The demon master Kunpeng was stunned, looking at Houtu, his eyes were full of disbelief!

Houtu is an ancestral witch, an existence who cultivates the body and does not cultivate the primordial spirit, and there is a demonic energy gushing out of him, even if Houtu has entered the way of magic, it is impossible to be like this!

Moreover, when the devilish energy gushed out from Houtu, Houtu seemed to be demonized!

This made the demon master Kunpeng even more unbelievable, the ancestor witch turned into a demon, what is going on?

The demon master Kunpeng didn't think about it, he didn't dare to think about it at all, because where is the common sense, how could the ancestor witch be demonized?

Luo Hu, who was hiding in the void, was shocked. He didn't know that Hou Tu had such a high understanding of the way of magic!

Do not!

This is not comprehension. Houtu has no primordial spirit, so how can it be said to be comprehension?

But when Luo Hu preached, Hou Tu didn't listen to a single word he said, so how could there be demonic energy in his body!

Luo Hu is the ancestor of demons, he can be 100% sure that Houtu is demonization, real demonization!

An ancestor witch who couldn't comprehend the way of magic turned into a demon, and Luo Hu couldn't explain it. Could it be that Houtu had a predestined relationship with the way of magic?

But this is impossible!

Even if it is destined, the premise is that you have to comprehend the way of magic!

What kind of understanding do you have without Yuanshen?

Is it for reading?

"The rest of the Wu Clan can die, but Houtu cannot!" Luo Hu muttered to himself.

In fact, Luo Hu was not muttering to himself. At this time, not only was he hiding in the void, but even the ancestor of Destiny was also hiding in the void!

Luo Hu's words were addressed to Patriarch Destiny!

Di Jiang offended Luo Hu, then Luo Hu will let him know what price he needs to pay!

With the witch clan gone, Rahu can support other races to fight against the monster clan.

And Luo Hu also has a suitable target, that is the Dragon Clan, who can completely fight against the Monster Clan, and even win a complete victory!

As for the reappearance of the Dragon Clan, it will attract the punishment of the gods. Luo Hu never thought that at worst, they will die together, and the whole prehistoric world will be over!

At this point, Luo Hu won't care so much!

At worst, we will perish together!

In another part of the Heavenly Extremes, the ancestor of Destiny was also contemplative, thinking about the matter of Houtu. An ancestor witch has been demonized. What does this mean?

This is the emergence of an odd number, a huge odd number.

After hearing what Luo Hu said, Ancestor Destiny didn't refute anything. Judging by the current situation, Luo Hu has secured the back land!

But that's fine, after all, Luo Hu didn't save the entire Wu Clan, otherwise, he would be as helpless as the ancestor of fate!

At this time, not only Luo Hu and the ancestor of Destiny were surprised, but even Daoist Hongjun in Zixiao Palace was stunned.

The ancestral witch turned into a demon, is this ancestral witch still a demon god?

A great battle broke out in the extreme land of heaven. As the ancestor of Dao, he naturally wanted to observe, so he also saw the demonization of Houtu naturally!

Hongjun Daozu in Zixiao Palace sacrificed the jade plate of good fortune, he had to figure out this matter, if Luo Hu really turned the witch clan into a demon clan, then this is not a matter of fighting for luck!

This is a matter of tampering with the prehistoric way.

The witch clan is a legacy of Pangu, if they all become demon clan,

Then you can inherit Pangu's luck and blessings to do the things of the demon clan!

Then the Great Desolation in the future will gradually transform into a demonic way, and the heavenly way will gradually become demonized in the future!

The witch clan is the witch clan, and the demon clan is the demon clan. The two cannot be talked about together, otherwise, Daozu Hongjun dare not imagine what will happen in the future!

The moment the good fortune jade plate appeared, Hongjun Daozu disappeared and entered the sea of ​​void, which is where the golden wheel of heaven is.

This time, he wants to calculate the secret, and he must calculate Luo Hu's deeds!

This has completely threatened Daozu Hongjun, and Daozu Hongjun could not tolerate a slight negligence.

Houtu demonized, turned from the real body of the witch clan into the body of the demonic way, the original vision disappeared, and became the posture of stepping on two demonic dragons!

Hou Tu's eyes were blood red, with endless killing intent.

When the demon master Kunpeng saw this scene, he felt a little bit withdrawn, and Houtu's aura had increased several times!

He doesn't want to be an enemy of Houtu head-on, but at this time, how can he do what he wants!

With a movement of Houtu's figure, the demon dragon under his feet surged and flew towards the demon master Kunpeng. At the same time, a lot of earth dragons appeared, devouring the demon master Kunpeng away!

"Bei Ming absorbs water!"

The demon master Kunpeng shouted loudly, and in an instant, infinite water came up from the sky, turned into giant whales, and rushed towards those earth dragons!

And the demon master Kunpeng sacrificed a magic weapon and attacked Houtu's body.

Hou Tu didn't know if he had lost his mind due to demonization, so he actually used his physical body to head-on with the best innate spirit treasure of the demon master Kunpeng.


A huge roar shook the entire sky.

The demon master Kunpeng was actually repulsed, holding the top-grade innate spirit treasure, but was repelled by Houtu with his physical body.

Of course, there was a trace of blood dripping from Houtu's jade hand, obviously he was injured by flesh and blood!

At this time, all the great masters discovered the current situation of Houtu, and for a while, the eleven ancestor witches were all stunned.

Their Houtu sister turned into a demon, turned into a demon?

Di Jun and the others were also taken aback, and then saw that the demon master Kunpeng was repelled, or he was repelled while using the best innate spirit treasure!

Both Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi knew about the power of the demon master Kunpeng, and his strength might not be inferior to that of Di Jun!

But he was repulsed abruptly, that is to say, it would be difficult for Dijun to resist the current Houtu!

next moment!

They saw Houtu attacking again, gathered the supreme earth magic powers in the jade hands, turned into fists, and blasted towards the demon master Kunpeng!

Seeing Houtu's attack, the demon master Kunpeng quickly sacrificed the best innate spirit treasure to resist. Although he overestimated Houtu's strength at this time, he still underestimated it!



The demon master Kunpeng was blown thousands of miles away by Houtu's punch, and smashed heavily into a sacred mountain.


With a roar, the whole mountain trembled, and slowly, the mountain exploded, and a huge Kunpeng appeared!

At this time, the demon master Kunpeng showed his true body, with a radius of thousands of miles, covering the sky and the sun.

"Houtu, you are courting death!"

The demon master Kunpeng is already angry at this time, he can be said to have lost his face this time, but the state of the body is his strongest state!

At the beginning, Gonggong was a little worried about Houtu, but now seeing how powerful Houtu is, he immediately felt ashamed!

The other ancestral witches were also ashamed, they didn't expect the youngest sister to be so powerful.

Those of them who are brothers and sisters are so unbearable!

In the next moment, all the great powers fought again.

At this time, the Witch Clan has only less than 500,000 left, and the Yao Clan has not lost much. It can be said that this time the Witch Clan has suffered a heavy loss!

If the war is not over, then the Wu Clan is likely to be wiped out!

What an irony that the witch clan, who was born less than a day ago, is about to perish!

It doesn't matter to Luo Hu whether the witch clan is extinct or not, and whether other ancestor witches are dead or not!

Only Houtu is relevant, and this is because of Houtu's demonization, otherwise, Luo Hu would not pay attention to Houtu!

As for Houtu's future merits, Luo Hu disdained it very much. Relatively speaking, if Dijiang angered Luo Hu, all the witch clan could be destroyed!

The demon master Kunpeng was furious, and immediately used his ultimate move, which is the innate supernatural power, devouring the sky and devouring the earth!

Kunpeng didn't know how many thousands of miles away, but with one mouthful, a ten thousand zhang-sized back soil was directly swallowed into his belly!

In the belly of the demon master Kunpeng, there is a world of its own, and there is also one yuan of heavy water.

It only needs to trap Houtu, and the demon master Kunpeng can use the one-yuan heavy water to kill Houtu!

Seeing Houtu being devoured by the demon master Kunpeng, these ancestral witches began to panic. When they saw the demon master Kunpeng frozen in place, unable to move, they were much less worried!

"Luo Hu, the Kunpeng is a strange beast. Its belly forms the heaven and the earth. It can completely grind the Houtu to death. What? Are you going to attack a junior?"

Fate Patriarch sneered at the void.

He knew that Luo Hu would definitely be able to hear what he said, and if he seized this opportunity, he would naturally suppress Luo Hu with his mouth.

Luo Hu glanced at the demon master Kunpeng, and then looked at where the ancestor of fate was.

"If the ancestral witch is swallowed by Kunpeng and cannot come out for a while, he may fall, but the Houtu after demonization will not. Don't underestimate the fate of the devil, because you will eventually fall under the devil!"

Luo Hu didn't have anything good to say, because he didn't want to say anything good at all, which was considered polite.

Ancestor Destiny satirized him, which was picking a thorn. If Luo Hu hadn't been thinking about Houtu, he would really like to have a one-on-one match with Ancestor Destiny!

"Luo Hu, Destiny Tianze, this seat has recovered, hmph."

There was no compromise in the voice of the ancestor of destiny, as if the ancestor of destiny had recovered some supernatural powers, or the law of destiny had been restored to some extent!

Luo Hu didn't say anything, but stared closely at the demon master Kunpeng. He wanted to see how much the demonized Houtu could increase his combat power.

Donghuang Taiyi has one against seven, and he has already begun to lose. He is powerful, but he has not yet become a quasi-sage.

After becoming a quasi-sage, he can be regarded as the only one who has cultivated himself!

"Monster, you have to be careful. After being demonized, the power has special power. Do you still remember when I received the demonization back then!"

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi did not forget to remind the demon master Kunpeng!

Although Donghuang Taiyi fell into a disadvantage, there is no danger yet, but the demon master Kunpeng must not be careless!

Luo Hu, who was hiding in the void, changed his face!

Reception is also demonized!

Although it is not as shocking as the demonization of Houtu, it is tantamount to saying that receiving and guiding can support the way of magic!

It seems that we need to change our views on receiving and guiding!

Luo Hu thought in his heart.

The demon master Kunpeng was startled suddenly, he thought of attracting and demonizing, and he thought of the space in his body!

"not good!"

The demon master Kunpeng condensed his mana, opened his mouth, and began to expel Houtu, but the mana couldn't reach Houtu at all!

"Kunpeng, you can't live without doing evil!"

Houtu let out a deep cry, and the two dragons under his feet turned into two magic swords, appearing in Houtu's hands!

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