Daozu Hongjun was very puzzled. Although he could deduce that the Wu clan had offended Luo Hu, he couldn't deduce the specific things!

Even with the help of Tiandao Jinlun, Daozu Hongjun couldn't figure out what happened to Luo Hu, let alone the details.

Even Tiandao couldn't know all the things about Luo Hu, let alone Hongjun Daozu calculated it?

You must know that Dijiang offended Luohu in the Pangu Palace, which is a place outside the law. It can be said that this is not a place where the way of heaven can pass!

"If Luo Hu doesn't support the witch clan, then he can only support the dragon clan. Otherwise, he can't fight against the demon clan of the ancestor of fate. This will affect the luck of the devil. Luo Hu will not give up the luck of the devil easily!"

Hongjun Daozu saw it very clearly, and he could even see who Luo Hu would support in the next step.

Although the Dragon Clan was banned by the Dao of Heaven, Luo Hu could restore the freedom of the Dragon Clan and let the Dragon Clan be active on the Great Desolate Continent!

Therefore, under Hongjun Daozu's opinion, if Luo Hu wants to deal with the monster clan, he has only two choices, one is the witch clan, and the other is the dragon clan!

But Daozu Hongjun never imagined that Luo Hu had a third choice, because Luo Hu got the root of good fortune!

What is this?

This is the divine root of Pangu Great God!

The source of good fortune, the source of all things, contains infinite good fortune!

Not only Hongjun Daozu didn't know what treasure Luo Hu got, even the ancestor of Destiny didn't know what Luo Hu got!

If the Twelve Patriarchal Witches didn't say anything, then no one would know what Rahu got, not even the Dao of Heaven!

The root of good fortune appeared in the Pangu Palace, and was handed over to Luohu by Houtu in the Palace of Freedom!

Mount Sumeru is the dojo of Rahu, and Zizai Palace is also the palace of Rahu, so it is absolutely impossible for the Dao of Heaven to know that the root of good fortune is here in Rahu!

Otherwise, there would have been a move already, at least Hongjun Daozu would join hands with Destiny Patriarch!

Luo Hu got the root of good fortune, which is like adding wings to a tiger. In future battles between the two sides, I am afraid that Luo Hu's chances of winning will increase a lot!

Daoist Hongjun pinched his fingers and calculated that it would be less than 30,000 years before the next sermon.

A Yuanhui of 129,600 years seems to be a long time, but in the eyes of these prehistoric powers, it is too short!

Hongjun Daozu preached a thousand years earlier than Luo Hui, so Hongjun Daozu needed to make some preparations. He always felt that Luo Hu had something in his preaching.

But he doesn't know what it is!

Being able to add calculations to his sermons, Hongjun Daozu became more and more admirable for Luo Hu's city mansion. It seemed that in Luo Hu's eyes, there was nothing that could not be calculated!

Of course, Hongjun Daozu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Luo Hu has calculations, so Hongjun Taoist naturally has calculations!

The matter of preaching is very important to Hongjun Daozu and Mozu Luohu, so both of them will count every listener among them!

Hongjun Daozu was scheming, and Luo Hu was also scheming.

Mount Sumeru, Luohu walked on the back mountain, looking at everything on Mount Sumeru, all of which were built by him!

In the beginning, Luo Hu just wanted to survive the battle between Dao and Demons and survive!

After surviving, Luo Hu wanted to become a saint, and now he is sanctified!

But Rahu's desire increased again,

Because he was forcibly captured by Dao into the chaos!

Without any power to resist, even if he couldn't even express the intention of resisting, Luo Hu would not be reconciled!

So Luo Hu's desire has increased, what he has to do now is to plan for the prehistoric, to reach the level of Pangu, and gradually transcend the Dao!

Under the premise of everything, Luo Hu must do it. In this prehistoric world, he has no worries. He even said that he can do whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants!

The current Rahu has not reached this point yet!

He also has opponents, Daoist Hongjun, Ancestor Destiny, and even Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Shi Chen who are far away, they are all opponents of Luo Hu.

What makes Luo Hu even more helpless is that even Tian Dao has become hostile to him, and the spokesperson of Tian Dao cannot be Luo Hu's!

Rahu understands this!

The way of heaven is fair, why is it unfair to Luo Hu?

Even though Luo Hu disdained the position of the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao directly deprived Luo Hu of his choice, which made Luo Hu very upset!

The way of heaven is promoted by the amount of kalpa, so Rahu is also using the amount of kalpa to improve himself, and he divides the power of the way of heaven.

Let the final feedback of the prehistoric power of calamity enter Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​and let Da Zi Zai Tian condense the way of heaven!

This is one of Rahu's plans.

Luo Hu came to the pool of Sanguangshen and looked at the water, but the two arowanas in it had disappeared.

In fact, Luo Hu really took those two arowanas as pets.

Cangtian Demon Ancestor came to the pool of Sanguangshen, looked at Luo Hu looking into the pool, and said with a smile, "Brother, why don't you raise two ice glasses?"

Luo Hu let it go, the Heaven Demon Ancestor really thought he wanted to keep a pet.

"Second brother, you know the difference between a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal and a Saint. I want to ask you, which one do you choose to become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal or a Saint?"

Luo Hu looked solemnly at the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

The reason for asking this is because Luo Hu has a very important matter that needs to be done by the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

This is related to the future of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, so Luo Hu let the Heavenly Demon Ancestor choose for himself!

The saint is the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, but the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not a saint!

The Heaven Demon Ancestor knew this truth, so he naturally had to choose the Saint, after all the Saint was the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

It's just that Luo Hu's question must have a deep meaning, and the Demon Ancestor of Heaven fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about the deep meaning of Luo Hu's words.

To become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is enough to cut off the sixth desire. The Demon Ancestor of Heaven has found his opportunity!

So becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is already a certainty.

But to become a saint, one needs the primordial purple energy. Luo Hu has the primordial purple energy in his body, but the Heavenly Demon Ancestor does not know how much primordial purple energy there is.


The Heavenly Demon Ancestor thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the primordial purple energy in Luohu's body is not enough to make the other disciples on Mount Sumeru sanctified. I want to ask, who wants to become a saint?

"Brother, how many primordial purple energy do you have?" Asked the Demon Ancestor of Heaven.

"There are eight ways in total, I have already used one for my brother, and there are seven more!"

Luo Hu had nothing to hide about the Demonic Ancestor of the Sky, after all, there was no need to hide this matter between brothers!

Cangtian Demon Patriarch was shocked, and his eyes were a little lost. He thought of the Zizai Palace preaching, there are seven futons, these should be the true disciples of Luohu, and they should all be sanctified!

At the beginning, Luo Hu promised him a saint, but now it seems...

Luo Hu was startled when he saw the look in the eyes of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, it was a look of disappointment, and he was disappointed in himself!

What the hell?

Luo Hu didn't know what he had disappointed the Heavenly Demon Ancestor!

Suddenly, Luo Hu thought of the question from Cangtian Demon Ancestor just now, and it became clear in his heart, so it is so!

"Second brother, you don't have to think about anything else. The seven futons in Zizai Palace represent the seven personal disciples of the elder brother. That's true, but they won't all be sanctified!" Luo Hu said lightly.

Cangtian Demon Ancestor nodded, and then said: "Becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal is the same as becoming a saint, but there is a little difference in the prehistoric world. Brother, I just need to become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

Luo Hu was overjoyed immediately, and his majestic face showed joy.

"Good, good, good!"

Excited, Luo Hu said hello three times!

Cangtian Demon Ancestor didn't know what Luo Hu meant by this. Could it be that there is no secret to becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal?

"Brother, what's the meaning of this?" Heaven Demon Ancestor asked puzzled.

"Second Brother, if you become a saint, this opportunity will pass you by. If you are not a saint, this opportunity will belong to you!"

Luo Hu knew that he had promised the Demon Ancestor of the Sky to make him a saint, so this time Luo Hu didn't make the decision, he let the Demon Ancestor of the Sky make his own choice!

If the Demonic Ancestor of the Sky insisted on becoming a saint, then Luo Hu would show his primordial purple energy now, because he felt that the Demonic Ancestor of the Sky was about to become a saint!

Now, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor does not want to become a saint, so Luo Hu's next plan can give the Heavenly Demon Ancestor a chance!

Originally, I was thinking of the Supreme Being, but now I think it is more suitable for the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

"As a brother, let you become the way of heaven first."

Luo Hu said lightly.

The Demon Ancestor of Heaven was stunned and looked at Luo Hu. He was completely shocked and became the Dao of Heaven. How is this possible?

How powerful the prehistoric way of heaven is, although he believes in Luo Hu's strength, it is absolutely impossible for Luo Hu to destroy the way of heaven!

So this has become the way of heaven, how to say?

"Brother, what do you mean? Are you going to slaughter the sky?" The Heaven Demon Ancestor looked at Luo Hu in shock!

He is now waiting for a word from Luo Hu, he wants to know the exact answer!

Although Tu Tian may destroy the entire prehistoric world, but Luo Hu insists on doing so, the Heaven Demon Ancestor will definitely go with him!

In the heart of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven, he had already decided secretly.

Luo Hu looked at the eyes of the Azure Demon Ancestor. Although the Azure Demon Ancestor was a little panicked, the determination in the depths of his eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

Luo Hu was very pleased that the Demon Ancestor of Heaven even dared to go with Tu Tian because of him. I have to say, this brother is awesome!

"No, Brother Wei wants you to merge with the Dao of Demon, and then become the Dao of Da Zi Zai Tian. You are the ancestor of the devil, and the Dao of Da Zi Zai Tian. Your good fortune will not be inferior to that of Brother from now on!"

Luo Hu was firm in his thoughts!

If the Celestial Demon Ancestor dared to shed his blood for him, then Luo Hu could also plan a great opportunity for the Celestial Demon Ancestor!

Demons can do whatever they want, and have an upright temperament. As the ancestor of demons, Luohu has such a temperament. Whoever treats him well will be repaid a hundredfold by Luohu!

Luo Hu is the ancestor of the primordial demon, he can completely help the ancestor of the sky merge the demon way, and then become the way of heaven in the Great Freedom!

Of course, if you want to become the Dao of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​you need Da Zi Zai Tian to advance and become Zhongqian World!

Only the Middle Thousand World is eligible to appear in the Dao of Heaven!

Yingzhou Island has already taken shape, and Luo Hu feels that his opportunity is approaching, maybe the five spirit beads are about to gather!

Once the Five Spirit Orbs are gathered together with two chaotic pentaethyl mother gas stones, it will definitely make Da Zi Zai Tian a middle thousand world!

"Brother, why don't you become the Dao of Heaven, wouldn't it increase your strength even more!" said the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

Why didn't Luo Hu want to become the Dao of Da Zi Zai Tian himself, but in this case, Luo Hu's behavior will be greatly restricted!

To become the way of heaven of Dazizaitian is just a way of heaven in a middle-thousand world. In the prehistoric world, one must absolutely obey the way of heaven of the prehistoric world!

How can Rahu obey the way of heaven?

What's more, after becoming the Dao of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​Luo Hu couldn't leave Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​he could only incarnate into the prehistoric world!

If there is no Rahu in this prehistoric world, can the way of magic be maintained?

Will there be magic in this prehistoric world?

Except for Luo Hu, who among the demons can stop Hongjun Daozu and Destiny Patriarch?

If Luo Hu becomes the way of heaven, then the way of magic will definitely be suppressed the next day, and then perish!

"The way of heaven is supreme, the way of heaven is merciless, big brother, if I become the way of heaven, will I still have emotions?" The Demon Ancestor of Heaven was a little worried.

Luo Hu brought the Heaven Demon Ancestor into Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​and the next words cannot be said in Honghuang.

"The Dao of Heaven is divided into three types, one is the Dao of Derived Heaven, that is, the Dao of the Prehistoric Heaven, which has no emotion, let alone consciousness!

The second type is Hedao, which belongs to the false way of heaven. The living beings make up for the lack of the way of heaven. Living beings are not the way of heaven, but the way of heaven is living beings!

The third is to grow the way of heaven. When a small thousand world has just become a middle thousand world, take away the way of heaven and transform it into a body. This kind of way can have emotions and independent consciousness, but there is no way to leave if you don’t reach the big thousand world. The world in which he lives can only be left by incarnation. "

Luo Hu told Cangtian Demon Ancestor everything about the Dao of Heaven. He needs the Demon Ancestor Cangtian to decide whether he wants to become the Dao of Heaven, and Luo Hu will not interfere in any way!

If the Cangtian Demon Ancestor becomes the Dao of Heaven, it will be of great help to the Demon Dao. For the Cangtian Demon Ancestor, it may not be beneficial in a short time.

But in the long run, this is a huge benefit!

Because the future Cangtian Demon Ancestor can be promoted with the promotion of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​and even surpass Rahu one day!

This is chance!

The Demonic Ancestor of Cangtian fell into contemplation. If he becomes the Dao of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​he will definitely merge with the Dao of Demons, so that Da Zi Zai Tian will become the world ruled by the Dao of Demons from now on!

If he is alone, the Heaven Demon Ancestor doesn't care, but he still has two disciples.

Therefore, the Azure Demon Ancestor had to think clearly.

Luo Hu was not in a hurry, he closed his eyes and wandered, just quietly waiting for the Demon Ancestor of Heaven.

One sitting is a thousand years.

"Brother, my little brother is willing to become the Dao of Da Zi Zai Tian. From now on, Yuan'er and Hong'er's cultivation will be entrusted to my brother!" The Demon Ancestor of Heaven said solemnly.

"Second brother, don't worry, you can incarnate in the prehistoric world, but your cultivation base is a bit low, and you can only appear with the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian." Luo Hu said.

Da Luo Jinxian!

Even his own disciples are not as good as him. The Demon Ancestor of Heaven is a little speechless. Brother is also embarrassed to say such things.

Luo Hu asked the ancestors of the Cangtian Demon to go back and continue to practice. He must become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible, so that he can merge with the demon way and become the Dao of Dazizaitian.

Looking at Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​the aura of chaos is abundant.

Luo Hu took out the root of good fortune, and his eyes showed brilliance. The appearance of the root of good fortune gave Luo Hu a better plan!

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