to what the Taishang said.

After the disciples left, the Supreme Master said: "Ao Zheng, if the poor guess is correct, the next target of the Monster Clan should be the Dragon Clan. You should go and control the Dragon Clan during this time!"

"Well, the emperor knows." Ao Zheng said in a deep voice.

Taishang and Ao Zheng have always had a cold face, and that's their character!

Thirty-three heavens.

"Presumptuous, presumptuous!"

Di Jun was furious in the Lingxiao Palace, and the powerful coercion made those Taiyi Jinxians below tremble!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches dare to say such words, isn't this aimed at their demon clan?

This is clearly aimed at the Yaozu!

What prehistoric supreme? So what are they being monsters?

"The demon emperor calms down, the birth of the witch clan must be helped by great powers, but I have a method that can resolve the threat of the birth of the witch clan to the monster clan!" the demon master Kunpeng said slowly.

"What can you do, demon master, tell me quickly!" Di Jun said in a deep voice.

"When the witch clan was first born, the monster clan was wiped out, and the crisis of the monster clan was naturally resolved, but the support of the ancestor of fate is needed!"

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