Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Chapter 60 After the Lich's First Battle, the Soil Card

The sudden voice of contention made Luo Hu stop, looked up at the sky, pinched his fingers and calculated, and Dang even understood something.

A stern look flashed in his eyes, so that's fine.

With a wave of his hand, the demon cloud and thunder calamity in the celestial land dissipated, and even Rahu disappeared in the celestial land and disappeared into the void.

But the Twelve Patriarchal Witches didn't know that Rahu had disappeared into the void, and thought that Rahu had already left!

Di Jiang's eyes showed a look of rejoicing, Luo Hu still did not make a move in the end, it seems that he was betting right!

If you don't gamble, maybe the treasure in the blood pool has been taken away by Luo Hu!

The other ancestral witches also breathed a sigh of relief, the haze that shrouded the land at the extreme of the sky disappeared, and a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe came to mind.

"Brother, you are too reckless to do this. It is a fluke that the Demon Ancestor was able to bypass us this time!"

Although I don't know why Luo Hu suddenly stopped, why did he leave suddenly?

But what is clear is that the Demon Ancestor no longer intends to attack them, and then they don't have to worry about the loss of the treasure. What they have to do is how to develop the Wu Clan!


clang clang~~~

Another burst of contention!

This time, all the twelve ancestor witches heard it. For the first time, they only heard it vaguely, and they thought it was the sound of Moyun Jielei!

But obviously not, this is the voice from above, and it is the voice of contention in the battle!

"Not good, call all the big witches quickly!" Di Jiang shouted.

Gong Gong, Tian Wu, Zhu Rong and other five ancestral witches quickly summoned the great shaman, and the rest of the ancestral witches began to call all the shamans!

This is the gauntlet written by the Yaozu against the Wuzu, this is the war between the Yaozu and the Wuzu!

At this time, Houtu understood why Luo Hu stopped and why he left. Obviously, Luo Hu figured out the monster's attack!

And based on Luo Hu's dissatisfaction with Dijiang, it can be concluded that their witch clan will not be the opponent of the monster clan.

Houtu couldn't help worrying in his heart.

"Brother, the Witch Clan was born, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the Monster Clan. In a special period, we have to do special things!" Hou Tu persuaded Di Jiang!

At this time, there must be no mistakes, one mistake, I am afraid that the Wu Clan will be destroyed in one fell swoop!

Di Jiang's face was dark, if he didn't understand the cause and effect at this time, then he was not qualified to be the great ancestor witch!

"Sister Houtu, I made a mistake this time for my brother, and the mistake is outrageous. If it is possible, please talk to Mozu again!" Di Jiang said solemnly.

In Di Jiang's heart, he has already changed his view of the Demon Ancestor completely. The ability of a saint is beyond his imagination.

If you want to destroy the witch clan, you don't have to do it yourself. This is the power of a saint!

Houtu nodded, although she knew that it would be difficult to talk to the Demon Ancestor in the future, but she, the Wu Clan, was also her painstaking effort after all!


clang clang~~~

Boom boom boom~~~

The sound of contention was getting closer and closer, dark clouds had already appeared in the sky, and light rain began to fall in the extreme of the sky.


All the big witches gathered in front of the Pangu Temple, and the remaining witches were slowly gathering.

It is not so easy to gather millions of witches. After all, the witches do not cultivate the soul, and there is no way to directly dispatch their spiritual thoughts!


Hundreds of fire and thunder descended from the sky, striking towards the extreme of the sky, and the target was not the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but the Witch Clan that slowly came together!


The Twelve Ancestral Witches had no time to resist these fires and thunders, and a radius of ten thousand miles became a sea of ​​flames!

Gonggong hastily used the water magic power to extinguish the flames, but tens of thousands of witches also fell into it.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches glared at the sky, as if they saw the monster army hidden in the clouds!

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi stood at the front, behind them were the demon master Kunpeng and the demon emperor Fuxi, and behind them was an army of millions of demon clans!

The foundation of the Yaozu is the legacy of the Wanzu, so it has developed too fast. The Wuzu is just born, how to fight against the Yaozu?

The fire and thunder just now was the supernatural power displayed by Di Jun himself, directly killing tens of thousands of ordinary Wu clan!


With a loud roar, Di Jiang transformed into the real body of the ancestor witch, with a body of ten thousand feet, stretched out his big hand, and blades of space appeared one after another.

Although it is not as powerful as the ancestor Yang Mei used back then, the spatial supernatural power is mysterious and profound.

So many space blades swept towards the monster army.

Di Jun sneered, and sacrificed Hetu Luoshu, blocking these space blades!

At this time, Zhu Jiuyin used the magical power of time to age countless monsters.

In just one breath, tens of thousands of mysterious immortals were aged by Zhu Jiuyin's time, and they were about to die of old age on the spot!

After all, the Xuanxian has a lifespan, as long as it is not a Daluo Jinxian, then it is still in the five elements and has a lifespan limit!

The remaining ten ancestral witches also showed their real bodies, and cast spells towards the sky!

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes showed disdain, a barbarian who has strength but doesn't know how to use it.

The Chaos Bell was sacrificed, and Donghuang Taiyi flew directly to the extreme of the sky, and formed a battle with the six ancestor witches.

It can be said that Donghuang Taiyi alone resisted half of Zuwu's strength.

Seeing Donghuang Taiyi make a move, the demon master Kunpeng and the demon emperor Fuxi naturally did not dare to neglect, and they also joined the battlefield, one person to deal with the two ancestor witches!

Of the great powers above Da Luo Jinxian, only Emperor Jiang Zhurong and Demon Emperor Di Jun are left, and the rest have already started the battle!

As the coaches of the two races, they will naturally not fight easily. After all, controlling the overall situation is what they should do.

"The witch clan came out against the sky, the monster clan followed the way of heaven, killed the witch clan, and maintained the prehistoric world, and millions of monsters killed the witch clan!"

Di Jun ordered all the monsters to kill the Wu Clan.

Di Jiang sneered: "Our witch clan is a descendant of Pangu, born noble, and should be in charge of the prehistoric orthodoxy, and the monster clan should be punished, and the son of the witch clan should kill the monster clan!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho~~~"

The witch clan also roared and rushed towards the monster clan.

The battle is imminent!

Di Jiang gave Zhu Rong a wink, and Zhu Rong understood that Dang even entered the monster clan and started to kill.

In the real body of the Wanzhang Ancestral Witch, it is not easy to kill these monster races!

When Di Jun got angry, he immediately waved his hand, and the Rijing Wheel hit Zhu Rong.

It's a pity that Zhu Rong is also playing with fire, and he is not afraid of Di Jun's attack at all, unless Di Jiang fights him with all his strength!

"Brother, you are here to deal with Dijiang, and I will do the rest!"

The Eastern Emperor gave a loud shout, and the Chaos Bell was raised, and a bell rang, instantly resounding throughout the entire sky.

All creatures are for one meal!

Donghuang Taiyi didn't dare to delay, and directly cast the law of Zhiyang, and involved Zhu Rong in his battlefield!

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi fought against seven with one, yet he did not fall into a disadvantage in a short period of time. For a while, the seven ancestor witches became furious!

At the same level, seven of them were held back by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

Luo Hu hid in the void, looking at the powerful Eastern Emperor Taiyi, a strange look flashed in his eyes!

This Donghuang Taiyi is so powerful, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Daluo Jinxian to have any opponents.

Only Ao Zheng from Mount Sumeru can fight Donghuang Taiyi, even Siqing can't fight Donghuang Taiyi!

There are millions of witch clans and millions of monster clans, and there is still a gap in realm. It can be said that the difference between the armies is almost one realm.

After ten breaths, the Wu clan had already suffered large-scale casualties.

The witch clan is tyrannical physically, but the monster clan is not a fool, they will not compete with you physically, and they can perform magical attacks from a long distance, so why would they ask for trouble?

The witch clan has always been passive. Although they also have supernatural powers, they cannot use super powerful supernatural powers without becoming great witches.

Especially the witch clan who bred time magic power or space magic power in their bodies, they can't use magic power at this time!

Only by becoming a great witch can you face it!

The flesh bodies of Baizhang and Qianzhang fell down one by one.

The Wu Clan are not fools either, they can't use supernatural powers to attack, but they can use weapons, the land of the extremes of heaven is a land of mountains!

These shamans used the boulders here as weapons and threw them at the monsters.

These monster races are also some mysterious and golden immortals, and it is impossible to block all of them in the face of such an attack.

It was as if a meteorite rain had fallen, and those monster races were smashed into pieces.

Seeing that the situation was barely turning around, Di Jiang looked better, but he was still worried!

How long has it been?

The Witch Clan has lost hundreds of thousands of people, but what about the Monster Clan? It was only 70,000 to 80,000, almost double the difference!

And the Yaozu has an army of millions, even if they fight for consumption, they can't beat the Yaozu at this time!

It has been a long time, the Wu Clan will definitely be wiped out, Di Jiang doesn't want to see this!

At this time, Di Jun saw that Di Jiang wanted to make a move, so he stopped Di Jiang before Di Jiang made a move, even if he did it directly!

Di Jiang is the ancestral witch of space. If he uses some taboo supernatural powers, how can these demon clan army stop him?

The real fire of the sun enveloped Dijiang.

Dijiang cast the blade of space, cut a series of space cracks, and dragged the real fire of the sun into the void!

Immediately afterwards, Di Jiang rushed towards Di Jun, physical combat is Di Jiang's strong point, and he wanted Di Jun to have no chance to make a move!

Di Jun sneered endlessly. It won't take long for all the witches to perish. By then, it will not be easy to jointly deal with the twelve ancestor witches!

"Brother Gonggong, you go and help the elder brother, the younger sister is enough to deal with Kunpeng!" Houtu said to Gonggong beside him.

Gonggong looked at Houtu worriedly, but seeing Houtu's firm eyes, Gonggong didn't hesitate, this is not the time for mother-in-law!

"Houtu, do you think you, an ancestor witch, are my opponent?" The sorcerer Kunpeng sneered!

Donghuang Taiyi can fight against seven with one, and no matter how bad his demon master Kunpeng is, he can still deal with three!

Now when dealing with two, Gong Gong has left again, and dealing with Houtu one, it is still not a victory!


In an instant, a strong aura gushed out from Houtu's body. It wasn't evil spirit or murderous aura, it was monstrous demonic aura!

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