Shocked, Luo Hu didn't control his aura, and suddenly, the palace of freedom was filled with the coercion of Rahu's saint!

Under Pan Gu's coercion, Hou Tu has nothing to do, after all, she is Pan Gu's legacy!

But Rahu's coercion is that of a sage, how could Houtu resist it!

With a plop, Houtu fell to his knees!

Fortunately, Pangu's coercion and Rahu's sage coercion intertwined to form a confrontation, which made Rahu come to his senses.

Discovering that Houtu was injured by his own pressure, he waved his hand to lift Houtu up, and then used the law of good fortune to help Houtu recover.

The Pangu God Root had escaped from Houtu's hand and flew to the top of the main hall, pouring down infinite coercion, forming an enemy against Rahu's coercion.

The two came to a stalemate, and the pressure on the entire hall was extremely heavy. If a Daluo Jinxian came to the hall, he would definitely be injured by these two kinds of pressure, and he might even perish!

Rahu's coercion avoided Houtu, and Pangu's coercion was naturally useless against Houtu.

Staring closely at the Pangu Divine Root, Luo Hu did not expect that the treasure in the Pangu Palace turned out to be this thing!

God Pangu is full of treasures!

This point, the whole prehistoric knows, if one can get a hair of Pangu Great God, it can be turned into a rare treasure!

Not to mention the very important parts of Pangu Great God.

At the beginning, Luo Hu thought that the heart of Pangu was in the Pangu Temple. After all, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were formed by the painstaking efforts of Pangu, so the witch clan should also be the fusion of Pangu's hardwork and the blood of the ancestor witches!

But it turned out to be the root of such good fortune!

It is not an exaggeration to call the strong spirit of good fortune the root of good fortune. At this time, Luo Hu had a feeling that the treasure in front of him would be transformed into a spiritual treasure.

Maybe it's not just the best innate spirit treasure!

It will definitely exceed his expectations.

The root of good fortune, the source of all things, can give birth to the witch clan. This is just one of the powers, and there are more powers beyond words!

This is an attack treasure!

If Rahu holds this root of good fortune to attack, even the ancestor of destiny can't dodge it, he can only resist it!

Pangu Divine Root has a kind of imprisoning power, and from the coercion emanating from it, Luo Hu can feel nearly ten kinds of laws!

And there is a great way to focus!

This is the reason why Luo Hu was shocked. The Dao of Strength disappeared with the fall of Pangu Great God!

But now, Luo Hu actually felt the Dao of Power on this Pangu Divine Root!

"Housu, is this the treasure of the Pangu Palace?" Luo Hu said.

Feeling the coercive confrontation, Hou Tu didn't say anything, but when he heard Luo Hu's words, he immediately said: "Report to the Demon Ancestor, this is the most precious treasure in the Pangu Palace!"

It is self-evident how important this treasure is to the Wu Clan!

Because this treasure does not require any mana, nor does it require any supernatural powers, so for the Wu Clan, this treasure is a gift from Pangu!

Luo Hu nodded, and then looked at the root of good fortune, exuding the terrifying pressure of Pangu, resisting the pressure of his own saint, without a single step back!

This made Luo Hu feel that he was not facing a part of Pan Gu, but a living being.

A creature comparable to a saint!

With a wave of his hand, the root of good fortune fell into Rahu's hands, and with a flip, the root of good fortune was collected into the lotus space.

Although it has the pressure of Pangu, it is just a treasure after all, without any supernatural powers, let alone mana, so in front of the saint Rahu, the root of good fortune cannot make any big waves.

"Houtu, why did you become demonized? When the poor Taoist preached, you couldn't comprehend the demonization. Why?" Luo Hu looked at Houtu and asked doubts!

This incident is very strange, the back land is demonized, which makes Luo Hu really confused. So, how can a creature who cannot comprehend the demonic way use the demonic energy?

Before Houtu came, she knew that she would be asked such a question by Luo Hu. I am afraid that the entire prehistoric power is very puzzled about Houtu's demonization.

In fact, even Hou Tu herself didn't know why, when her anger reached a certain level, Luo Hu's voice of preaching would appear in her mind.

Houtu does not have a primordial spirit, but Houtu has a true spirit, and every creature will have a true spirit, and a creature without a true spirit is not called an independent creature!

For example, avatars, desires, and three corpses, none of these have real souls. Even if they have souls, they are only close to living beings, not real living beings.

The true spirit made Hou Tu demonized uncontrollably.

This feeling is similar to the berserk transformation of strange beasts in the world, just like Xiongba's berserk transformation, there are two stages!

"When the crisis comes, all the true spirits are the Dao taught by the Demon Ancestor, and the body is uncontrollably demonized." Houtu said respectfully.

Luo Hu nodded, he understood that this is a subconscious listening to the Tao, Houtu has no primordial spirit, and cannot comprehend the essence of the Demonic Way, but Houtu has a predestined relationship with the Demonic Way, so the true spirit merges with the Demonic Way.

Only then did the post-soil demonization come into being.

This is a kind of luck for Houtu. After being demonized, Houtu's combat power has at least doubled, or even tripled!

Originally, even if Houtu and Gonggong were to deal with the demon master Kunpeng together, they could barely let the demon master Kunpeng be at a disadvantage!

But after Houtu was demonized, only one person seriously injured the demon master Kunpeng, and after a long time, Houtu would definitely be able to kill the demon master Kunpeng!

Although transformed into a demon, he did not enter the way of the devil, Luo Hu secretly shook his head, this Houtu still has no connection with the way of the devil.

"After the second sermon, the Supreme Master will go to the Wu Clan. As for what will happen to the Wu Clan in the future, it is all in the mind of the Supreme Master. You should step back!"

Luo Hu said lightly.

Hou Tu's tender body was startled, and she looked at Luo Hu quickly, with a little anxiety in her eyes.

If in the future, the Supreme Master only knows about the Wu Clan, what will the Wu Clan look like? Will her brothers obey the Supreme Commander?

Houtu wanted to say something, but seeing Luo Hu's cold eyes, Houtu fell silent and didn't dare to say more.

This is already Luo Hu's maximum limit, and Houtu understands that the fact that the Wu Clan can still exist is already thanks to the Demon Ancestor!

This kind of evil result can only be said to be caused by Di Jiang, but now that the treasure is handed over, he still offended the Demon Ancestor!

If you hand over the treasure at the beginning, you will definitely win the favor of the Demon Ancestor, and the Wu Clan will also get the protection of the Demon Ancestor in the future!

Hou Tu felt helpless, but he had no choice but to leave Mount Sumeru.

After bowing respectfully to Luohu, Houtu left Mount Sumeru, and she wanted to go back and tell other ancestor witches about it!

"My lord, the Houtu ancestor witch seems very sad."

Liuyu came in from the outside, just now she had been guarding the palace gate to prevent others from disturbing her.

I also saw that Houtu left with tears in his eyes.

"She is not the Great Ancestral Witch. This is her helplessness. She is very far-sighted in matters concerning the Witch Clan, but she is powerless. The poor can see her face and forgive the Witch Clan, but not because of her. The real patron of the Witch family."

Luo Hu's face was dark. It's good that he could do this. He should have wiped out the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Witch Clan, but he didn't do it. This is a gift!

Liu Yu didn't understand what Luo Hu meant, but she knew that everything the master did was right!

"Master, have those two arowanas transformed?" Liu Yu asked cautiously.

This is supposed to disappear, so how can I mention it more in front of Luo Hu, that's why Liu Desires asked cautiously.

Luo Hu got the root of good fortune, the supreme treasure, and was also happy in his heart. Hearing the words of the six desires, he pinched his fingers and calculated.

"It's not yet the day of transformation. Although the foundation is stable, the talent is not good and needs to be honed."

The two arowanas are now in the East China Sea. In the beginning, they were enshrined. After all, the arowanas are creatures of Mount Sumeru!

Even if it is a pet, it is also the pet of the Demon Ancestor. How dare Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, dare to neglect it?

But when Ao Zheng arrived at the Dragon Palace, he saw the two arowanas domineering and domineering, more carefree than at Mount Sumeru, so he threw them into the open sea to hone his character.

Ao Zheng is not the Dragon King of the East China Sea. He can treat these two dragon fishes as he likes. After all, they are just pets, and his status is quite different from Ao Zheng's.

Furthermore, Ao Zheng continued to stay in the Dragon Palace for the sake of the two dragon fishes. This would not be able to achieve experience at all, and it would be even more difficult to become a Da Luo Jinxian!

You know, since Luo Hu personally ordered things, it is obvious that he still attaches great importance to the two dragon fish.

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, Ao Zheng looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea and asked in a deep voice: "The news about the West Sea has reached Mount Sumeru, and the Emperor will go to the West Sea soon."

"Your Majesty, the Dragon King of the West Sea has already gone to confirm, there is no need for you to go in person, Your Majesty." Ao Guang said respectfully.

"The master's matter is the top priority. You pass on the order, so that the rest of the three seas can't be neglected, and continue to search, and wait for the emperor to confirm whether it is true or not. If it is true, you will wait for the Dragon King to make the first contribution!"

After all, Ao Zheng is also the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan. If he found Yingzhou Island, then he will seek some rewards for the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea was overjoyed.

There are many treasures on Mount Sumeru, Renshui Pantao, Huangzhong Li...

If it is bestowed, it will save years of cultivation, and it will also allow the dragon clan to appear again with the Daluo Jinxian!

Apart from Ao Zheng, the pinnacle of the Great Principle Golden Immortal, the current Dragon Clan still has no monks of the Great Principle Golden Immortal.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas can be regarded as hardworking. After so many years of cultivation to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it seems that the law of heaven deliberately suppressed the dragons, so that it was very difficult for the dragons to go any further after they reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Ao Zheng was going to ask Luo Hu about this matter, after all, it was not a trivial matter.

It is related to the future of the Dragon Clan.

Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun Daozu appeared from the sea of ​​void, his complexion was much better than before, at least he knew the ins and outs of the matter, the witch clan could not become the demon clan!

On this point, Daozu Hongjun can rest assured.

As for the demonization of Houtu, this is completely the subconscious demonization of the true spirit, and the demonization in this will not be imitated, that is to say, other ancestor witches cannot have such opportunities!

Moreover, Hongjun Daozu also calculated the gap between the witch clan and the demon way. Although Luo Hu could not be directly calculated, it could be calculated indirectly.

The Witch Clan actually offended Luo Hu!


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