Houtu is an ancestral witch, and her physical body is extremely strong, especially after being demonized, her physical body is even stronger, and the heavy water of one yuan washing her body only makes her feel uncomfortable.

In a short time, this yuan of heavy water can't change the back soil.

Holding two magic swords in his hand, Houtu looked up, and the incoming magic power wanted to drive her out of this world.

But it is easier to invite God than to send God away, Houtu naturally will not leave so easily, although she has no magic power, but when she wields two magic swords in her hand, she attracts infinite evil spirit to destroy this world.

Evil Qi is a kind of turbid Qi from heaven and earth, relatively speaking, it is more violent.

The demon master Kunpeng's face twitched a little, apparently felt by the great pain coming from his body.

This world is a small world formed by the demon master Kunpeng's innate supernatural powers, but after all, within the demon master Kunpeng's body, this small world is destroyed, and the demon master Kunpeng naturally cannot ignore it.

"get out!"

Demon Master Kunpeng let out a deep shout!

In the small world, the infinite mana gathered into the appearance of the demon master Kunpeng, and with a killer move, he slashed towards the back soil.

Houtu's face brightened, she was waiting for the demon master Kunpeng to attack, otherwise it would be difficult for her to get out!

Of course, Houtu's so-called going out did not come out from the mouth of the demon master Kunpeng.

The two magic swords intertwined, turned into two dragons, and rushed towards the sky, as if they wanted to pierce the sky of this small world!

With the help of the demon master Kunpeng's attack, Houtu was drawn to the sky.

The demon master Kunpeng, who was in a rage, couldn't think so much, and with unabated strength, he slashed towards Houtu's chest.


Two magic dragons broke through this small world.

At this time, the demon master Kunpeng knew what Houtu meant and wanted to take back his supernatural powers, but it was too late for him.

I saw his attack hit Houtu's body, but helped Houtu break a crack again!


The mana incarnation of the demon master Kunpeng disappeared, and many cracks appeared in this small world. Obviously, it is impossible to use the innate supernatural power in a short time!

Two demonic dragons gushed out from Kunpeng's back, and then the back soil flew out, stepping on the two demonic dragons, and staring at the demon master Kunpeng!

With such a big hole in his back, the demon master Kunpeng naturally suffered serious injuries.

If this continues, he is destined to be beheaded step by step by Houtu!

The demon master Kunpeng glanced at Donghuang Taiyi, facing the demonized ancestor witch, the demon master Kunpeng admitted that he is not yet an opponent.

Of course, if it has reached the quasi-sage stage, it is another way of saying it.

Even Houtu has become a quasi-sage, and the demon master Kunpeng is sure to defeat him. His innate supernatural powers can only be fully displayed after becoming a quasi-sage!

The entire Wu Clan is less than 300,000 now, and the monster army has fallen to less than 500,000. It can be seen that the Wu Clan is completely defeated!

Donghuang Taiyi saw the situation of the demon master Kunpeng, and then looked at the situation of the Wu Clan. After a while, the Wu Clan will be wiped out!

But looking at the appearance of the demon master Kunpeng, it seems that he can't hold on anymore.

Moreover, the demon emperor Fuxi couldn't hold on anymore, and even Donghuang Taiyi himself was in danger. After all, one against seven is not just talk!


We can't keep fighting, otherwise, although the witch clan is extinct, we will be beheaded by the twelve ancestor witches once or twice! "Eastern Emperor Taiyi transmitted the sound to Di Jun!

Di Jun naturally understood the current situation, especially the situation of the demon master Kunpeng, which was even more dangerous.

"Second brother, we have lost the best chance to destroy the witch clan, let's retreat!"

Di Jun first looked at the void, and found that the ancestor of fate hadn't made a move. Obviously, the ancestor of demon must be nearby, restraining the ancestor of fate.

Di Jun repelled Di Jiang with one blow, and shouted: "Monster clan, retreat!"

With one order, all the demon army began to withdraw from the battlefield very regularly!

Although I don't know why Di Jun issued such an order, the family can be wiped out in sight.

These monster races are the lowest level of monks, they can't see the overall situation, the battle under the Da Luo Jinxian, the monster race can be said to have the upper hand, but the battle between the Da Luo Jin Xian, it is the disadvantage!

This has to be said to be a headache for Di Jun.

Donghuang Taiyi used the Chaos Clock to directly withdraw from the battlefield, which can be described as extremely simple!

Fuxi and the demon master Kunpeng were a bit more difficult, but with the help of Donghuang Taiyi, they both withdrew from the battlefield.

Di Jun and Di Jiang also ended their battle.

"Go back to the Thirty-Third Heaven." Di Jun said.

In an instant, all the monster races left the land of extreme heaven by riding the clouds.

Di Jun took a look at Houtu. This time the variable was Houtu. If Houtu hadn't been demonized, then they could have persisted!

After the monster clan wiped out the witch clan, they are retreating, and the next time is to kill the twelve ancestor witches!

But who would have thought that a witch clan would be demonized!

"Di Jiang, I have to say that the Wu Clan still has usable people. Next time, you will not be so lucky!" Di Jun sneered disdainfully.

Afterwards, Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Demon Emperor Fuxi, and Demon Master Kunpeng left the land of extreme heaven.

The ancestor of fate who was hiding in the void took a look at Luo Hu, and then left.

Although the Wu Clan was not wiped out in this war, it hurt the vitality of the Wu Clan. Of the millions of Wu Clan, only 200,000 were killed!

It can be said that this time the witch clan suffered heavy casualties!

Luo Hu glanced lightly at the Twelve Ancestral Witches and those witches, his eyes were full of indifference, without any vitality, as if these creatures were dead things in Luo Hu's eyes!

Luo Hu took a step forward and disappeared into the sky.

"Sister Houtu, you have made a great contribution this time!" Di Jiang looked at Houtu and said solemnly.

We all know that without Houtu this time, the Wu Clan might be over.

There are more than 100 great witches, and now there are only more than 80 left, but relatively speaking, in the realm battle of Taiyi Jinxian, the witch clan did not lose the wind!

Xing Tian danced his relatives during the battle, and he seemed to have become the god of war. At least ten Taiyi Golden Immortals fell under his axe!

"Brother, there is no need to say these things, my younger sister is also an ancestor witch." Houtu said casually.

Her gaze has always been observing the surrounding void, and her heart is like a mirror. This time the monster clan attacked, there must be the support of the ancestor of fate!

The reason why Ancestor Destiny didn't make a move must be because Ancestor Mo was intimidating!

Anyway, this time it was the Demon Ancestor who saved them!

Think about how they treated the Demon Ancestor before?

Di Jiang actually played tricks in front of the Demon Ancestor, which was not directly obliterated by the Demon Ancestor, which is already considered good!

After appeasing the remaining witches, the Twelve Ancestral Witches then entered the Pangu Palace to discuss this battle.

After thinking for a while, Houtu stood up, looked at all the ancestor witches and said, "My little sister proposes to send the treasure to Mount Sumeru!"

For a moment, all the ancestral witches looked at Houtu as if they were fools. They all knew that the treasure that Houtu mentioned was the treasure left by the Great God Pangu!

And it is a very important treasure, how could it be sent to Mount Sumeru!

"Sister Houtu, what nonsense are you talking about? The Demon Ancestor has already left, obviously he doesn't care about that treasure anymore, why did you send it to your door!" Tian Wu said in a deep voice.

It can be said that all the ancestral witches are now angry, looking at Houtu, they are all a little dissatisfied.

"This time, Brother Dijiang offended the Demon Ancestor, and all the ancestor witches and witch clans should have perished, but the Demon Ancestor let us go.

Also, do you think the monster clan's attack this time is so simple? The ancestor of Destiny must be hiding in the void, the reason why he didn't make a move, is well known to all brothers and sisters.

It's just a treasure, isn't it more precious than the lives of all the witches and us? "

Houtu shouted angrily, and questioned all the ancestral witches!

For a moment, all the ancestral witches were lost in thought, especially Di Jiang, whose expressions kept changing.

How precious that treasure is, if it is handed over, it will be a great loss to the Wu Clan!

This is one of the most important parts of Pangu, how can it be handed over?

"Brother, you decide!" Zhu Jiuyin looked at Di Jiang and said solemnly.

At this time, who dares to speak his words? We can only let Di Jiang decide!

Di Jiang thought about this over and over in his heart. It's not that the Demon Ancestor didn't dare to kill them, it seemed that he didn't want to kill them all at once, and he wanted to torture them step by step!

How can the Wu Clan without the support of the Demon Ancestor fight against the Yao Clan?

I am afraid that they will be wiped out slowly by the Yaozu. This process is the most painful.

Thinking of this, Di Jiang couldn't help but tremble in his heart. If this is the case, then the Yaozu will soon know that the Demon Ancestor did not support the Wuzu!

Then the next thing will become very bad.

Watching my younger brothers and sisters fall one by one with my own eyes, I am afraid there is nothing more painful than this!

Looking at Houtu, he thought that Houtu had already been demonized, which could obviously be valued by the Demon Ancestor. In the future, the Wu Clan could also be tied to the Demon Ancestor.

"Sister Houtu, go and send it off, and admit my mistake on my brother's behalf." Di Jiang said helplessly.

After saying this, Di Jiang seemed to lose all his strength.

However, it can be seen from this that Di Jiang still pays great attention to his face, otherwise, he would not let Houtu admit his mistake on his behalf, but he would go to Mount Sumeru himself.

As the leader of the Wu Clan, Di Jiang couldn't go, in fact, he didn't dare to go either!

Houtu nodded, Dijiang made this decision very well, but the only downside is that if Dijiang didn't go to Mount Sumeru to admit his mistake in person, if this would displease the Demon Ancestor!

I'm afraid that the witch clan will suffer in the future!

Houtu came to the blood pond, which had turned into a small pond with a radius of several feet. Houtu stretched out his hand to take a picture, and something flew out of the blood pond.

Afterwards, Houtu left Pangu Palace.

He quickly flew towards Mount Sumeru. This time, no matter what, he had to save the situation again, and he couldn't let the Demon Ancestor abandon the Wu Clan!

This is not only related to the lives of the witches, but also the lives of their ancestors.

On Mount Sumeru, the Taishang vaguely felt that the opportunity was approaching, and he seemed to be able to cut out his desire!

At this moment, Rahu's voice came from Taishang's ears, and Dang even went to the Palace of Freedom.

"Disciple pays homage to Master." The Supreme Master bowed respectfully to Rahu.

Luo Hu nodded indifferently, and with a wave of his hand, Tai Shang stood up.

"How is the matter in the four seas?" Luo Hu asked.

Tai Shang even said: "Returning to Master, more than a dozen dragons from the Four Seas Dragon Clan have entered the mainland, but Ao Zheng has expelled them from the Dragon Clan, and there is still a matter of finding Yingzhou Island..."

The Supreme Master paused for a moment, then said: "It seems that the West Sea has some clues, whether it is Yingzhou Island or not, the disciple plans to go and observe after a while."

"Are you going to break through?" Luo Hu felt the breath of Taishang, a little ups and downs, very unstable.

"The disciple has a premonition that an opportunity is approaching, and it seems that a breakthrough can be made." The Supreme Master dared not hide it.

Luo Hu nodded in satisfaction, it is very good that Taishang can break through at this time.

"You don't need to worry about the matter of the West Sea, let Ao Zheng take a look as a teacher." Luo Hu's spiritual sense checked, and Ao Zheng was not at Mount Sumeru.

Presumably, he went to the East China Sea, and the journey from the East China Sea to the West China Sea was just a teleportation array, very quickly.

"Master, I heard that the monster clan and the newborn witch clan are fighting!" the Taishang said respectfully.

"Yeah." Luo Hu nodded.

This matter is not a secret, I am afraid that all the great powers of Hong Huang already know about it.

The Taishang immediately said: "Whether this witch clan can be used by my demons to curb the monster clan, it is the most suitable!"

"Just do what you see, you don't need to have any worries!" Luo Hu said lightly.

Taishang nodded, and then left the Zizai Palace.

With Luo Hu's words, the Taishang had already thought of a plan.

The sad Dijiang didn't know that he could have directly obeyed the demon ancestor Luohu, but now Luohu didn't bother to communicate with them.

If it is changed to Taishang, sometimes it is not so easy to calculate, and Taishang will report his flaws, not as grand as Luo Hu.

"My lord, outside the mountain, there are ancestors and witches and queens who pay their respects." Liu Yu walked into the Zizai Palace and said to Luo Hu.


Thinking of Houtu, Luo Hu was quite satisfied, being able to demonize, obviously had a special connection with the way of magic.

And in the entire Wu Clan, Luo Hu valued only Houtu.

Coming here at this time, Luo Hu didn't know why, so he pinched his fingers and calculated, which surprised Luo Hu, he couldn't figure out what happened to Houtu!

There are only two possibilities, one is that Houtu has become a saint, and the other is that Houtu has some supreme treasure on his body, otherwise this situation would not have happened.

"Let her in!"

Not long after, Liuyu brought Houtu into the hall.

"Houtu pays homage to the Demon Ancestor, and may the Demon Ancestor live forever." Houtu saluted Luohu respectfully.

It can be said that Houtu is the ancestor witch who knows the etiquette best among the witch clan, and also the ancestor witch who understands the overall situation best.

Luo Hu closed his eyes and wandered, did not speak, and there was no emotion on his face, as if he hadn't seen Houtu at all.

This made Hou Tu anxious, she naturally knew that the Demon Ancestor was angry, so she immediately said: "The Demon Ancestor calms down, the eldest brother was just confused for a while and made a mistake, please forgive the Demon Ancestor."

Immediately afterwards, Houtu took out something!

In an instant, the entire Palace of Freedom was filled with a strong coercion, and there was also a strong aura of good fortune!

Luo Hu opened his eyes and looked over!

"Pangu Divine Root!"

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