Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 59 The Birth of the Witch Clan, Rao Hu's Wrath of Heaven and Earth Shock (Part 2)

The words of the demon master Kunpeng made the eyes of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi brighten. They seriously considered the words of the demon master Kunpeng!

Now that the Wu Clan hasn't really been born yet, I'm afraid it will take some time. During this time, they can go to the starry sky and ask the ancestor of Destiny for instructions!

Once the Destiny Patriarch makes a move, he will definitely be able to kill the newborn Wu Clan!

In this way, they can nip the crisis in its infancy!

"The demon master's proposal is very good. You are worthy of being the demon master of my demon clan." Di Jun laughed.

In the eyes of the demon emperor Fuxi, there was some concern. He didn't know whether to say something, and fell into hesitation for a while.

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi saw the hesitation of the Demon Emperor Fuxi, and asked suspiciously: "Does the Demon Emperor have something to say?"

In an instant, Di Jun, the demon master Kunpeng and all the powerful figures above the hall all looked at the demon emperor Fuxi!

For this demon emperor, all the powers present have some understanding, after all, Fuxi and Nuwa are famous powers in the prehistoric world!

The demon emperor Fuxi was hesitant, but after being told by Donghuang Taiyi, he no longer hesitated.

"This time, the great ability to support the Twelve Ancestral Witches is likely to be the Demon Ancestor, who has turned against the Demon Ancestor. Please think again."

The demon emperor Fuxi didn't want to fight against Luohu, because Luohu was too powerful, and Nuwa wanted to worship Luohu as his teacher wholeheartedly, Fuxi still knew this!

"The Demon Emperor's words are wrong. The Demon Ancestor helps the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but our Demon Clan has the fate of the Ancestor and Daoist Hongjun to help at the same time. Do we need to worry about anything?"

His highness is wearing a white robe and has a youthful face. If it weren't for the white hair, white eyebrows, and white beard, he probably wouldn't be an old man at all!

This person is Taibai Jinxing who is in charge of killing stars in the starry sky!

"Taibai is right. The Demon Emperor is worrying too much, and this battle is a crucial one. If successful, the entire witch clan, and even the twelve ancestor witches can be wiped out!" Demon Master Kunpeng said in a deep voice. .

At first, the demon master Kunpeng didn't expect that Fuxi would join the demon clan, but now he is on an equal footing with him, undoubtedly taking away some of his influence!

"Second brother, go to the starry sky and report this matter to Master, and see what Master has to say." Di Jun said to Donghuang Taiyi.

Without any procrastination, Donghuang Taiyi directly left Lingxiao Palace and went to the starry sky.

In the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Styx looked towards the land of extreme heaven, not knowing what he was thinking, but there was a look of fighting in his eyes!

Patriarch Styx cultivated 460 million blood god sons in the sea of ​​blood, that is to say, the sea of ​​blood never dries up and Styx never dies!

Seeing that the Twelve Ancestral Witches created a family now, Styx had a thought, could he create a family with the help of his blood son!

If it is successfully created, is there any merit from heaven?

Patriarch Styx fell into deep thought. He was thinking about his own strength, whether he had the ability to create a race!

Just at this time!

In the Pangu Palace, the twelve ancestor witches shouted together!

"Born in response to the times, to rule the world, Wu Clan, come out!"

Under the blessing of Rahu, the voice of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches spread throughout the prehistoric world. For a moment, there was a thunderous roar on the prehistoric land.

Clouds of infinite calamity gather on the ground of the extreme heaven,

It seems that the Wu Clan shouldn't have been born in the first place, but this time it was against the law of heaven!

Therefore, the Heavenly Dao sent down the scourge to prevent the birth of the Wu Clan!

But at this moment, a ray of light shot out from the Pangu Palace and entered into the Scourge.

Luo Hu in the Pangu Palace could feel a huge coercion appearing, and it just passed by in a flash, but the coercion made the saint feel the pressure!

You must know that Luo Hu is now a saint in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and he is only one step away from the late Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

But even so, it was under tremendous pressure!


That ray of light penetrated into the scourge, causing the scourge to dissipate in an instant.

It is the scourge of heaven who can only obey orders under this coercion, and cannot even resist.

chug chug~~~

The 100,000-foot blood pool has undergone a change, and in the blood pool, blood pillars appear one by one.

The first blood column gathered to become a reckless man with a silver snake in his ear and green mang under his feet!

"Xing Tian pays respects to the twelve ancestral witches!"

Luo Hu opened his eyes and looked at the first born Wu Clan. As expected, it was really Xing Tian, ​​but why didn't his relatives show up?

"Okay, get up!" Di Jiang laughed loudly.

at this time!

A ray of light flew from a part of the Pangu Palace and landed in Xing Tian's hands. It was an ax and a shield!

It is the relative of the heaven and earth treasure, although it is not a spiritual treasure, but its power is earth-shattering!

"Thank you Father God for your gift!" Xing Tian hurriedly knelt down to the towering statue.

Immediately afterwards, another great witch took shape.

"Kuafu pays respects to the twelve ancestral witches!"


Luo Hu didn't pay attention to the birth of great witches. What he paid attention to was the blood in the blood pool, which was gradually declining. In other words, the foundation of the birth of the witch clan was this blood!

With the birth of the witch clan one by one, the blood should be exhausted!

In other words, when all the witches are born and the blood in the blood pool bottoms out, Luo Hu will be able to know what treasures are in the blood pool!

In Luo Hu's current prediction, it should be Pangu's heart, after all, Pangu's god root should not have the power of good fortune!

Another millennium passed.

All the great witches were born.

Xing Tian, ​​Kua Fu, Hou Yi, Xiang Liu, Jiu Feng, Chi You, Yu Shi, Feng Bo...

More than a hundred great witches were born, and nearly half of the blood in the blood pool was consumed!

But immediately after that, an ordinary witch clan was born.

When a great witch is born, his physical body is comparable to a middle-rank Houtian Lingbao, or even a top-rank Houtian Lingbao. Their combat power is equivalent to that of a Taiyi Golden Immortal!

In the blood pool, one hundred thousand witch clans gathered at the same time, and it didn't take long for these witch clans to change their forms, and they greeted the twelve ancestor witches and great witches!

Another thousand years have passed, and millions of witches have been born!

The blood in the blood pool was still more than ten feet high, and at this moment, the witch clan stopped, not growing!

Luo Hu was taken aback for a moment, and then became angry. It was the Twelve Ancestral Witches who were guarding against him!

This is to worry that Luo Hu will take away the treasures in it!

This made Luo Hu feel a little annoyed, and his face sank.

And those witches are paying respects to the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

"Thanks to the ancestor witches for allowing us to be born." The million witches stood up and shouted, their voices shook the heavens and the earth.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches looked at these witch clans. More than a hundred great witches all had the combat power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the remaining million witch clans also all had the combat power of a Xuanxian or higher!

This is not inferior to the Yaozu. It can even be said that they still have the upper hand. After all, the twelve ancestor witches are all Da Luo Jinxian!

There are not so many Da Luo Jinxians among the monster clan!

Forget it, Di Jiang asked these witches to leave the Pangu Palace, and asked them to find their own residences. Anyway, the sky is vast!

After all the witches left, the Twelve Ancestral Witches noticed that Luo Hu's complexion was very bad.

Houtu Qiqiao has an exquisite heart and knows why Luo Hu is angry.

"Brother, don't make mistakes at this time!" Houtu said in a deep voice!

Hou Tu couldn't help being angry, Di Jiang was joking with the lives of the entire witch clan, and even the twelve ancestor witches!

"Why did sister Houtu say that?" Di Jiang asked suspiciously.

Luo Hu laughed, to be precise, Luo Hu was really angry, these ancestral witches dare to play tricks on him!

It seems that Luo Hu has not been angry for a long time, and he doesn't even know that Luo Hu is the ancestor of the devil.

"Di Jiang, are you looking for death?"

Suddenly, the entire Pangu Palace was covered by powerful pressure, and Luo Hu's face became icy cold.

All the ancestral witches felt that they were standing on the tip of their knives and might perish at any moment.


Di Jiang suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, flew upside down, and hit the Pan Gu statue!

The statue of Pangu didn't move at all, Dijiang fell down and his injuries worsened.

"Brother!" The other ancestral witches hurriedly came to Di Jiang's side and helped Di Jiang up.

Hou Tu's eyes showed fear, and he looked at Di Jiang, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart!

In the prehistoric world, all living beings know that the Demon Ancestor will never take into account any external factors in his actions!

Even in this Pangu Temple, if the Demon Ancestor wanted to kill the Ancestral Witch, he would not blink his eyes!

"Calm down the devil's anger, and Houtu makes amends." Houtu quickly knelt down in front of Luo Hu!

Just now Luo Hu purposely let Di Jiang smash the statue of Pan Gu, his meaning was obvious, the Demon Ancestor was angry, and no one dared to intervene!

"I don't know why Di Jiang offended the Demon Ancestor, but please tell the Demon Ancestor that Di Jiang must obey the Demon Ancestor's order!" Di Jiang said with difficulty.

At this time, Di Jiang was still lucky, and it had to be said that he still had deep concerns about Luo Hu.

Luo Hu didn't speak, but with a wave of his hand, an endless cloud of magic appeared above the land of extreme heaven. In the cloud, there were bursts of thunder and rolling thunder!

This is the thunder tribulation of the magic way sent by Luohu. Since Di Jiang is so stubborn, then Luohu will let them continue to be stubborn.

Let the witch clan go back and forth from wherever they go first, and then the ancestor witches will fall one by one!

There is no taboo in Rahu's actions!

"Mozu, no!" Hou Tu was anxious!

For a moment, all the ancestral witches became anxious, rushed out of the Pangu Temple, and saw the devil cloud and thunder calamity covering hundreds of millions of miles around the extreme sky!

At this time, no Wu Clan can escape!

All must face the wrath of the Demon Ancestor!

Houtu was unwilling to do so. Could it be that the witch clan was about to perish just after it was born?

This is not falling into the hands of the Yaozu, nor is it falling into the hands of the Destiny Patriarch, but falling into the hands of the Demon Ancestor!

And it was Zuwu Dijiang who caused all these consequences!

At this time, Di Jiang showed anxiety in his heart. The reason why he dared to do this was because he had made up his mind that Luo Hu needed to use the witch clan to deal with the monster clan, and compete with the ancestor of fate and Taoist Hongjun.

In other words, his Wu Clan is an important pawn under Luo Hu!

But he never imagined that Luo Hu would kill the witch clan regardless of the overall situation, and even their twelve ancestor witches would be doomed!

"The devil's ancestor calm down, Dijiang is at fault!" How could Dijiang dare to be stubborn at this time!

But it was too late, Rahu's anger must be appeased with blood!


clang clang~~~

The sound of war drums came!

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